Beltorak said:Runihura ML2.10 drops Couldron of Vivifying Water = Spirit Wep part and is easily farmable
Dust of Creation is matter weps and is more tricky to get hold of in large amounts and therefore worth a penny or two
Beltorak said:Runihura ML2.10 drops Couldron of Vivifying Water = Spirit Wep part and is easily farmable
Dust of Creation is matter weps and is more tricky to get hold of in large amounts and therefore worth a penny or two
Cauldron of Vivifying Water -> Cold LegendaryBeltorak said:Runihura ML2.10 drops Couldron of Vivifying Water = Spirit Wep part and is easily farmable
Dust of Creation is matter weps and is more tricky to get hold of in large amounts and therefore worth a penny or two
Rub said:Cauldron of Vivifying Water -> Cold Legendary
Torch of Innovation -> Heat Legendary
Vial of Heavenly Breezes -> Spirit Legendary
Dust of Creation -> Matter Legendary
Roken said:If you still have them, I can either give you gold or lots of Armor Patterns!