4.5p pm me ingame.
O ola- Guest Oct 21, 2003 Thread starter #3 Think I'll buy it, cant find you ingame atm.. PM me on irc as Ola| or ingame as Ola or Midanna or Cesillie
Think I'll buy it, cant find you ingame atm.. PM me on irc as Ola| or ingame as Ola or Midanna or Cesillie
B boni_ofdavoid Guest Oct 22, 2003 Thread starter #4 /bump still need a buyer with 4.5p right now. Would cost over 5p from merchents so an ok deal for you ACers/WCers out there needing large amounts of arcanite. Not splitting it or selling in part for now.
/bump still need a buyer with 4.5p right now. Would cost over 5p from merchents so an ok deal for you ACers/WCers out there needing large amounts of arcanite. Not splitting it or selling in part for now.