WP and some of it's members



I think WP is for 13 year old kids for example look at ChrisCobra an arse who thinks he's good any one can win with ISDN it takes skill with a 56k I post a message saying my clan is recruiting I get :p :p :p :p off him then some one else saye Well said! I fell 13 year old children should be doing their h/w thats why I started to play on Barrysworld and GI servers they have better servers to and have you noticed that any thing that BT touches turns to dust? They keep saying you'll improove the server but you don't I ain't digging at all of the people on WP most are good players and I have a few m8's here just there are a minority who are complete arses. Sorry I just had to get this off my chest. Does any one else agree with me?


I'm sorry, but CS (well, computer games in general) is/are bound to have lots of youngsters playing, and that can't be helped. I think the average age of a CS player here on BW must have been a fair bit higher back in the days of beta5.2. Now the game's popularity has got to the point where playing on a public server is not as much fun as it used to be, due to all the immature kids. Shame, but kind of inevitable for a good game like CS.


I'm 25 this year and I've been playing games since the ZX 80 which is when most of you lot where still on your potty watching Playschool. I have no problem playing against "kids", in fact I have played against many under 15's and had a fun time in the process. The point is not how old they are, but how they behave. Fortunately, most that I've met are pretty cool and act accordingly. Occasional you get the odd tosser who gets mardy / "I'm not playing any more" syndrome and starts TK'ing or bad mouthing everyone on the server.

The simple answer is to put them in their place and frag the bollox off them.

Luv and hugz


old.G Predator

Chriscobra is in my AVP clan [BONG] and is good good,decent bloke.

he has a knack of being good at ganes...played 3 games of UT and was almost as good as myself,as lee+ AVP player and I have no doubts (tho never seen im) that he will be a good player at that (he tells me he plays it non stop).

I know for a fact he doesn't have ISDN cos he lagged at AVP and had similar pings to me on UT.

pls don't come here & single him out just because you carry a personal grudge against him :)

thnkx for lstening (if u did...minkeh )

Pred...pimpin it 4 da [BONG]



pred y do you play AvP?theres so many cheats floating around,and its crap 4 MP.

old.G Predator


but the bad side is with more than 4 people it gets quite laggy :(.

the only cheats I know for it are the jetpack & bungee cord,pred thingy which no one uses anyway.

takes a lot of skill and you can get some really great games


The benefits of "smack talk"

Thing you're all forgetting is that people act 'difficult' on servers for varying reasons. OK, noone will deny that idiots who spam the server, are personally abusive or go on about how l33t they are when they're 2/8, should be incinerated.

However... there are circumstances where winding up the other team/other players is tactically advantageous. The best example is when you are playing well, and people call you a cheat/lamer/tell you they've had your mum/any of the other utterly unoriginal things. Now, people might say that the best thing to do is ignore them and they'll shut up, but that's the very opposite of what you want to achieve. Thing is, when people are annoyed/pissed off, their concentration goes, and they become crap. I've not seen a single person who plays better when they are wound up.

So if someone starts whining when I kill them, I always react. I have no hesitation in telling them how shite they are, enquire as to whether they are playing with their forehead, whether their mother and father are also cousins, etc. Because if I've wound them up simply by killing them, imagine how much a bit of smack talk on top will do. Which means they would probably miss me with a Para at 2 feet. Of course, you then hunt them down the next round and make sure you give them a lead injection (which becomes so much easier as they are by now frothing at the mouth), at which point the cycle starts again. Repeat ad infinitum until the person quits/has a seizure/realises how crap they actually are and goes strangely silent.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating going onto servers and winding people up for the hell of it, but if they are the ones that started it IMO they deserve it. Added to which there's nothing more satisfying than someone calling you 'cheating motherfucker', then headshooting them with a Glock :)

(That was probably not what this topic was about, but I felt like saying it anyway, so \/)



Staz and Stu comments hit the nail on the head!! :)

as from the above link i am a new player to BW and like many of you guys i have been around for a while.

Unfortunately my first time on the BW servers recently was a less then enjoyable experience the underlining fact is theres ALWAYS someone somewhere bitching about something.

You play well - "You must be cheating"
You hide - "*whine* stop camping"
You rush - *whine* stop rushing ffs*

Bottom line is it is extremely hard to keep everyone happy :( unless their winning

Btw hi everyone, hope to see you all around the servers :p


The best thing is you can be totally ironic, and people don't get it. If someone accuses me of cheating I often say something like "haHAHA I ch34tz NICE!!! My spikes r00lz!!111" For anyone more advanced than the most basic pondlife, it should be pretty obvious that I'm taking the piss, but you invariably get someone going "LAMER!! BAN THIS LAMER!!"

Which just goes to show, even the clinically braindead play CS.


So if I put a post saying my clan is recruiting I should expect a :p:p:p:p:p:p off him I you don't have anything good to say DON'T SAY IT! Any way I have seen some improvent in the WP servers they only don't seem to moan when it's around 11pm then all I hear is "wp" "nice one!" is soem of the WP players jeckel & Hyde?


Before this picks up like the WP ones did I had a talk to ChrisCobr@ who I told who is the culprit (a "m8", no names being mentioned) SO DELETE THIS THREAD PLZ!


avp does not take any skill, a pred can 0wn just with the shoulder cannon. i should know i got into the "win a tickets to e3", i came about 8th using sadar marine.that was on mplayer, i won a "goodie bag" which "can only be claimed by ppl of the USA/canada".another brit came 1st (or second) using pred.
there are loads of cheats for it,
pred vision for marine,
unlimited ammo(pred+marine),
jetpack + grapple,
god mode,
speed cheat,
unlimited flares,
unlimited spears,
disc when disc is banned.

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