wtf have i done to deserve being called a lame twat?

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firstly..i dont like whines and name calling..i personally dont like posting here much..because every time i post here..i seem to have to defend myself of some sort..(yes it is the real stt, not my bro :p ) and yes im posting here to defend myself as being called a lame twat isnt very nice indeed..

Mr Xplo posted a few threads ago about the repec stone that i brought from a player (Alara of Corropation) who won the stone ligitamately after the raid (from lotto)..the story goes like this..

the 1st dragon which we raided, we were allocated 1 respec stone for the group that was there to kill the 1st dragon..(yes Mr Xplo have been moaning, whining and shouting since the group had formed that he wanted a ra repec stone if we do allocated 1, no 1 in group have agreed on that as far as im aware..what r we to do? tell him to stfu? no we far as im aware..the group consist of well behaved and matured players..)

the thing i want to make clear is Mr Xplo has no right what so ever to claim anything as a given right..all players that attended the raid have = right for any drops allocated to the group..yes i do mean even lvl 40 has the i right?

(about 1 hour later) after the the 1st dragon was killed (while G/Ls are busy sorting out the drops) the dragon re popped..(at this point, they are only 4 players left in our group as others have logged long ago) ok albs (we) procede to go in and bashed it..horay..more stones..this time after 2 hours of lotto..we got a ra respec stone (was not won under on lotto {i didnt win anything at lotto}, it's a stone that allocated to each group that killed the 2nd dragon.

as i mentioned that there were only 4 players involved killing the 2nd dragon in our group, i took the initial step to lotto the ra respec stone as all 4 players are still online..i had made it absorlutly clear b4 the lotto that who ever won this stone will FORFEIT the right to lotto the skill respec stone..all agreed and went ahead..random 100..with Alara comes out clear on top..her argument..(at this point if u tell me that Alara had no right to lotto then i ll shut up and u can bitch me all u want) no any point that Alara forfeit the right to lotto..she won the lotto, her stone, she can do whatever she wanted to it...use it? sell it? give it away? drop it on the floor...up to her..

now then..this is all where all the bitching begins..Mr Xplo lost the lotto, he didnt get the stone he wanted he made an offer to buy the stone from argument there..he made the offer (i have no idea what he bid).. in fact, it maybe me who actually made the 1st Mr Xplo was half expected that the stone will be given to him..(only Alara will know)..Alara thought about the offers or 15 minutes..after consulting her guild m8s i beleive..she beleived that mine was a more attractive she sold me the stone..

ok, now what is the fecking problem here? what the feck have i done wrong? i did the lotto as best and as fair as i can..u can not call me cheat or biased..its totally..totally fair..what the fook am i being called lame..twat ..for? why is my name all over bw as lame..a twat..?what action i took to deserve this bitching?

i took 20 minutes to write this post to defend myself because being called a twat is totally unjustified..Mr Xplo wanted a ra respec..fine i can live with that..i also wanted 3 respec stones..3 ra spec do 300-400 players that went along to the raid..can u live with that? (most of albs knows that i have 4 lvl 50s to play with)..most players wont get a repect stone as every1 knows..its all down to the throw of a dice (sorry Mr Xplo, as a unlucky bastard that u were..u didnt win it this fook off and better luck next time) ..i didnt get any rerspec stone on the raids (yes include the aussie's 1) (not yet anyway and fingers crossed)..i brought this 1 off a player who won it with MY own bitch me..

please feel free to support me or bitch me if u feel i have done wrong..everything i wrote above were true to the every single word..if u doubt u can ask Alara to confirm glad that Alara won the lotto actually..if Mr Xplo had won the lotto, fine everything will be rosey..if i on the other hand, had won the affride that the bitching will be much much worse...

Mr Sissyfoo

"That sucks. Hardly surprising though. "

wtf does that means? is it directed to me personally or in-directly to my guild? because i know that u have a problem with Gol or 2 in the pass..

if its directed to me..fine..i can take critisium...whats "That sucks" refer to? what sucks in ur opinion?

"Hardly surprising though" ? eh? what? ur tone sounds as though i have ripped off the lotto? have i? stand up and tell me wtf i done wrong? be a man..if not then i suggest u to go back in ur hole, read the facts..get to know the other side of the story be4 u bitch..this is not a bitch thread..people actually attack me personally..most die hard players knows who im..i still comand a very little bit (even though i dont play that offen now) of respect when i do play the game after the long hard 2 years..i personally think that i deserve an apology from somebody..i will not let my reputation goes tatars..but eh..this is BW..

and yes i ll fight this to the bitter end..

and for the a unlucky bastard that u are Mr Xplo..u also have no chance for the respec stone with the group too..i want to make sure ever1 knows that..after the ra respec stone was lottoed..we agreed that because we all have different guild and maybe every hard to get together 3 (Xplo, Marillion and me) started the group lotto for the skill respec stone rolling..Marillion rolled 23, Xplo 61 and i its up to others in the group to beat my score..(Alara was true to her word that she will stay out after she had won the RA respec stone..)..she also has screen shot of the lotto if u doubt it...

now ive finished my part of the story..feel free to offer ur opinions..and thank u for reading such a long and boring thread..


At the end of the day, they make it worse for themselves. Next time you will know not to invite the kids to a group for any type of raid :)

I have my list of kids, and i keep it close to my chest.

You did nothing wrong. So chill.


Why the hell do folks have to enter lotto for respec stones they dont want?

Sadly its only going to get worse.

stt_tts_sst youve been around more than long enough to know no matter what you do folks will whine. The easy fix is just to ignore them if (as usual) theyre whining for no good reason.


1. I'm not a kid.
2. I was pissed because I went on a 5 hour raid for shit.
3. I'm going inactive and do dragon raids till I get a stone.


Originally posted by xplo
I was pissed because I went on a 5 hour raid for shit.


If every player thought like that raids would never happen.

You didn't do it 'for shit'. Some of your realm mates got a drop that will make them, and the realm more effective!

What's the problem?


Originally posted by xplo
1. I'm not a kid.
2. I was pissed because I went on a 5 hour raid for shit.
3. I'm going inactive and do dragon raids till I get a stone.


well soemtimes u win and sometimes u lsoe =)


1. I'm not a kid.
2. I was pissed because I went on a 5 hour raid for shit.
3. I'm going inactive and do dragon raids till I get a stone.

1. I'm not a kid.- er ok, ur not a kid..i wouldnt have known that..thats for others who had read the original post that u have made to judge, but why are u acting like a 8 years old kid? what is your point to post here? where will it get u by whining, moaning and bitching about a lotto that u didnt win?..

by posting here which will have a direct link effect to the char u play at excal..hope u understand that, from now on, whenever u log ur char Xplo on ecxal..1/2 of the population in albs will inmediately known u as a complete moron who whine, bitch and moan in bw forum because he didnt get what he wanted from a dragon raid..(if ur a 8 years old kid, yes i can understand that..but since u compeletly deny thats u a kid)..i ll let others be the judge..

from my memory..i dont think i have ever grouped with u (Xplo) b4...after this episode..i dont think i ll ever likely to group with u again..u may think "ah..see if i give a shite" thats totally fine by purpose on posting here is to clear my name..i think i have managed that by the reply u posted here..i can still hold my head high when i log on to excal...same thing cant be said bout u now..

2. I was pissed because I went on a 5 hour raid for shit - ok u went for a 5 hour raid and get shit..are u the only 1 that went on a 5 hour raid and got shit? tell me that the other 300 pepole went on the raid and got respec stone for their efford then come back here and whine, bitch and moan all u like..

hell...i went on a 5 hour dragon raid and got shit from this raid (as yet i still hold a chance from the respec stone lotto :)..i did attend the raid like other 300 i do have every right to lotto for the stone..remember i brought this ra respec stone and not won it any way..
hell...i went on to 10, 15, 20...dragon raids b4 patch 1.60 and got shit...
hell...i went on to 20, 30, 40 ...legend raids b4 patch 1.60 and only ever got a staff (gimpy drop) and a bt proc thruster (i think its a prince drop..its not even a legend drop..) i ever post here to whine, moan and bitch about it..make ur own conclusion..
hell..yeah i ll still go to raids whenever posible..but i doubt that u ll get anymore invitation to go to oragnised raids after what u have posted here..

3. I'm going inactive and do dragon raids till I get a stone.- omfg..get a grip with yourself, grow up..going inactive will only hurt urself..what do u think this action will do for u? force 3/4 of albs to presure me to hand over the stone to u? what god given right do u have to claim that stone to be urs? if u do go inactive..i would say "hooray..1 less whining (kid?) to deal with on a oranised raid..i doubt u ll get any orangnised raid invitation to raids anyway..oh well..its ur account..u can do whatever u like..


We gonna have a lot of these silly and stupid complaints each time with those lotto it for a FG thing... Do it guildwise...


You've got my support, SST. I remember seeing your purple con sorcerer as a lowbie at the CS pad, and then your orange con scout at the 1st tree inside MMG in Emain as a level 47, and then finally your yellow con mercfiltrator running around with Pin ganking everything. Enough for this old-timer to firmly support you. ;) (And no, IMHO, there was nothing wrong with the above exchange.)

Xplo, I think you should consider apologizing publically if you have not done so already.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Mr Sissyfoo

"That sucks. Hardly surprising though. "

wtf does that means? is it directed to me personally or in-directly to my guild? because i know that u have a problem with Gol or 2 in the pass..

if its directed to me..fine..i can take critisium...whats "That sucks" refer to? what sucks in ur opinion?

"Hardly surprising though" ? eh? what? ur tone sounds as though i have ripped off the lotto? have i? stand up and tell me wtf i done wrong? be a man..if not then i suggest u to go back in ur hole, read the facts..get to know the other side of the story be4 u bitch..this is not a bitch thread..people actually attack me personally..most die hard players knows who im..i still comand a very little bit (even though i dont play that offen now) of respect when i do play the game after the long hard 2 years..i personally think that i deserve an apology from somebody..i will not let my reputation goes tatars..but eh..this is BW..

~rolls eyes~

You don't know WHAT I was talking about so stop jumping to conclusions and insulting me. My post was nice and ambiguous and it was a consolatory message for Xplo. Yes, I thought the whole thing sucked, especially if he was promised the stone by Stighelmer at the begining to the raid. At the time I didn't know the full story but still felt sorry for him because I know how much these respec stones mean to some people. So, will I apologise? Hell no.


I just want to say on the record that the player Alara is a complete and utter lame ass shithead to be selling respec stones right now. Why did the selfish slut enter the lotto if she did not badly want a respec stone? Respec stones are not something to be sold, they are meant to be given to the players that need them
Xplo acting childishly here, and find nothing wrong with stt's behaviour here though, but still the fact of the story is that Alara is [moderated].
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by xplo
1. I'm not a kid.
2. I was pissed because I went on a 5 hour raid for shit.
3. I'm going inactive and do dragon raids till I get a stone.

1) Act like it then.
2) You are far from the only one, stop crying already.
3) Who the hell cares.

Imho Alara did nothing wrong. You go on a raid, you put the time in, you are allowed to lotto for stuff. If you win it and are then offered a large amount of cash and you decide you'd rather have an SC suit than a respec, or whatever, then fair enough...
The realm does not suffer overly by someone not being able to respec out of TS to IP, or by respeccing to smite cleric, or whatever the hell. Give it a rest fgs :rolleyes:


1. Items should be lotto'd to the ones that need it, so it should be only me and Stt. (greed over need imo)
2. I asked serveral times if none need a RA respec stone, its only a small effort to type, 'yes I also need one'. So I expected to get one and the lotto was a blow in my face...

what r we to do? tell him to stfu? no we far as im aware..the group consist of well behaved and matured players..

So 'mature' people don't answer to normal questions? So 'mature' people don't say anything whole raid and make it as boring as possible? So mature people arrange how items are going to be lotto'd after the raid and not before?



To Glottis_Xanadu

now i dont know if u have any bones with Alara..i dont want to know nor i dont really care..but the u lay into her is abit out of odrder...

what is wrong to enter a lotto after a successful hunt ?..(thats 5 hours of work there)..the main objective for the dragon hunt is the respec stones, isnt it? ..thats why 300+ ppl turned up with each 1 of the thinking "i have a chance to lotto a respec stone"..isnt it? if u tell me that u do a dragon hunt because u like to zerg with 300+ ppl around DM or to kill the dragon is because albs wanted to kill it..then i have no argument here..

as it stand..we all enter dm for 1 purpose only..thats to enter a lotto and to win a respec stone..whether a ra or skill i dont know..but thats my objective..what god given right for me to exclude group members to lotto? if u dont need or want a stone thats u..doesnt mean Alara doesnt want or need the stone...she has every right to lotto for it as for the other 3 members in the group that won the stone including me..

after she had won the stone, it's hers and hers alone..the stone belong to i say she can do whatever she likes to it..use it, sell it, give it away or drop it on the's her s and hers alone..i dont see the point why u bitch about her and lay into her the way u did..

i feel that i need to defend Alara because this has nothing to do with her at all..what she did had nothing to warrent a slagging off like that..and i do feel that i need to apologise to her as it was me more or less who brought her into this whining please Mr Glottis_Xanadu can u leave the poor lady alone..


Alara did absolutely nothing wrong.

So, people are desperate for Stones at the moment?
That still does not mean that people who did not gimp themselves have to be barred from the lotto.

Alara was in all rights to do what she did and if you whine about her you are a complete idiot. Find where it says in the Code of Conduct you're not allowed to participate in item hand outs if you do not need the item desperately and i'll shut up.

Alara can lotto for the Stone if she wants, and she did.
After that it's up to Alara and Alara alone about what she does with the stupid thing. Alara did not decide to sell it, but the people in her group asked to buy it. Alara must have known there will be another chance to get another Stone again in the future and sold it on to those poor players who want to un-gimp themselves.
Firstly, when Alara sold it; It was sold to the most attractive offer, in my eyes the most attractive offer here is from the player who would want it the most.

In regards to Xplo going inactive until he gets a Stone: It's up to him about what he wants to do. I'm sure many other empty handed players from the raid will feel the same.

All now said please stop moaning at each other for whatever reason and just get on with the game.


I think i renember Xplo wining about things before, whenever he doesnt get something going his way he whines to BW in the hope of getting attention or support for himself.
GROW UP and dont flame people when something doesnt go your way.


What is the purpose to

a) Come to the dragon-raid
b) lotto for a stone

if you don't need one???

To sell it and make gold? Muahahah, the odds of getting a stone doesn't justify the 5 hours,

Give respec-stones to people who need them. For free, yes.

I for one gonna do that if I get it. I don't want money for it if I can help a guildie/friend/realm-member by giving him/her the stone.


I very much object to people entering the lotto for stone they have no use for (she or he had no use, as they sold it on right away).
So I still think Alara is [moderated].
Need before greed.
Regards, Glottis


no glottis, just because some1 doesn't know the system, it doesn't mean they should be insuulted like that. Personally I don't think people should lotto for items they will just sell on. So what happens if at the next legion raid I decide to bid for the 'ebop' and i win it then start selling it on here. Think about it, it aint much different. When LoD won 2 of each stone, we simply GAVE them to the members who needed them the most. No1 felt the need to argue and bitch about it. The moral of the story is, go with your guild and people you can trust will give you a fair saying. We will be on many more raids to come to get more respec stones so what does it really matter anyways


Originally posted by kirennia
no glottis, just because some1 doesn't know the system, it doesn't mean they should be insuulted like that.

Well, if they are lvl 45+ and they do not know how it works, they should not get the respec stone to start with anyway.
No matter how you look at it, it is lame for people to lotto for respec stones who will only sell them on.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by xplo
1. Items should be lotto'd to the ones that need it, so it should be only me and Stt. (greed over need imo)
2. I asked serveral times if none need a RA respec stone, its only a small effort to type, 'yes I also need one'. So I expected to get one and the lotto was a blow in my face...

So 'mature' people don't answer to normal questions? So 'mature' people don't say anything whole raid and make it as boring as possible? So mature people arrange how items are going to be lotto'd after the raid and not before?


I took part in the 1st post patch Dragon raid.

Why should I not take part in a lotto for items that I may or may not require?

I took part in the event.
I put the effort/time in
I deserve some of the reward even if I dont specifically need it, if I want to sell my spoils then I can if I want to give them away so be it.

Bottom line is this: I took part and put the effort in therefore I deserve a crack at whats on Lotto full stop.


Ok maybe i should have kept the stone in the first place since it was lotto'd out to the whole grp, as i won it, i should have kept it really, but stt and xplo needed it. K maybe it should have only been them 2 in 4 it, but its done and dusted now
As for a lame ass... sorry if u got a prob with me glottis :)


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Respec stones are not something to be sold, they are meant to be given to the players that need them
Xplo acting childishly here, and find nothing wrong with stt's behaviour here though, but still the fact of the story is that Alara is lame ass, I need cash lets screw over my realm biatch.
Regards, Glottis



Originally posted by alara
Ok maybe i should have kept the stone in the first place since it was lotto'd out to the whole grp, as i won it, i should have kept it really, but stt and xplo needed it. K maybe it should have only been them 2 in 4 it, but its done and dusted now
As for a lame ass... sorry if u got a prob with me glottis :)

As far as I am concerned you can do anything you want with that stone its yours...if somebody has a problem with it then tough.

I still have a realm Respec maybe I should just Shift D it........


K since Xplo is in Flemish Lions (and i'm one of the gm's there) I would like to say a few things:

1. First I apologise for his behaviour, sometimes xplo is soo much in the game that he lets his emotions free.

2. I think Khalen is right, join a dragon raid with guild and divide stones between guilds. We were on raid thursday (the aussie one) that went smooth and all. All stones were divided before. No-one of fl was whining about that.

3. I must say that both opinions on 'what alara did' are right
Every player has right to lotto, but some players are that good at heart to give the stones to the ones who need em most badly...
So if u r lucky to get a stone like that, cheer and curtsey that player for the rest of your daoc-days. If a player decides to sell it well then it is like that it all just depends on the 'raid-rules' and those are set up and different every time.

4. Play this game for fun and be happy that the dragon goes down....

cheers all and kill that dragon a million times so we all can sell our stones the price of a diamond seal :)


what was this with your group killing a dragon, then he suddenly repopped and 4 in your group kills him again?



To be honest i think selling Respec Stones isn't a bad thing, if you want to change your RA's slaightly to become a bit better, but then some1 offers you shit laods of cash which can help you get SC Armour or more procs or several funky hats. Your gonna definately think about it.

Sst did nothing wrong :D

Edit : Xplo - Cry me a river :(
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