Plz PM me on here or in game if you are selling, I will pay the going rate for the stone :)
F fed007 Guest Nov 16, 2003 #1 Plz PM me on here or in game if you are selling, I will pay the going rate for the stone
A alithiel50 Guest Nov 17, 2003 Thread starter #3 The guild housing fund loot bot has some following our Dragon Raid last week, Fed... Talk to me in-game tonight, as we have a discount for guild members!
The guild housing fund loot bot has some following our Dragon Raid last week, Fed... Talk to me in-game tonight, as we have a discount for guild members!
G ghaladriel Guest Nov 17, 2003 Thread starter #4 hmmm lol what spec you gonna get now? 50Body4tehwin!!!!11!1 xD