Lots of items for sale...
All drops are 100%con/dur... bonus is not listed for the jewellery/cloaks has it as no effect
Bidding Ends Thursday at 8pm BST meet at Caer Diogel
Bidding starts at 50g each for normal drops with increments of 50g.
Bidding starts at 25g each for ROG drops with increments of 25g.
Ancient relic of the church - Gem - 95% qual - 54Util
3 Parry
3 Rejuvination
40 Hits
7% Thrust
2 x Deflector of discordant soul - Small shield - 95% qual - 25% bonus - 50.3Util
3 Instruments
16 Charisma
16 Dexterity
7% Crush
10/10 64DoT charges
Tinctor family seal - Ring - 94% qual - Level 42item - 46Util
3 Parry
3Dual Wield
24 Hits
5% Thrust
Vengeful trapped soul - Gem - 95% qual - 54Util
3 Flexible
3 Soulrending
40 Hits
7% Thrust
Spiritbender hooded mantle - 99% Qual
15 Dexterity
26 Hits
3 Slash
8% Spirit
Soul watcher hodded mantle - 99% Qual
4% Energy
4 Deathsight
5% Slash
10 Constitution
Arcane cloak - 99% Qual
7 Power
6% Matter
18 Constitution
23 Hits
Iceborn cloak - 97% Qual
6% Energy
4 Cold magic
16 Intelligence
1% Crush
Rejuvenating cloak - 96% Qual
6% Matter
1% Heat
16 Strength
4 Rejuvenation
Energybender wrap - 99% qual
9% Energy
14 Hits
5% Spirit
4 Thrust
Earthshaker wrap - 92% qual
5 Smiting
9 Hits
7 Quickness
7 Strength
Insightful wrap - 97% qual
12 Quickness
16 Intelligence
32 Hits
3 Body magic
Bluntbender wrap - 94% qual
40 Hits
2 Death servant
8% Crush
6 Quickness
Thrustbender wrap - 98% qual
16 Strength
29 Hits
9% Thrust
2% Spirit
Arcane wrap - 99% qual
2 Mind magic
13 Hits
10 power
9 Intelligence
Bodybender Bracelet - 95% qual
6% Body
6% Cold
32 Hits
15 Dexterity
Edgebender gem - 95% qual
10% Slash
5% Thrust
4% Spirit
2% Matter
Insightful choker - 97% qual
21 Intelligence
5 Power
25 Hits
6% Matter
Fortifying choker - 96% qual
5% Matter
6% Crush
28 Hits
22 Constitution
Honed choker - 94% qual
14 Hits
4 Slash
13 Quickness
3 Shield
All drops are 100%con/dur... bonus is not listed for the jewellery/cloaks has it as no effect
Bidding Ends Thursday at 8pm BST meet at Caer Diogel
Bidding starts at 50g each for normal drops with increments of 50g.
Bidding starts at 25g each for ROG drops with increments of 25g.
Ancient relic of the church - Gem - 95% qual - 54Util
3 Parry
3 Rejuvination
40 Hits
7% Thrust
2 x Deflector of discordant soul - Small shield - 95% qual - 25% bonus - 50.3Util
3 Instruments
16 Charisma
16 Dexterity
7% Crush
10/10 64DoT charges
Tinctor family seal - Ring - 94% qual - Level 42item - 46Util
3 Parry
3Dual Wield
24 Hits
5% Thrust
Vengeful trapped soul - Gem - 95% qual - 54Util
3 Flexible
3 Soulrending
40 Hits
7% Thrust
Spiritbender hooded mantle - 99% Qual
15 Dexterity
26 Hits
3 Slash
8% Spirit
Soul watcher hodded mantle - 99% Qual
4% Energy
4 Deathsight
5% Slash
10 Constitution
Arcane cloak - 99% Qual
7 Power
6% Matter
18 Constitution
23 Hits
Iceborn cloak - 97% Qual
6% Energy
4 Cold magic
16 Intelligence
1% Crush
Rejuvenating cloak - 96% Qual
6% Matter
1% Heat
16 Strength
4 Rejuvenation
Energybender wrap - 99% qual
9% Energy
14 Hits
5% Spirit
4 Thrust
Earthshaker wrap - 92% qual
5 Smiting
9 Hits
7 Quickness
7 Strength
Insightful wrap - 97% qual
12 Quickness
16 Intelligence
32 Hits
3 Body magic
Bluntbender wrap - 94% qual
40 Hits
2 Death servant
8% Crush
6 Quickness
Thrustbender wrap - 98% qual
16 Strength
29 Hits
9% Thrust
2% Spirit
Arcane wrap - 99% qual
2 Mind magic
13 Hits
10 power
9 Intelligence
Bodybender Bracelet - 95% qual
6% Body
6% Cold
32 Hits
15 Dexterity
Edgebender gem - 95% qual
10% Slash
5% Thrust
4% Spirit
2% Matter
Insightful choker - 97% qual
21 Intelligence
5 Power
25 Hits
6% Matter
Fortifying choker - 96% qual
5% Matter
6% Crush
28 Hits
22 Constitution
Honed choker - 94% qual
14 Hits
4 Slash
13 Quickness
3 Shield