WTS accessories uv 44 => 53



Bladeblocker bracelet +4parry+19constitution+16quick+5%thrust uv:53,3
400 golds
Fortifying bracelet 22 constit+19 quick+10dex+7%thrust UV : 48
200 golds
Razored Wrap (ring) UV: 57 and 52 without the +1 celtic spear
100 gold
+ 6blade+ 2celtic dual+ 1 celtic spear+ 6% crush
I sell hawk wrap (ring) UV 51,4 for ranger :
250 golds
+5 recurve bow+4 stealth+7dexterity+7hp
Hawk gem UV : 52
250 golds
+4 recurve bow, + 8% matter+ 15 constitution+ 3% spirit
Razored cloack(unhooded) 5blades, 25hp,3%heat,5%crush uv:47,3
150 golds

UV 45- for 50 golds :

Lancenator Gem UV:43,5
+5 piercing,+15 strength+10hp+3% crush

Bluntbender Gem UV : 44
startbid 50 golds, buyout 100 golds
+ 15 constitution+9 quickness+9% crush+ 5% heat

Arcane bracelet UV : 46
startbid 50 golds, buyout 100 golds
+9 power+15 empathy+12 constitution+2 parry

Answer here and i send u in game or pm me.

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