WTF is our problem...



Well im sad to say that i have noticed ego sickness spreading in albion... Seems like most of us is only thinking of themselves and dont think about the good for the whole realm instead of your own RP's.

To day for example... there were lots of mids at amg in emain but we werent outnumbered. In fact i think we were more than them, but we got owned. why? Well one of the reasons is our rezzers... I died several times in the room between the doors in amg but do i get a rezz??? no.
There were clerics,friars,pallys in there several times but noone took the time to rezz. They were all to occupied with other things like trying to get that smite off while the doors were open and when they were closed they sat down and rested instead of casting a rezz which takes about 4 secs. Im sure your classes are good but you cant fight this war alone. U have to keep the rest of us alive.
I had to wait there untill i got auto released and since im lvl 40 that is 40 min...

Another thing that made us lose was that when we decided to charge, half of the army charged and the rest of us chicked out.
Dont be so afraid to die. When you die you buy time for someone else so that he can whack the guy that just killed you. Once again... stop fighting for your own RP's and fight for the glory of albion instead.

This is just 2 examples but i think many of us have noticed our little problem. We have to work on this and it will be hard but im sure that if ppl forget their ego we can once again bring glory to Albion. :clap:


Uhm, I saw rezzing all around, I was either laying dead on the other side of the wall in their caster line or rezzing people myself. Never burned so much mana as tonight. Fact is that its damn hard to rezz in the wall zone when there are several middies casting aoe spells on the area and hunters taking shots at you.

GM <Exiled>


good example of how much some people seem to care of there own rp's etc than the realm is . i logged in tonight done a /who emain i got 85 reults back . that was about 11-30 maybe midnight atlatest i logged in at excaliber and there was NOBODY aoround at all .i was very shocked to c so many people in emain and nobody scouting relic . after 30-60 mins of me camping there vana turned up to scout also and also a lower lvl cleric sijisi or summin like that . its just silly that at that time of night we had nbody guarding relic , sure somebody might of been at hadrains but my /who pennines and /who hadrians didnt bring back any resuslts . yea might of been /anon . but fact is its no wonder we get our relics taken when far to many people would rather spend ALL night in emain rather than spend 10-15 mins or more running upto excaliber and checking it out .i prolly spend at least 3-4 hrs sometimes more a day art excaliber watching for inc . and i think others should make reguler visits to excaliber also .

as for the rezzing concern above i agree with you . ive seen pally/cleric friars running past corpses 1000's of times just in the hope of getting a cple more rps .
as for charging it should be agreed a charge is gonna take place . a lot of times ive heard somebody say charge they charge straight away , they dont look behind and see if anybody is following them ,i think the main reason peoiple dont charge is.... most the time if we have the wall and a middy or 2 is spotted in the area of the mill a small portion ofalbs will chase them and thus spittin army and getting ganked . whilst the ones at wall think "cxant be assed chasing them . they to far away and we wont catch em . or they say lol those dumb newbs are gonna die so i aint chasing them .. so if a stand off is at a head some peeps might have same atitude , or if somebody shouts charge they might not recognise the person calling the charge as the leader thus staying there awaiting orders from person whos taken charge , for example if i was in a alb army and mids had wall . and Mad was leading army . and somebody who wasnt leading shouted CHARGE i wouldnt charge at all . id wait for say so of leader . although io agree again that there are a lot of albs who do seem scared of getting ganked . or stay back in hope of being able to make a run for it if we die .

Bleri McThrust

Originally posted by Gwandyn
but we got owned. why? Well one of the reasons is our rezzers... I died several times in the room between the doors in amg but do i get a rezz??? no.
There were clerics,friars,pallys in there several times but noone took the time to rezz. They were all to occupied with other things like trying to get that smite off while the doors were open and when they were closed they sat down and rested instead of casting a rezz which takes about 4 secs.

Cant agree sorry. Speaking for my own group we tried ressing all the people within the doors and on other side. Although we got many we couldnt get all.

Erren would approach into range with me trying my hardest to protect her. She would then get a couple of resses off b4 we died, once actually made 4 :). Then it would be wait for ress for ourselves, easier as we were within range of more people, regen and back again.

If we didnt get you Im sorry but we wernt trying for any individuals, just trying to get as many up as possible. Must say I felt the encouragement for ressers wasnt there last night though :(


Well you dont have to stand in the "room" and take hits from the AE to rezz. Just wait untill the doors are open and rezz from the alb side instead of smiting.

Ok yesterday was a bit hard cause we had lots of deaths but still... I was dead in a place that really aint that hard to rezz and i dident get a rezz in 40 mins.

And the charges was pretty much agreed upon... we had no real leader but most of the high lvls shoulted that we should get ready for charge etc but only half the army followed. When you see the army move you should move to...


Originally posted by Organ-Grinder

or if somebody shouts charge they might not recognise the person calling the charge as the leader thus staying there awaiting orders from person whos taken charge , for example if i was in a alb army and mids had wall . and Mad was leading army . and somebody who wasnt leading shouted CHARGE i wouldnt charge at all . id wait for say so of leader .

i do not post here so, only reads, so i have not any sign or anything....

Leader in emain?? what is that?
When we are fighting in emain there is no leader, never will be. you might have some friends, a chatgroup having scouts scouting, but there will never be any leader in emain. it is a battle zone. Relic attacks and keeps. there you need leader(you can handle it without at keepraid...) but not emain :D .

And ppl that do not rez.... of course u do not rez if you fear that you are doomed, but if there is no real danger, or just a litle bit, then u go and rez. clerics have no reason going to emain if they are not gonna rez, smiting is not that good :D (a lvl 4x wizzi myself). and pal and friar must rez or we can never win any smal battles.

when i read what i have written i see it makes no sence, but i am posting anyway :clap: :clap: :clap: :m00: :m00:


i have to say, albion are crap on charges....

I was there the other night, i thought enough is enough...

i shouted



i got back several replies,

i shouted


i saw a load of tanks come forward



middis have a giggle as a single minstrel runs out and starts attacking them....


Originally posted by Arctic

i do not post here so, only reads, so i have not any sign or anything....

Leader in emain?? what is that?
When we are fighting in emain there is no leader, never will be. you might have some friends, a chatgroup having scouts scouting, but there will never be any leader in emain. it is a battle zone. Relic attacks and keeps. there you need leader(you can handle it without at keepraid...) but not emain :D .

And ppl that do not rez.... of course u do not rez if you fear that you are doomed, but if there is no real danger, or just a litle bit, then u go and rez. clerics have no reason going to emain if they are not gonna rez, smiting is not that good :D (a lvl 4x wizzi myself). and pal and friar must rez or we can never win any smal battles.

when i read what i have written i see it makes no sence, but i am posting anyway :clap: :clap: :clap: :m00: :m00:

u musnt goto emain much then cos ive seen somebody taking charge of a large alb army many times . and not just for relic/keeps raids , and im sure manyother people have seen sombody taking charge of frontier battles . battles of all sorts should have leaders giving tactics how to overcome enemy .


if we have the wall and mids/hibs are in the bowl valley and there is a face of . all the higher lvls stealth classes stealth around the back of the enemy . whilst ourtanks form a front line and casters/healers behind the tanks . on the word of the person leading raid tanks charge forward with the casters runing into range to nuke from . at that time the hib/mid casters/arhcers start shooting on the tanks and casters from alb . they stealthers from behind kill/mezz the casters from behind thus taking a major important part of enemy army away .
cos imo without there casters mezzing and nuking hibs suck big time and would get ganked everytime they got charged . cos al they seem to do is mezz mezz mezz . then nuke nuke nuke . and send in pets/tanks to finish of whats left .


also there should be a chat group set up everytime . and not just between the uber players who are all lvl 50 . 1 member from each grp and the scouts to gather intel on enemy positions etc etc . imo to many folks run around in small grps of high lvls and dont seem to give a toss about the lower lvls . this server is starting to become the realm of armys . theres not much need for small grps running around now . cos as we have all seen mids/hibs travel in large groups hence obliterating all small alb grps they see . this is why we need to get organised on battlefield also as well as on raids on keeps/relics .


Originally posted by Organ-Grinder

u musnt goto emain much then cos ive seen somebody taking charge of a large alb army many times

well i have not been there for about 1 week because i am starting to feel the game sucks :D .
But i have been doing RvR alot, from beta release to now, started to do RvR on retail with my main at lvl 19 :p , but that was not so much to kill ppl. I am sick of all ppl that only destroy what you are doing, so i travel solo with my wizard instaid of hanging around main group. why? because i do not want anyone to come and break my roots and so on.

If leader is someone you call "/y Charge" then you have alot of them there :)


for some reason this "not rezzing" is something of lately.
Was killed in emain one night, lay down for quite a while looking at clerics that were standing a few feet from my body, smiting their asses of.... :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Paranoid
i have to say, albion are crap on charges....

I was there the other night, i thought enough is enough...

i shouted



i got back several replies,

i shouted


i saw a load of tanks come forward



middis have a giggle as a single minstrel runs out and starts attacking them....

Tried that once as Fing :) we were running back and forth... hibs were behind the mile gate I wanted us to charge them and get into close range to their casters and do some damage.... we'd probably not have won but it might have been fun :)

Of course everyone but me decides to hide on the hill next to the gate rather than charging, double doors open I go 'raaar' and notice I'm the only one there...

oh well :) was fun.

Edit: Just so you know, it was about 16 of us max... against about 20odd hibs. And people were all agreeing 'lets take the mile gate' just they pulled back at the last moment :) I wasn't yelling orders at 100 assorted levellers or anything - I wouldn't have expected anyone to follow in that case.

Everyone values their life in RvR too much :) all this PvE gives people this fear of death which has no place in RvR (well only some place) :)


There is a problem in albion tactics:
It only consists of the word 'CHARGE!!!'

-followed by flaming on the boards why ppl didnt do this or that.

(Yes, I'm whining, but im getting sick and tired of everyone whining about the lack of leadership, coherency etc etc, so i decided to whine a bit too).


i whine to that :D :D

this leadership thing aint leading. a complete morron can say charge, so go ahead:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: , i will read the battle ground and act as i need to act


you fell in bad luck mate as a merc i die a lot hehe usually get rezzed only once did a frair for lord knows what reason run past me and did not rezz.


kinda agree with the alb tactics suck no ever heard of retreating and pulling them to us????? you see when your charging #1 your at casters mercy they target and are smacking away on mez and bolts aes etc soon as youve CHARGED into range boom your hit with everything all the casters have maybe some better tactics might work i duno im not a big emainer id rather go rp farm atmt collery , cruchean , yggdra or upplands i live for more than 30 secs there :)


Well ... sometimes a charge is good... sometimes not :)

If the idea is to close distance and reduce their range advantage then a charge is a good thing.

If you're charging over a muddy field towards a numerically superior foe who have lots of axes and close range pointy things it's probably a bad thing... :)

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