[WTB] Respec stone



Ok, here is the deal, i fucked up my pally when i made it, putted too much in parry, so i want to buy a single line respec, or a full respec if that wont make me loose my autotrained points...

if we say i have 10 in a skill im autotraining, and 100 points not spend, then after full respec i would still have exactly that again right?


Originally posted by Bellona
or a full respec if that wont make me loose my autotrained points...
It will

Since youve gone too far to use the free respec at lvl40 youll need to use a single line respec stone (Sidi) to avoid losing autotrain points.

if we say i have 10 in a skill im autotraining, and 100 points not spend, then after full respec i would still have exactly that again right?
Nope. After full respec youd still have the specline at its minimum level (10 in this example) but would be assumed to have spent the points to get it there - losing the points required to get it there. In this example youd lose 54 spec points (assuming I can count properly!)

Paladins autotrain 2 speclines (?) making the problem worse.


Re: Re: [WTB] Respec stone

Originally posted by Draylor
need to use a single line respec stone (Sidi)

Or grand summoner :)


Re: Re: Re: [WTB] Respec stone

Originally posted by [DK]hakke
Or grand summoner :)
Summoners drop RA stones, not skill respec.

Nice try though ;)


Re: Re: [WTB] Respec stone

Originally posted by Draylor
Nope. After full respec youd still have the specline at its minimum level (10 in this example) but would be assumed to have spent the points to get it there - losing the points required to get it there. In this example youd lose 54 spec points (assuming I can count properly!)

Paladins autotrain 2 speclines (?) making the problem worse.

Not sure if you're getting this wrong Draylor or if I'm just reading you wrong:

If you have a level 42 paladin the lowest you can respec your slash or chants to is 10.

If you have more than 10 in slash or chants you get back any points spent above that, but it stays at 10.

You don't gain or lose any points unless you move from an autotrained line to a non-autotrained line
(e.g. if you have 40 in slash trained as you level, and 1 in crush since it doesn't autotrain and you've been ignoring it - you get all the poitns from 11->40 back if you respec slash, but the 1-10 are paid for and trapped in your slash skill.)

You only ever gain points if you move the other way.

If (at level 40) you respec all and have 40 in slash 40 in chants 28 in shield (say) and want at least 10 in slash and chants you lose nothing.

If you wanted to change to a 2h crush paladin with no chants then you would. (or rather you'd be stuck with 10 in each of slash/chants that you weren't using)


ok... ill take it.

the price of my own stupidity :D


I will contact u ingame later today let's say in about 3 hours


Fing - your just reading it wrong, or im just doing a piss-poor job of explaining something. Hardly unlikely since I was posting at midnight or so ;)


well.. somehow people think im rich.. so i better act like it :D

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