WoW Advert


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
wtf, i've just seen this advert and tbh I bet they get loads of new noobies go out and buy it.

why the feck doesn't mythic or goa advertise the daoc advert. Last time I check it was awsome and much better than that shitty wow one.

Surely if they did they would get mroe people to atleast check it out. I mean with the english server pop dieing quite rapidly it's getting maybe abit pathetic.

I'd liek to em advertise it !

WoW was on sky one btw ;o


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
tbh it would be a waste of advertising space... people would only come and stay for a month or 2... then we would be back to square 1... and we would have to put up with allot of 'whts lvlng' remarks and i would prefer to have some good players rather than a bunch of idiots that cant tell the difference between the fingers and their toes...

just cluster us with the US servers tbh... problem solved for a few years


Oct 14, 2006
lol cluster with us servers, they would whine so much when we did relic raids when they are sleeping :O


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
slash said:
lol cluster with us servers, they would whine so much when we did relic raids when they are sleeping :O

actually that ain't a problem. At least not on us classic. pop is semi high 24/7.

Fatload BoysDoCry

Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2006
GOA's marketing is probably the worst i have seen of any online company. You just have to look at the lack of marketing they did within the UK compared to others (2 UK servers in comparison to many German/French). As an example of this when ToA came out, which was at DAOC's peak i had to travel 100 miles or so to a different city to buy the only 2 copies which GAME stocked. Compare that to WoW or even games like City of Heroes and Guildwars who all have multiple copies of each GAME store available.

From what i am led to believe GOA also have the rights to publish WAR EU also which is a shame really, because the game has so much potential and for as long as DAOC EU has been going GOA have provided a third rate service to the English speaking servers.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
I have the feeling that GOA already sort of gave up on the english servers/playerbase, there are only 1000+/- players online during primetime for both exc and pryd, spread over 3 realms. That's not a lot, really.

Besides, imagine someone who is a complete MMO noob. Now, that person has the choice between World of Warcraft (of which we've all heard so many things about, good or bad) and some game called Dark Age of Camelot (which seems kind of awesome (omg. Siege weapons! Mass battles!)).

Now, imagine that person somehow choosing for DAoC. He rolls and a character... and then what? Somehow, I don't see that kind of person grinding all the way to 50,get some decent gear together and find a group of players who are willing to take him or her along on the battlefield.

So using the game's PvP aspects to advertise with would be a bit useless. So, what about the other thing that made DAoC so great and what WoW completely lacks? The people actually playing the game! WoW doesn't even get close to the social awesomeness in DAoC's y'olden days. However, that's sort of gone now, isn't it? Tbh. Drop the monthly rate to $5 a month or so, or completely drop it and up the box cost, and then expose the game to the outer world with lenghty trials included with magazines and what not. Pose the game as "the alternative to WoW".


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
slash said:
lol cluster with us servers, they would whine so much when we did relic raids when they are sleeping :O

wouldn't it be close to primetime on us servers when albs ac? :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
it would be yes 5-7 hours behind, CM and their kind would never play at anyones prime time though because they would get farmed silly :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
slash said:
lol cluster with us servers, they would whine so much when we did relic raids when they are sleeping :O

half the player base on us servers is either asia or europe players anyway.. wont make a diffrens...


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2005
slash said:
lol cluster with us servers, they would whine so much when we did relic raids when they are sleeping :O

actually all the europe players that is already there makes this possible, its much more of a 24 hour game now, and we europeans are also known as the morning team :D


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
Fatload BoysDoCry said:
GOA's marketing is probably the worst i have seen of any online company. You just have to look at the lack of marketing they did within the UK compared to others (2 UK servers in comparison to many German/French). As an example of this when ToA came out, which was at DAOC's peak i had to travel 100 miles or so to a different city to buy the only 2 copies which GAME stocked. Compare that to WoW or even games like City of Heroes and Guildwars who all have multiple copies of each GAME store available.

From what i am led to believe GOA also have the rights to publish WAR EU also which is a shame really, because the game has so much potential and for as long as DAOC EU has been going GOA have provided a third rate service to the English speaking servers.

I reckon GoA can't market the english servers. 5+ years ago when mythic was planning and coding this they would have done some market research. They would have needed say 50k subsribers to make back their initial investment etc. The american market was deemed large enough to support this but the UK market was not. Therefore Mythic start servers just in the US.

Now GOA come along and say they think they can make a profit marketing this to the europeans. In return for some amount of the profit (or whatever) GoA get access to mythic's code and can market it to europeans. However Mythic would be concerned that it did not want to have a direct competitor. So they tell GoA thats its fine to market it to the french + germans (because that won't affect the US market) but no advertising in english.

WAR is however a completely different situation. There will be a large enough UK market to support many servers as well as many other european countries. I am sure when mythic/EA sorted this with GOA they agreed a much better contract in what the UK market can expect.

This may not be correct but there MUST be some kind of contract between mythic and GOA with regards to the code and updates etc. There is bound to be some clauses etc in this contract too.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Haggus said:
why the feck doesn't mythic or goa advertise the daoc advert. Last time I check it was awsome and much better than that shitty wow one.

because DAoC isnt worth the cash to spend on advertising anymore.

the game is to old, to restrictive and just isnt what is promised on the box. and the current playerbase isnt exactly helping any newbie that happends to find the game. and by that i mean all the fucking PL.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
WH also has a HUGE fan base even before WHO has come out.

DAoC has no intial popular history.

This will make a HUGE difference.

Part of the reason why WoW was so successful etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
just saw the advert on real telly, if it actually looked like that i would play it... however the trailer is very deceptive... im kinda getting scared that i will get it for x-mas:(


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 1, 2004
Daoc did a great thing.. It wouldnt matter if they advertised or not, they simply couldnt retain the this new generation of mmo gamers. IF Daoc had a game engine similar to wow though i think they could.

Despite daoc having a superb pvp endgame their current control method simply cant compete with the next gen in mmo games.

I just hope the new mmo titles on the horizon incorporate the best elements of the all the current mmos on the market


Loyal Freddie
Sep 20, 2005
nikolas said:
Daoc did a great thing.. It wouldnt matter if they advertised or not, they simply couldnt retain the this new generation of mmo gamers. IF Daoc had a game engine similar to wow though i think they could.

Despite daoc having a superb pvp endgame their current control method simply cant compete with the next gen in mmo games.

I just hope the new mmo titles on the horizon incorporate the best elements of the all the current mmos on the market

They could easily make a DAOC2 fresh start new hardware which can substain many people, fixing the bugs/problems in DAOC with some advertising and all the old DAOC peopel coming back to try it could be good.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Yep saw the advert as well - must have been close to primetime as well.

As far as advertsing goes I seem to remember Raphael more or less admitting that with the royalty that Goa pay (EA) Mythic advertsing is a dream. GAME not stocking the expansions pretty much said it all really.

And the UK servers look like they are ready to collapse. Not sure yesterday's peak numbers past 1100 - and that is Excal + Pryd + Glast + Camlan.

Excal and Pryd were less than 800 peak, a bare 300 average and still in decline. Based on peoples posts some are just playing out atm. Used to be great but now :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2006
Keata said:
War > DAoC

NO NO NO NO NO - Christ i checked out the Warhammer demo the other day, what the hell ? it looked awful.. it was like Gauntlet but with super derformed Cartoon Dwarfs and Orcs using shitty animation styles and looked a complete mess.

Now dont get me wrong, the finished game will no doubt be polished and a whole lot better (trust me look at the Guild Wars original footage and look at Nightfall now) but omg it looked awful.

A lot of people saying its gonna be basicly Daoc2. I feckin hope not, that would tarnish my thoughts forever


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
WAR still has a year or so to go before release, don't go preordering just yet.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
nikolas said:
IF Daoc had a game engine similar to wow though i think they could.

Dear God, save us, NO!!! Daoc engine/graphics >>> WoW any day, that's basically what makes me want to play this stupid MMO, and not wow, although many friends already have swapped... there's nothing wrong with daoc's game engine, don't go comic mode.

nikolas said:
Despite daoc having a superb pvp endgame their current control method simply cant compete with the next gen in mmo games.

superb pvp endgame.. would be, yes, IF you get a guild that is active enough to run a group every day, but not too big(and somebody else taking your spot), oh and IF you have worked many many hours leveling up your char, farming the gear, getting to ml10, getting some higher RR... yes, if these all work together, the pvp system is nice... but kinda nothing else is nice in this game.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
Kuhan said:
They could easily make a DAOC2 fresh start new hardware which can substain many people, fixing the bugs/problems in DAOC with some advertising and all the old DAOC peopel coming back to try it could be good.

i agree... but givf char copy:p

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