

The new (proposed?) design for the World Trade Centre.
No longer will it be the Twin Towers than the Quint-Towers-with-a-pyramid-on-top, some of the ideas look interesting, like the hydroponics etc, personally, I'm indifferent to the idea, they do need to be rebuilt, they were an important part of the commercial business of things, but does it really need to be higher?

No disrespect meant here, but what business would honestly say they want to lease the top floors?

Does this strike a good/bad chord with anyone else here? or should the WTC be laid to rest and the idea of rebuilding dropped?


Is that site for real? Some of the bits of it are pretty shoddy for a "professional" company actually making a bid for this contract. Just read some of the details they have for the buildings design :

1: Our Cyber City will have a State of the Art External Security System which at this stage evolves around "Sound Waves" which has the capacity at a specific frequency to repel flying objects up to a five mile circumference.

Sounds like bollocks to me :)


Originally posted by Galatea

No disrespect meant here, but what business would honestly say they want to lease the top floors?

Oh, they will. It's a huge sign of importance to have to top floors. It's like 'we are above you all' kinda thing.

And, Revs, to a physics freak, that makes perfect sense, yes it can be done. But you do have to be a freak to understand it.


Looking at it again, does look like a bit of a send up :rolleyes:

but worth a mention all the same


Damnit Revz, you quoted it before me :)
Our Cyber City will have a State of the Art External Security System which at this stage evolves around "Sound Waves" which has the capacity at a specific frequency to repel flying objects up to a five mile circumference.
This really got me thinking... I mean... I hate physics :)

Anyway, I think a new era of building might aswell begin, this one looks quite cool tbh...


Well, I'm not taking that whole thing seriously. I know very little of physics, but I do know what happens to wind patterns around skyscrapers, as we have some pretty high ones here. There is no way a helicopter would be able to land or take off safely in the small areas depicted. Also, I very much doubt that anyone but a top class athlete would be able to descend the titanium escape ladders from the higher floors. Nice website, but if this was a real proposal, I'm sure I would have read or heard about it.


The site did have a very cheesy feel to it for some strange reason... most likely being that it is not a very serious proposal. Although, I think it would be extremely cool :)


Being an electronic engineer and have studied aeronautics in the past, i'd love to know how the hell they are going to repel aircraft with sonic waves, from 5 miles out.

How are you going to repel an aircraft that could have nearly 60,000 gallons of aviation fuel and weigh approx 400tonnes with sound waves alone. If it was travelling at cruise speed (912km/h, diving this could reach 1,300km/h before the airframe gives) you would require 2GW of energy to stop it. That equates to the power from 10 power stations or 20 million typical stereo speakers :m00:

I very much doubt this is a serious proposal.


from the memorial section:

We believe that a living memorial befits the lost souls of September 11 2001. The landscape within the Biosphere will be an eternal memorial to this tragic event. This public area will be otherwise known as WTC Memorial Park to which there will be an open invitation to visitors from around the planet wishing to pay their respects to the lost souls of September 11 2001 or simply meditate in the tranquililty of the surroundings. We would like to think that it is approporiate that an area is set aside within WTC Memorial Park that presents an area embracing a small amount of soil from Ground Zero, hermetically sealed for posterity. To ensure that the memory of each and every human life lost on September 11 is kept alive into perpetuity, 2833 trees will be planted within the WTC Memorial Park's grounds, each marked with the name and photograph of these blessed souls.

wow, they're certainly not skimping there.. with pictures and everything. and what is up with the twin peaks music running in the background there?

freaky :eek6:

oh and i too serously doubt this is a real proposal..


Its impossible to build that sort of structure in the space that is shown,the foundations alone wont fit(look at pics carefully)...also how on earth can they*repel aircraft with sound waves*? ,do they have technology from another world or something?,the only thing that repels a fully loaded jet is a missle or cannon rounds..... :-( strange site


The should leave the site alone for a while or make it into a memorial park.


I get the idea that this is just this man's proposal. I am sure that the WTC or City of New York (whoever decides on this sort of thing) has boxes and boxes of proposals from design companies all over the world.

I sent that link to my friend who is an architect in a company that builds sports arenas. I am very curious to get his opinion about it.

But still, if it is logistically feasible, it is truly a marvelous design. New York is a city that constantly changes so I could see this building being downtown.


I thought it was stated long ago that the ground zero will have several smaller skyscrapers instead of one or two massive ones.
(btw. even if the "sonic gun" could down a jet hurling towards the tower it would just crash on another building on its way down)


Our Cyber City will have a State of the Art External Security System which at this stage evolves around "Sound Waves" which has the capacity at a specific frequency to repel flying objects up to a five mile circumference.

Very simple, they'll just have a big speaker and shout GO AWAY!!!
That's bound to do it.
And as a back up 10,000 watts of Celine Dion, that scare the shit outta any flyin object.

- Pathfinder -

Heh, if they could repel an aircraft up to 5 miles away with it, I think the military would be quite interested :p


Originally posted by job
And as a back up 10,000 watts of Celine Dion, that scare the shit outta any flyin object.

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