Auctioning a mint condition Ancient Cracked Stag Hide for one of my trusted customers. Bidding starts at 2p, 250g increments. Auction ends saturday 13th of september, 12:00 hours CET.
con: 30
int: 30
body: 6%
spirit: 6%
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Customer, who wishes to remain anonymous, withholds the right to withdraw the item from the auction at any given time, before or after the final date and with or without an offer or offers have been made, no reasons mentioned. Customer will remain anonymous unless customer wishes to reveal his or her identity.
con: 30
int: 30
body: 6%
spirit: 6%
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Customer, who wishes to remain anonymous, withholds the right to withdraw the item from the auction at any given time, before or after the final date and with or without an offer or offers have been made, no reasons mentioned. Customer will remain anonymous unless customer wishes to reveal his or her identity.