[[WTS]] 6 WoW Drops



[[WTS]] 6 WoW Drops ***UPDATED*** BOI / Belt of Glacial Might

Updated and added the following 2:

Band of Ice

Constitution: 13 pts
Cold Resist: 6%
Heat Resist: 6%
Spirit Resist: 6%


Belt of Glacial Might

Constitution: 13 pts
Strength: 15 pts
Crush Resist: 6%
Slash Resist: 6%


Double-Bladed Ice Razor Axe

Damage Type: Slash
DPS: 16.20
Delay: 4.00
Magical Bonuses:

Strength: 9 pts
Axe: +5 pts
Cold Resist: 4%
Parry: +2 pts

Magical Ability:
Function: Damage Shield
Damage: 5
Target: Self
Duration: 15 sec
Cast Time: instant


Frozen Tundra Walker's Mantle

Magical Bonuses:

Constitution: 13 pts
Strength: 13 pts
Cold Resist: 8%
Heat Resist: 8%

Magical Ability:
Function: Imp Stat Buff
str/con Increase: 75
Target: Self
Duration: 10 min
Cast Time: 2.00 sec

Charges: 2


Necklace of Hoarfrost

Magical Bonuses:

Hits: 78 pts

Magical Ability:
Function: Imp Stat Buff
Value: 75
Duration: 10 min
Cast Time: instant

Charges: 2


Icebound Warshield

Magical Bonuses:

Constitution: 13 pts
Strength: 13 pts
Shields: +7 pts

Magical Ability:
Function: Direct Damage
Damage: 97
Target: Targetted
Range: 1500
Power Cost: 33
Cast Time: 2.00 sec
Damage Type: Cold


Ice Bone Prey Killer

Magical Bonuses:

Dexterity: 9 pts
Quickness: 7 pts
Composite Bow: +5 pts
Stealth: +1 pts

Magical Ability:
Function: Direct Damage
Damage: 95
Target: Targetted
Range: 1500
Cast Time: 2.60 sec
Damage Type: Cold

Charges: 5


Ring of Hoarfrost

Magical Bonuses:

Charisma: 9 pts
Constitution: 9 pts
Piety: 9 pts
Strength: 9 pts

Magical Ability:
Function: Direct Damage
Damage: 97
Target: Targetted
Range: 1500
Cast Time: 2.60 sec
Damage Type: Cold

Charges: 1


any interest? if so leave bids :p

Madonion Slicer

Double-Bladed Ice Razor Axe

gimme gimme gimme


lol, if i knew these drops were worth so little i wouldent have bothered famring him 4 times and loosing fraction. woulda been better in df getting seals lol

anyway, if thats all there worth i wont bother selling, just keep em in vault untill someone can get some use from them, or offer a decent price :p


np, ill go farm one myself then ;)

but really, wow drops cant (except for the belt) be used for anything but leveling - have been salvaging wow weapon drops for ages now :)

Wont pay any higher considering the quality ;)


any ideas whats worth farming then with a summ spec sm, 2 shammys and a healer?

tried TG, that didnt work out to well, tried wraiths for BOI, killed about a billion of them without a drop. killed 4 wows over the weekend but as you say, the drops dont seem to be worth much. tried TH, but that place and sm pets really dont work well together to say the least.

running out of places now other than the usual DF seal farm session, that gets a bit boring tho :(


updated with BOI and belt of glacial might etc :p


closes 8pm GMT tonight, will contact those who won stuff in game after then.


belt sold 1 hr early

too good an offer not to sell, added, another BOI

thats 2 bois still available :)


also adding right not to sell if under certain price etc.... as i dont want very low bids on things that are obviously worth more lol

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