i camped tower guard for a few hours the other day failed too get it :( will pay top dollar $ ;)
J jilson Guest May 29, 2003 #1 i camped tower guard for a few hours the other day failed too get it will pay top dollar $
W whuzzy Guest May 29, 2003 Thread starter #2 I camped him for bout 1 Week without real luck (about 15 Hours in total) And the going price for them seems to be @ about 2+ Plat 8/ Whuzz
I camped him for bout 1 Week without real luck (about 15 Hours in total) And the going price for them seems to be @ about 2+ Plat 8/ Whuzz
D Dudette Guest May 29, 2003 Thread starter #3 wanna come hunting wanna come hunting with me to try and get one?
A alithiel50 Guest May 29, 2003 Thread starter #4 Perhaps I shouldn't mention that I only killed him about 10 times before I got mine.... Oooops, too late!
Perhaps I shouldn't mention that I only killed him about 10 times before I got mine.... Oooops, too late!
D dimerian Guest May 29, 2003 Thread starter #6 4 kills,2 drops Was first time there so kinda lucky ;-) Have farmed over month - none after those 2
B Bilf Guest May 30, 2003 Thread starter #8 And I'll sell my Grand Summoner's Silken Mantle for 2c... honest.
J Jephtha Guest May 30, 2003 Thread starter #10 Bah Georgie I had that cloak in my hand Nerf low numbers in lotto's