Would Appreciate Shadowblade advice.


Urgat Rip-Eye

Heya Peeps.

Finally decided on Making my Shadowblde my next high level Char.

This is the story so far.


15 into str, 10 into con.

Spec at 24

Crit 21(+5)
Axe (14+5)
LA 14(+5)
Stealth 19(+5)
Enven 1(+5)

Currently playing through Thid.

I have recieved conflicting info on tactics, speccing, weapons, and would like some established 'blades to pick my spec/playing style appart.


1 - Weapons. Duel wield PA or... 2hand PA then Switch to duel wield?

This is my main bugbear, I have tested duel wield PA, 1handed PA, and 2hand PA. And as far as i can see... there is very little difference.

Single weapon vs just 1hander gives no real difference... apart from bieng able to apply two poisons.

2Hander vs the other two options offers only a slight (that i have noticed) increase in the PA opening, with a massive delay on 2nd swing as a drawback.

What gives?

I thought 2hand PA was meant to be uber...? Other 24blades i have spoke to have reported much larger PA's than myself... (avarage 400+ as opposed to my all time record of 300ish (normally nearer 200-250, ie not much higher than duel wield PA which normally totals for around 200) on a yellowcon mage type)

2 - Spec

I am aiming for an almost "Bile spec" (39/39/39/35/23)

And wanted to use duel wield throughout my career, so i decided to leave envenom untill high levels.

It does seem to be working out... kinda... Advice? Mistake?

Reroll as critblade untill 40+?


3 - Other Assasins

To be fair... i am geting owned. I try to avoid other assassins now, as i an not yet practised enough to target a fleeting stealther and land a PA succsecfully most of the time. (even with my maxed stealth... :( )

Even if i do land a PA/BS2 chain... the fights are close...

Is this due to my spec? am i doing something wrong?


Well that was a little jumbled... basically, any advice you can offer would be appreciated.


Its good u put 15 str into ur kobold for a start as I believe Str is still our primary stat (i think). First off, if u plan on taking this toon to 50 the 2h is only useful in one situation and thats performing PA on casters but, with SC gear and such that can be perilous if they have time to QC CC u. If u are lucky u will one shot ( by lucky I mean the caster was silly enough not to self buff ). PA with a 2h then switch to duel wield is also a prob as u suffer the 2h delay still b4 u perform ur follow up move (Creeping Death). Despite what u hear from Albion assassins 2h is not the fabled amazing tool in the sb's arsenal. Most sb's that I know (Including myself now) predominantly use duel wield to Perf, followup and melee and also carry a set of spare weapons reasily envenomed. BTW 2h on an inf, ns or shield speccing class is futile.

From my experience It was relatively easy levelling with high LA (not sure about now since mythic saw fit to bugger it up). I guess high CS and High weapon + decent envenom will help u level ur toon more easily now.
As far as other assassins are concerned, SB's are at the bottom of the food chain now, however, I understand they still perform on par with other assassin classes at BG level. Do u buff b4 you leave the MPK?

Urgat Rip-Eye


I do not have, or ever intend to have, a buff bot... at any level.

So no.

I run unbuffed for 99% of my time.


You should remember that a lot of players in Thid, and normal RvR, run in SC'd suits, have either a buff-bot or group with buffing people (like Shaman - dont know the other realm equivalents), and use MP weapons etc.

2Hander vs 2*1Hander - Depends on your target and what they are doing. Against cloth wearers who are engaged in something else (existing battle or a Mob) I use a 2Hander, and against all other class's I normally start with the 1handers. As you said though ... I could have cooked me tea and scoffed it by the time PA has finished and CD starts with me 2hander :D


Re: No

I run unbuffed for 99% of my time.

Therein lies your problem.

Whilst I dont advocate getting a BB, try grouping with a shaman / healer or, at the very least, get some alchemy potions.

Think about it - Buffed to the hilt my str almost doubles, which in turn ups the damage I do, and makes my styled attempts at hitting people less likely to be evaded / blocked etc.

You need to reduce your enemy to a level playing field and you can bet your life they are buffed - either buff up, use poisons, or play smarter. (Which explains why I end up dead all the time :D)


Definately at lvl 50 running about as a solo SB without buffs u will be any infils wet dream :/ sb's need buffs to perform against other assassins especially when they too are buffed


I use the Bile spec : 40 axe, 39 crit, 39 LA, 35 stealth, 24 env (autotrain stealth)
This gets you to 48 stealth and 37 env at RR3 which is enough to get you through the lower realm ranks.
I'm very happy with it. However, this spec is based on the fact you are buffed.

If not buffed you will do ok against casters and other soft targets, but others stealthers will rip you to shreds....

Another options to consider might be the old templates :

44 axe
44 LA
34 stealth
34 env
10 crit

or with 34 crit and 14 env

This might serve you a little better if unbuffed

For leveling I autotrained stealth and didn't spec crit + env until lvl 40.
Just level like a zerk until 39 (full Axe + LA)


If you want to RvR Solo without a buffbott you'll die alot no matter your spec. It's possible that you can do ok in places like DF and FS, but Emain/Odins is pretty much off-limits when your running arround unbuffed and solo.

To beat Inf/NS you need three things: Buffbott, SC/ALC-Stuff and Purge.


i wish i had made a norse when i started my blade,
atleast i autotrained stealth to 48 tho for a few extra pts.
norse got all advantage as it is now (imo)
higher str (ws),more con,better resists(+3% slash)
and since sb's never will get any str/dex weapons being kobold is a bit gimped.

ive Pa with 2h and dual wield and i see no point with 2H Pa.
2h Pa offers little higher basedmg but your creeping death follow up will get evadead or block/parryd like no tomorrow.
and dual wield 2=poisons.

kobold got the looks tho but thats about it :/


Yeah, I had a cleric block my CD yesterday. Pretty annoying :)


Originally posted by Urgat Rip-Eye
Finally decided on Making my Shadowblde my next high level Char.
you planning on playing another year to get him to 50 then? :p

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