Theurgist epic 1p Armsman epic 1.5p Contact me ingame on Ardok or Elyand on irc
E elyand Guest Jul 9, 2003 #1 Theurgist epic 1p Armsman epic 1.5p Contact me ingame on Ardok or Elyand on irc
A arx Guest Jul 9, 2003 Thread starter #2 if everything is 100% dur 100% con etc etc never used and al lthat ill give u 2p for both suits, else jsut 1p for the therg armour
if everything is 100% dur 100% con etc etc never used and al lthat ill give u 2p for both suits, else jsut 1p for the therg armour
E elyand Guest Jul 10, 2003 Thread starter #3 ...... ill contact you ingame when i wake up, well set the deal :>