Would it be possible for someone to write up a letter


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
that we can all send to Mythic via the Feedback form concerning the population problems in Dyvet?

Just write up something reasonable about how we got chars here for and people don't feel happy about rerolling etc etc; something we can all (well the ones that want to) copy-paste and send it over to mythic.

I have no idea if it does anything but it's better than doing nothing.


edit: I'm not writing it as I'll most definitely fuck up the english language at some point :p


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
that we can all send to Mythic via the Feedback form concerning the population problems in Dyvet?

Just write up something reasonable about how we got chars here for and people don't feel happy about rerolling etc etc; something we can all (well the ones that want to) copy-paste and send it over to mythic.

I have no idea if it does anything but it's better than doing nothing.


edit: I'm not writing it as I'll most definitely fuck up the english language at some point :p

Already tried that 1 year ago or so. Not a Mythic business was more or less the answer.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
that we can all send to Mythic via the Feedback form concerning the population problems in Dyvet?

Just write up something reasonable about how we got chars here for and people don't feel happy about rerolling etc etc; something we can all (well the ones that want to) copy-paste and send it over to mythic.

I have no idea if it does anything but it's better than doing nothing.


edit: I'm not writing it as I'll most definitely fuck up the english language at some point :p

"Hi, im angry enough to want something done about Dyvet, but i'm lazy enough to try and get someone else to do all the work".

Good luck with that :p


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
"Hi, im angry enough to want something done about Dyvet, but i'm lazy enough to try and get someone else to do all the work".

Good luck with that :p

Good luck with making funnies in the future :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Just ask mythic if they will have payment methods for european customers who wish to play on the WAR US servers, as most of us cant stand GOA.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Myhtic would prolly just say "Wanna play US, get a US account an quit ya whinin, ya'hear! Now have a nice day!" before galloping off into a fake sunset on their trusty steed while scoffing a 4lb burger and fries they bought with last weeks cut from GOA.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Good luck with making funnies in the future :p

I was being serious you fool. Do you really think a company is gonna go "Hey you know what EA, we're gonna lose a chunk of our income and move the player base to USA."


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
I was being serious you fool. Do you really think a company is gonna go "Hey you know what EA, we're gonna lose a chunk of our income and move the player base to USA."

Where exactly do you offer anything worthwhile in the following statement?

"Hi, im angry enough to want something done about Dyvet, but i'm lazy enough to try and get someone else to do all the work".

Good luck with that :p

If you got nothing proper to say, you don't have to actually hit that reply button. I asked a question, you've been an ass, and not a funny one seeing from the way you replied. Fucken hell, and people wonder why these forums are full of shite!


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
Just ask mythic if they will have payment methods for european customers who wish to play on the WAR US servers, as most of us cant stand GOA.


I heard somewhere (not 100% sure), that you cannot play on the US servers. Probably a load of shit though :)


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
All that can be done now is voting with your Feet in WHO tbh ... Dont make the same mistake twice ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
I've already made the move to the US servers for whatever's left of daoc anyway


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 2, 2004
I'd pay 50-100€ to get my account transfered to a well populated US server.
And I agree with Gear, if someone with nifty writing skills could phrase such a request to both GOA and Mythic EA it would indeed be nice.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Why not rar my thread and send it to mythic, then see what response you get, although, that's like snitching a bit. Tbfh, why not get in discussion with GOA via roaken etc and see what can be done?


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
cluster/realm ?

mid gawaine (killibury cluster)

And yeah, I still think that a well writen letter that lots of people will send to mythic can stir up some noise, post it over at vn boards as well and we'll defo get an answer.

I could write up something but to be sinsere my english are quite rusty to phrase exactly what would be proper to say. If on the other hand I write it in Greek it would be quite impossible for anyone to understand, hence the reason for this thread; it would be nice if a native english speaker were to put something down that we could all agree upon.

Thanks again lads. The way I see it is that we either fuck all do nothing or at least we try in one way or another. And fucken yeah, I got 2 accounts over at the states as well, with crafters, money, rps etc but what about the people that still enjoy the game and have nowhere to play?

And to you long time players that put all that energy and time in your toons that you now see them fade into nothingness, well you can stand up and say something for that.

Enough of my randing. This is a plea; if you can do something do it; if you wanna be an ass, post in the RVR section.




Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
And yeah, I still think that a well writen letter that lots of people will send to mythic can stir up some noise, post it over at vn boards as well and we'll defo get an answer.

it's been done
on at least two occasions
I remember posting once myself
VN Boards - Mythic/Missy/Sanya (in no order of preference). A genuine question, no whine, hidden sarcasm or hate
various TL's did answer saying it would be great, as one or two US clusters could do with the influx of new players transfers would bring.

But mythic's response was noticable by it's absence.
You can be pretty sure mythic did read the thread I once posted, as I PM'ed Missy just to make sure she was aware of it, and a TL PM'ed me to say he would make sure someone from Mythic would read it.
But no-one from Mythic answered.

It's perfectly understandable what you are trying to do, but if you are honest with yourself, do you really see Mythic or GoA expending resources this late in the game's lifecycle for a few hundred accounts from Dyvet?

I think Raven said it best, accept that you were lied to by GoA in order to keep paying them money, and either start playing on US on a new account or
play out the rest of the game on Dyvet.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
It's perfectly understandable what you are trying to do, but if you are honest with yourself, do you really see Mythic or GoA expending resources this late in the game's lifecycle for a few hundred accounts from Dyvet?

I think Raven said it best, accept that you were lied to by GoA in order to keep paying them money, and either start playing on US on a new account or
play out the rest of the game on Dyvet.


Its too late for DAOC, they wont do anything now.

All you can really do is send emails or letters to Games workshop who hold the intellectual property rights for Warhammer. Letting them know what there European hosting company is realy like. Maybe then the can put preassure on Mythic/EA to do something, other than that might as well say goodbye.

When Requiel Left for DAOC for the WAR position, that should of been a clear indictation of what GOA where doing or lack of it.

No one in GOA cares about UK DAOC, they are not going to say that of course would be bad publicity. I unfortunetly will not be playing DAOC again, have been tempted once or twice though these last few weeks. I like value for money, GOA do not give me that.

In fact i feel that i am treated like a second class player by them, I will be playing on the US servers when WAR comes out, i just dont trust GOA to deliver.



Loyal Freddie
Aug 14, 2006
I've got a bit of an offtopic question - If I were to play on the US servers, I'd have to get a US version of the game right? And what are the paying possibilities?


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
The Ministry of "Blah Blah Blah" said:
To whom it may concern,

DAOC in Europe has always enjoyed a strong English-speaking playerbase. Although the English-speaking "Standard Ruleset" servers Excalibur and Prydwen have not always enjoyed the same popularity as their German and French equivalents, there has always been a large community of dedicated players who enjoy what this game has to offer.

It was always likely that the English servers would have a slightly lower population due to the availability of Mythic's US-based servers. Many EU-based DAOC players either started on or have moved to the US-based servers in order to enjoy faster access to patches and content or to access Pendragon for testing purposes.

As you are almost certainly aware, the population on Dyvet, the EU cluster of English-speaking servers is suffering from a severe drop in population. This has been caused by many factors, not least of which is simply the age of the game. Many players have seen friends leave, guilds split and have simply lost their own interest in the game. However, there have been several incidents which have been perceived by the playerbase to have been mismanaged. These include a data corruption issue on Prydwen which left many players without weapons and armour. Some players spend weeks or even months building their 'perfect' template and losing this was a large blow.

There have been several cases where GOA's enforcement of their Code of Conduct has been seen as biased and/or heavy-handed. Again, this led to several people leaving and unfortunately, the end of the '8v8 scene' on Dyvet (although some people argue that this had been dead for some time).

All this is fairly irrelevant, except to explain that there are many English-speaking players in the EU with characters to which they have a strong attachment and in whom they may have invested weeks, months or years of playtime. Many of these players would still like to play the game, but feel that Dyvet no longer gives them the playing experience that they have enjoyed for the last few years. On a cluster with 500 or so players at primetime, there will simply not be the range of activities (PvE, TOA, Siege RvR, 8v8, soloing) to keep players interested, especially when you consider the sheer size of DAOC and the New Frontiers zones in particular.

GOA have been working hard for the last year or so to address the population issues on the English cluster, with their efforts targeted at a multi-language clustering solution. I know that Mythic has been heavily involved in this effort and I personally thank both GOA and Mythic for the work that has been put in. However, this has been shown to be impossible and this was communicated to the English-speaking DAOC community recently by the GOA Community Managers.

At this stage, I feel that something needs to be done to allow the players who still wish to enjoy this game to do so. It is unfair to ask English-speaking players to migrate to a foreign-language server. This was tried when the English "Classic Ruleset" was put into a german-language Cluster. This ruined the playing experience for the players and now the server is extremely poorly-populated.

I am asking on behalf of the English-Speaking DAOC community that a way be found to allow an easy migration of EU players to the US servers. Many US players would I'm sure enjoy the influx of new players to their clusters and the EU players would enjoy the chance to play on busy, populated servers. I am sure that many EU-based players would be willing to pay money for a character transfer to the US servers. Obviously there would be contract and license implications for Mythic and GOA to consider, but GOA make no money from dormant accounts sat on their servers and much goodwill could be gained by both GOA and Mythic which could be important when it comes to Warhammer Online and other future online games.

I am sure that there would be technical obstacles as well as political ones, but DAOC is still the best game in town for MMO PvP and there are many players who still enjoy the game and many more who want to continue to enjoy it.

Yours Faithfully

A Hopeful EU Player

Ta-da!!! That was more fun than work!


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
surely this bit is a lie???

GOA have been working hard for the last year or so to address the population issues on the English cluster, with their efforts targeted at a multi-language clustering solution. I know that Mythic has been heavily involved in this effort and I personally thank both GOA and Mythic for the work that has been put in. However, this has been shown to be impossible and this was communicated to the English-speaking DAOC community recently by the GOA Community Managers.

it took a thread on a non-official board to get a response - there not even admitting the problems on their website (dont want any bad news on there hey!)

rest seems good tho :cheers:


FH is my second home
Jan 29, 2004
surely this bit is a lie???

GOA have been working hard for the last year or so to address the population issues on the English cluster, with their efforts targeted at a multi-language clustering solution. I know that Mythic has been heavily involved in this effort and I personally thank both GOA and Mythic for the work that has been put in. However, this has been shown to be impossible and this was communicated to the English-speaking DAOC community recently by the GOA Community Managers.

it took a thread on a non-official board to get a response - there not even admitting the problems on their website (dont want any bad news on there hey!)

rest seems good tho :cheers:
I work (basically) in a customer service role. Although I can (and do) take shit from my clients when things go wrong, I still respond better to constructive comments. We don't actually know how much work was done in the background and for all we know, it could have been 15 hours a day by the top tech bods from GOA and Mythic. The communication could have been better, but I'm sure the Community Managers have their own managers and I wouldn't expect any of them to risk dismissal by posting "unofficial" news on a public forum. I'm sure that as soon as it was decided (by Management...techies don't make decisions!) that a solution was unpossible, the community was informed.

Please note this is NOT the same as me saying that as soon as it was known within GOA and Mythic that the preferred solution was impossible, the community was told. I've spoken to IainC and I honestly believe that he's pretty much straight down the line when it comes to community relations. I would expect that the Community Managers are strictly monitored and managed when it comes to what information they are allowed to release and when.

As far as I know, GOA and Mythic are still thinking about solutions to the population problems on Dyvet and there isn't really any official "news" as such. It's more like "we had an idea and looked into it for a while but it didn't pan out so we're gonna look at other stuff". I don't see this as the official "End Of Dyvet" and so it's not surprising to me that this isn't on the official news page.

I'm also not saying I'm happy with the situation and have, in fact, cancelled all my accounts (EU and US) for the time being and in fact I haven't played for some months now. This doesn't mean that I wouldn't come back to the game if a solution that fitted my needs as a gamer was found. Or just to piss people off :)


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Where exactly do you offer anything worthwhile in the following statement?

If you got nothing proper to say, you don't have to actually hit that reply button. I asked a question, you've been an ass, and not a funny one seeing from the way you replied. Fucken hell, and people wonder why these forums are full of shite!

Are you 'special'? or just refuse to comprehend what i wrote?

"offer anything worthwhile"

I thought it was plainly obvious, but as you missed it...

"I do not think this character transfer will occur simply based on the companies finances.

If you were EA and your game was being hosted/looked after by GOA and Mythic, you would be concerned if all of a sudden everyone wanted to leave GOA and join Mythic. You'd also ask the company why this is happening. It's possible to assume EA would have second thoughts about GOA and Warhammer.

GOA will lose money if they transfer you all to Mythic's servers.
GOA will look bad with regards to people wanting to play on Mythics servers and not theirs.
GOA will lose money from the loss of subsciptions, their annual turnover will also be affected which will not look good on their part.
If Mythic look after everything...and are succesfull, EA will see it far wiser employ ONLY them to host Warhammer.

In an ideal fucking world i'd love to have transferred my char (about 1 year back), it'd be great as the community would grow for both US and EU, however this WONT happen simply because of business reasons.

Now my 'special' friend, is that 'Worthwhile' enough? or shall I fly to your house, draw a little picture with some crayon's and we can close our eye's and *Wish* Mythic hear our plea's..."


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Ta-da!!! That was more fun than work!

/repped and thanks :)

Well I'll be sending that text over to Mythic via the feedback form. Might not be much but it's better than posting around pretending to be a smartass when one should just stick to the off-topic forum.

Cheers again


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Might not be much but it's better than posting around pretending to be a smartass when one should just stick to the off-topic forum.


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