Infernal Black Diamon Necklace 36hits 6body/enegery/thrust - 75g
Infernal Diamon Dusted Cloak 6heat/cold 15int 9str - 75g
2x Twisted Truesilver ring 6str/con 6body/slash - 150g - 1 sold 1 left
AF 51 Cloth Boots - 7body/energy/spirit 16dex - starts at 50g - sold
AF51 Cloth Gloves - 13con 52hits 7matter/energy - starts at 50g - sold
AF51 Cloth Leggings - 2Void 60hits 16dex 7energy - starts at 50g - sold
AF51 Cloth Arms - 16int 16dex 3void 7heat - Starts at 50g - sold
AF51 Cloth Pointy Hat - 13dex 7energy 16con 16int - Starts at 75g - sold
AF51 Cloth Robe - 16dex/con/int 7spirit - starts at 100g - sold
All cloth is 99% and enchanted
Infernal Diamon Dusted Cloak 6heat/cold 15int 9str - 75g
2x Twisted Truesilver ring 6str/con 6body/slash - 150g - 1 sold 1 left
AF 51 Cloth Boots - 7body/energy/spirit 16dex - starts at 50g - sold
AF51 Cloth Gloves - 13con 52hits 7matter/energy - starts at 50g - sold
AF51 Cloth Leggings - 2Void 60hits 16dex 7energy - starts at 50g - sold
AF51 Cloth Arms - 16int 16dex 3void 7heat - Starts at 50g - sold
AF51 Cloth Pointy Hat - 13dex 7energy 16con 16int - Starts at 75g - sold
AF51 Cloth Robe - 16dex/con/int 7spirit - starts at 100g - sold
All cloth is 99% and enchanted