Wots the most reliable way of getting a good ping?



Ive got a 56k v.90 modem at the moment and are thinking of upgrading to isdn or asdl when it becomes cheaper what i want to know is which ISP offers the best and most reliable conecction?

ive got surf unlimeted at the mo and that is a dirty elf sometimes there is always something going wrong with it on the status pages..

im thinking of checking out that blueyonder £50 a month isdn connection.

any thoughts on this? :D


Well in my experience (I have a cable modem) Blueyonder is bad, it seems every 3 days some problem comes up that affects my connection dramatically. Also ADSL/Cable i read somewhere can actually give higher pings than ISDN and also if your ISP is particulary being an arsé then you can switch to a good one on ISDN, where as with ADSL/Cable your stuck. As for pricing most ISP's will probably be flatrate soon so ISDN will probably work out cheaper, though Telewest said cable modems will come down to £30 a month soon.

But thankfully with cable modem i can get some quite fast downloads like 90k/sec once i got (though that should be impossible) and probably quite similar with ADSL.

So if you wanna spend a little extra and deal with the problems and have a slightly higher ping at times then go for Cable or ADSL.

Otherwise go for ISDN.

As for ISP's with ISDN apparantly freeserve are fairly good now.

(Btw i don't know what the hell i'm talking about, this is third party info :))


SuperKitten @ Home

[This message has been edited by SuperKitten (edited 05 July 2000).]


The freeserve ISDN service has turned to crap. I used to use it all the time 'cus I got 50 pings to BW servers. Now though 100+ ping and huge PL. I'm using the BW and Jolt dialups atm. They seem pretty good and I'm told BW will get much better soon.
ADSL will not happen till later this year and the contention ratios (50/1) will bring you down to something like 10k if busy, totally crap imo. Claranet just announced unmetered so that might be the way to go, or the new unmetered BW thingy might be even better :)


old.Reverend Flatus

I use ISDN connecting to Demon and usually ping BarrysWorld servers at about 60 average. I guess it depends on net congestion as it sometimes hits 80 when servers are busy. A few weeks ago I managed 26 on an empty server when I was waiting for other players, this is lower than some lan-parties I've been to!

Interestingly though, my ping is no better when I connect directly to BarrysWorld although I get less packet loss.

Well that's my tuppence worth.

In Nomine Poultry, Eggus et Millet de Sancti

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