[WTS]Assorted Drops



A number of items, currently being held in the FC guild vault, are available for sale.

To purchase any item on the list, PM me in-game as Alithiel, Xanetia, Avellana or Alythiel, and I will log on the vault-bot (at Castle Sauvage) to sell things to you. Items will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis in-game. I am usually online from around 19:00 UK time (GMT / BST whatever :p ) if you want to make sure you're online to have first shout at any item! ;)

Happy shopping!

Stiletto of Soulshade: 500g
Dps 16.1, spd 2.7, Left hand weildable
Thrust +3, Stealth +2, Str +15, Qui +7
Self BT proc
Qua 94%

Saeor’s Sword: 350g Sold out
Dps 16.2, spd 3.0, Left hand weildable
Hits +30, Slash +5, Cha +7
64dmg DoT proc
Qua 94%

Firey Chest Splitter: 350g
Dps 16.1, spd 4.7
Thrust +3, 2h +3, Con +13, Qui +6
Self haste proc
Qua 94%

Baln’s Mephitic Budgeoner: 200g
Dps 16.1, spd 2.9, Left hand wieldable
Dual Wield +3, Parry +3, Str +10, Qui +9
56 dex/qui debuff proc
Qua 94%

Saeor’s Firey Hammer: 200g
Dps 16.1, spd 3.7
Hits +30, Crush +5, Str +7
64dmg DoT proc
Qua 94%

Adremel’s Avernal Impaler: 200g Sold out
Dps 16.2, spd 5.5
Thrust +3, Polearm +3, Str +10, Qui +9
71dmg Heat DD
Qua 94%

Oro’s Shield of the Forsaken: 200g
Hits +42, Pie +21, Body 12%
95dmg Heat DD
Qua 94%

Twisted Evil Emerald Sceptre: 200g
Dps 16.2, spd 4.0
Int +15, Power +5, 50 Body and Spirit Focus
10* Charges 331dmg Cold DD
Qua 94%

Rod of the Soulshade: 200g
Dps 16.2, spd 3.5
Int +28, Power +4
5* Charges 331dmg Cold DD
Qua 94%

Oro’s Sleeves of Balefire: 200g
Leather armour, af 100
Dex +13, Str +13, Qui +13, Body 12%
52 Health regen proc
Qua 94%

Oro’s Helm of Fiery Might: 200g
Chain armour, af 100
Str +21, Cha +21, Cold 10%
52 Health regen proc
Qua 94%

Daemon Fire Necklace: 200g
Hits +51, Cha +15
2* Charges 65dmg Lifedrain proc
Qua 94%

Kobil’s Firey Gauntlets: 50g
Plate armour, af 98
Qui +15, Str +15
Self damage shield
Qua 90%

Kobil’s Firey Seal: 25g
Dex +10, Qui +10
2* Charges 20 sec Damage Shield

Dommel’s Firey Gauntlets: 50g
Chain armour, af 98
Dex +15, Qui +15
Self damage shield
Qua 90%

Dommel’s Incendiary Seal: 25g
Con +10, Str +10
2* Charges 64dmg DoT proc


I want this one:
Stiletto of Soulshade: 350g
Dps 16.1, spd 2.7, Left hand weildable
Thrust +3, Stealth +2, Str +15, Qui +7
Self BT proc
Qua 94%

see you later today


Originally posted by alithiel50

Baln’s Mephitic Budgeoner: 200g
Dps 16.1, spd 2.9, Left hand wieldable
Dual Wield +3, Parry +3, Str +10, Qui +9
56 dex/qui debuff proc
Qua 94%

Saeor’s Firey Hammer: 200g
Dps 16.1, spd 3.7
Hits +30, Crush +5, Str +7
64dmg DoT proc
Qua 94%

i'll be on later today :)


Saeor’s Sword: 350g
Dps 16.2, spd 3.0, Left hand weildable
Hits +30, Slash +5, Cha +7
64dmg DoT proc
Qua 94%

This one got a nice black glow right? :) if so i'll take it, wont be on till around 6pm though ;/ nerf work!


Several items currently sold out... ;)

Now get DF open so I can do some more raids and get some more stock!


A couple of new items added, and a couple of others back in stock! ;)



And Restart, I still have a Saoer's sword if you're still interested... tried to get hold of you a few times, but haven't seen you online. ;)


Haven't been online at all for a good few days now, have been fairly busy, will try to catch ya whenever i'm online. But if someone else wants it before i get hold of you then don't save it for me or anything :)


A few new items added and others restocked...


Originally posted by alithiel50

Kobil’s Firey Gauntlets: 50g
Plate armour, af 98
Qui +15, Str +15
Self damage shield
Qua 90%

Kobil’s Firey Seal: 50g
Dex +10, Qui +10
2* Charges 20 sec Damage Shield

please :)


I'll be in-game next on Sunday evening... PM me any time and I can log on the loot-bot (which is on my second account) whenever you're around CS.

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