Auction of...
Cracked Gear Ring
Rejuv 3
Parry 3
Dex 18
Slash 8%
2x Broken Fragment of Wood and Arcanium
left hand usable slasher
16.2 DPS 3.1 speed 95% Qual
Deep red glow
DW 3
Parry 3
Dex 16
Thrust 7%
95DD energy proc
2x Broken Piston Fragment
Left hand usable Thruster
16.1 Dps 2.6 speed 95% Qual
Deep red glow
DW 3
Critical strike 3
Dex 16
Slash 7%
95DD Heat proc
Giant Barbed Arrow
Thrust Pole
16.2 DPS 5.0 Speed 95% Qual
Striking pointed flame effect
Pole 3
Str 16
HP 44
Crush 8%
95DD Heat Proc
Ring starts 800gp
Slash blades start 100gp
Thrusters Start 100gp
Pole starts 150gp
Bids raise in 50gp blocks and auction finishes Saturday night at midnight UK time. Items to be collected from CS or Diogel.
You can guarentee ownership by bidding any of these set prices :-
Ring 1250gp
Slashers 300gp (or 550gp gets you the pair)
Thrusters 300gp (or 550gp gets you the pair)
Pole 400gp
Contact Hobbes in game for further details.
Cracked Gear Ring
Rejuv 3
Parry 3
Dex 18
Slash 8%
2x Broken Fragment of Wood and Arcanium
left hand usable slasher
16.2 DPS 3.1 speed 95% Qual
Deep red glow
DW 3
Parry 3
Dex 16
Thrust 7%
95DD energy proc
2x Broken Piston Fragment
Left hand usable Thruster
16.1 Dps 2.6 speed 95% Qual
Deep red glow
DW 3
Critical strike 3
Dex 16
Slash 7%
95DD Heat proc
Giant Barbed Arrow
Thrust Pole
16.2 DPS 5.0 Speed 95% Qual
Striking pointed flame effect
Pole 3
Str 16
HP 44
Crush 8%
95DD Heat Proc
Ring starts 800gp
Slash blades start 100gp
Thrusters Start 100gp
Pole starts 150gp
Bids raise in 50gp blocks and auction finishes Saturday night at midnight UK time. Items to be collected from CS or Diogel.
You can guarentee ownership by bidding any of these set prices :-
Ring 1250gp
Slashers 300gp (or 550gp gets you the pair)
Thrusters 300gp (or 550gp gets you the pair)
Pole 400gp
Contact Hobbes in game for further details.