WT hmm To give away...



Following items are up for graps.
First come gets it. Today...

Willfull Cloak : Lvl 50, qua 91, con 100 dur 100 bonus 0.(Gone)
Hits 22
Energy 5%
Piety 22
Heat 6%

Icebender Cloak Lvl 50, Qua 89, Con 100 Dur 100 Bonus 0 (GONE)
Dex 9
Cold 7%
Str 12
Hits 33

Soulbinder Mantle Lvl 50 (Gone)
Con 100 dur 100 qua 91 bon 0
Sum 4
Pie 13
Slash 2
Hits 18

Soulbinder Cloak lvl 50 (Gone)
Con 100 Dur 100 Bon 0
Matter 5
Sum 4
Heat 7
Hits 13

Speedy Girdle Lvl 50, Qua 92, Dur 100 Con 100 Bon 0 (Gone)
Quick 16
Hits 33
Matter 6%
Energy 4%

Fortifying Padded Circlet (GONE)
Af 44 Cloth Armor, Con 97, dur 100 qua 92, Bon 30%
Con 15
Hits 28
Crush 6
Heat 5

Arcane Steeple Hat Af 49 Con 100 Dur 100 Qua 92 Bon 35 (GONE)
Power 10
Piety 10
Dex 12
Cold 1

10 Various staffs, with various stats. (all GONE)

Seek me out sitting in Aegir or give me a PM on Maglock.

Have Fun.

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