3.5s offhand usable sidi mace/hammer thingy
4crush 4dw 15str 22qui, 56point str/con debuff proc, deep blue with a red flashing glow it looks like a warhammer thats been on a diet. too slow for a traditional merc offhander setup but i think 2 of these could work quite nicely or make a nice pally/hybrid arms defence tool
...the debuff knocked ~300hp off an sc'd paladin fyi
on the FC CM /houseface 402, dalton, for 5p atm.
if you dont wanna pay quite that much post your offers here.
EDIT: Price now 5p.
4crush 4dw 15str 22qui, 56point str/con debuff proc, deep blue with a red flashing glow it looks like a warhammer thats been on a diet. too slow for a traditional merc offhander setup but i think 2 of these could work quite nicely or make a nice pally/hybrid arms defence tool
...the debuff knocked ~300hp off an sc'd paladin fyi
on the FC CM /houseface 402, dalton, for 5p atm.
if you dont wanna pay quite that much post your offers here.
EDIT: Price now 5p.