WoW PvP info


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003

an intresting bit to read up on, i especially like the honour bit, though it will end up with people going "rogue" and just killing everything :D

(though i suppose then their honour will go back up again? )


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
But i dont see any reason to move from daoc to WoW....ull b doing rvr but with only 2 realms :D


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Because the classes and the combat system will hopefully be fun. Daoc was... well... boring.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
combat will only take place one place ;< no roaming i think

that wasnt the impression i got from reading the link and other bits posted there :D

a few weeks back the alliance invaded necropolis (the undead home city) from the sewers but because the raid leader took a wrong turn they got whiped by a super high level guard :D

And So It Begins. . . - Helcon on 06/18/04
War erupted last night in the former kingdom of Lordaeron, with members of the Alliance staging one of the first attacks on the Horde city of Brill. The Horde repelled this attack, however, driving the Alliance back to Thelsamar, where the soldiers of the Alliance held the besieged city, defending the region of Dun Morogh from certain attack. Many valiant Horde and Alliance soldiers perished in battle last night in what is surely a prelude to the greatest war of our time.

Faced with the daunting task of eliminating Horde forces in the heart of Silverpine, an army of Alliance men and women formed ranks in Menethil Harbor. From there, they begin their arduous trek, as they marched through the Hillsbrad Foothills where even the rumbling giant Fozruk wandered over to pay his respects to the passing army.

As the Alliance troops moved into the depths of Silverpine Forest, a lone Undead scout was able to spot the approaching forces from afar. Realizing the danger, she hastily sprinted back to The Sepulcher and raised the alarm, warning her brethren of the oncoming assault. Sounds of battle were soon heard echoing across the backdrop of The Sepulcher’s graveyard as Alliance and Horde forces clashed, unleashing their raw and unbridled fury upon one another.

Horde soldiers quickly drew up a line of defense upon the forest grounds, challenging the Alliance soldiers to cross and meet their fates. The line proved to be sound as the Alliance assault was slowly driven back by the minions of the Horde, forcing the Alliance combatants to retreat east of The Sepulcher in the hopes of reaffirming their resolve and regrouping to turn the tide of battle. However, the Horde forces completely routed the remnants of the ragtag army as they rapidly located the cells recuperating in the area and overwhelmed them with their superior numbers and more experienced soldiers.

Alliance forces fought valiantly in what ultimately became a battle that the Horde was destined to win. Fate met completion that day, but the struggle for Azeroth continues to rage on with every passing hour…

lots of places mentioned, anyway gifv euro beta :clap:


Dec 23, 2003
why do people go so nutts about this game? it looks crap!

what i just read about 'honour' etc is basically idential to RVR in daoc, realm points = honour in other words.. same thing! they're saying its gonna be totally unique pvp etc, but is it? i doubt it. the only thing that is remotely different is the fact your punished for killing lowbies, but then.. that was the only fun i ever had in daoc.

i think people are blinded by the fact this is warcraft, i havnt read a single thing about the game that sounds truely unique or interesting.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Thing is it combines a lot of the "best" bits off other mmorpgs and seems to improve on some of them.

So the quest based lvling of CoH, the tradeskills of UO, the Pvp of DAoC etc. Not sure about the lack of classes yet or that you can only get 5 people in a group, but I guess it makes it easier to balance.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Karam_Gruul said:
why do people go so nutts about this game? it looks crap!

what i just read about 'honour' etc is basically idential to RVR in daoc, realm points = honour in other words.. same thing! they're saying its gonna be totally unique pvp etc, but is it? i doubt it. the only thing that is remotely different is the fact your punished for killing lowbies, but then.. that was the only fun i ever had in daoc.

i think people are blinded by the fact this is warcraft, i havnt read a single thing about the game that sounds truely unique or interesting.

yes, please stay in DAoC :D

thing is... i like DAoC but i LOVE warcraft, so it combines something i like and something i love...... :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 27, 2004
lol so what if it sounds similar to DAoC, how else can you do PvP. Only so many ways you can also do PvP and non PvP on same server is with BG or PvP zones...bound to be similar.

Im hoping its basically similar to DAoC in terms of PvP but depth of game is just better, need summit new :p

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