[WTS] 99% Crafted SC/Procced Sword/Axe



Hiya, since I'm using my MP weaps now I have my spares that I'm going to sell...

1h 99% arcanium dwarven short sword
16.5dps - 3.0spd
con/dur/bonus: 100/100/35
DoT: 64 dmg (procs off hit)
SC: sword 4 - quickness 10 - slash 7% - thrust 5%

1h 99% arcanium hand axe (usable left-hand)
15.0dps - 2.4spd
con/dur/bonus: 100/100/35
DoT: 64 dmg (procs off hit)
SC: sword 3 - strength 13 - energy 5% - matter 7%

My reliable yet evil source Foadon tells me I should start at 200g for the sword and 100g for the axe.

Bid incraments of 50g, I reserve the right not to sell and I'll also decide who to sell them too, cheers. :)

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