Post here if you want to sell.
I Iri Guest Nov 13, 2003 Thread starter #3 not to be negative but me and a friend tried buy one through BW, /broad and tradechat for weeks, was noone even offering one for sale or trade :/ Hope u get one tho, gl etc ;p
not to be negative but me and a friend tried buy one through BW, /broad and tradechat for weeks, was noone even offering one for sale or trade :/ Hope u get one tho, gl etc ;p
M munson Guest Nov 13, 2003 Thread starter #4 Is it really that rare? Didnt think it would be when there has been a lair/yar group for ages.
I Iri Guest Nov 13, 2003 Thread starter #5 it dosnt drop where they xp, since normal xping went dead in malmo its as good as impossible to try buy it
it dosnt drop where they xp, since normal xping went dead in malmo its as good as impossible to try buy it
M munson Guest Nov 13, 2003 Thread starter #6 OK, I thought Executioners dropped it? And they're still at that stone next to lair, arent they?
I Iri Guest Nov 13, 2003 Thread starter #7 exces drops it yes but not the exces at lair for some reason
K Kindar Guest Nov 13, 2003 Thread starter #8 Aye...the execs on the East? side drops em. Iri and I went to lair and actually got 2 rings. Not sure how long we spent...maybe 1.5-2 hours on it.
Aye...the execs on the East? side drops em. Iri and I went to lair and actually got 2 rings. Not sure how long we spent...maybe 1.5-2 hours on it.
O old.anubis Guest Nov 13, 2003 Thread starter #9 it drops (at least used to drop) from a camp to NE from usual lair spot got mine from the dragon itself
it drops (at least used to drop) from a camp to NE from usual lair spot got mine from the dragon itself