Worst Day ever


Resident Freddy
Jan 5, 2004
Right i'd like to see anyone beat this, (ps getting sacked doesnt count)

1.) I travelled for 2hours in total for an exam that took me 20 mins and my train was late.
2.) I ate a bacon pasta salad for lunch with gave me chronic indigestion.
3.) I got into work to find i'm working everday this week and next week and possibly the weekend.
4.) Some old twat shouted at me cos i couldnt sell him some stuff cos I didnt have a pharmacist there. Its the law ffs!1
5.) Some kid puked on my shoes just before i got her into the toilet. She was facing away from me as i tried to get her there but she actually turned around to puke.
6.) My £200(ish) Versace denim jacket got chocolated by some little shite with an ice cream.

Please share your bad days and make me feel better before i wreak a horrible revenge on the whole world with my sick covered shoes and socks and some form of large artillery.!!!!!!!! :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2004
5.) Some kid puked on my shoes just before i got her into the toilet. She was facing away from me as i tried to get her there but she actually turned around to puke.

next time use less cloroform ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
May I just ask why the hell you're wearing (nice?) shoes and an expensive jacket when working with kids? Seems a bit foolish to me. Plus it doesn't sound like such a bad day to be honest, I've heard far worse, think yourself lucky :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
See my thread re. office wanker.

I did spend £300 on some sunnies (damn my eyesight), bought a new game and a new CD so that kinda made up for all the pain I had to go through during office hours. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
i got told today i've got to set up 6 new users in work this week.

We don't have any spare desks, any spare computers, any spare space and our phone system is running at capacity.

Apparantly it's my problem if they can't be working by the end of the week.

And to cap it off I'm chasing up quotes for 15,000 pounds worth of equipment and the bloody salesman won't answer their phones or send me the quotes and i needed them last night.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Sydrik said:
1.) I travelled for 2hours in total for an exam that took me 20 mins and my train was late.
That sucks... but trains being late is nothing unusual.

Twice in the past when going for interviews, I've had trains cancelled due to 'fatalities on the line'... :eek7:

I often wonder whether, had I not ignored the fact that someone going to the extremes of jumping in front of my train could be a potential bad omen for whatever interview I was going to, I might have become a millionaire by now... :m00:


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
worst thing that happend to me was just before easter holiday at college, we had some high and mighty inspectors, nothing unusual about that, went through the lesson they sat in for and nothing much happened, then me and some m8's where messing about at breaktime, while i was slapping someone, one of my other m8's nicked my bag and put it in the bin :( not too bad, the 'worst day ever' bit happend when i eventually found the bag in the bin, went get it out shouting 'OH MY F*CKING GOD THE DID AS WELL!' (im a tad foul mouthed at college when my m8's annoy me), got the bag out the bin and turned round to see the head of section and the high and mighty visitors staring at me, one said 'er. is there a problem?'

lol i almost died right there :S


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
LoL u think thats a bad day get a clue .. id tell u a bad day but i fear i might burst into tears=/


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
i did 10 times as much work this week than anyone else and my manage says he can tell im not trying my hardest and im being lazy. they also tryed to rip me off 1 holiday for this year. btw i work as an IT tech doing support, most people do like 5 jobs a day and im doing over 10 same difficulty as theres and some harder/more time consuming.

when i get sacked or leave im gonna stab my boss with a pen.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
tris- said:
i did 10 times as much work this week than anyone else and my manage says he can tell im not trying my hardest and im being lazy. they also tryed to rip me off 1 holiday for this year. btw i work as an IT tech doing support, most people do like 5 jobs a day and im doing over 10 same difficulty as theres and some harder/more time consuming.

when i get sacked or leave im gonna stab my boss with a pen.

Ha ha! I have recently gone on strike at work after my bosses made a rather annoying comment about me:

"The trouble with Sissyfoo is that he is so damn quiet I never know if he is here or not!"

T'other boss replied, "Who is Sissyfoo...? Oh, wait...him!"

Yes...HIM! The guy standing RIGHT FUCKING BEHIND YOU!! :eek:

Anyway, cut a long story short, I now do no work apart from the barest of bare minimums, I spend all day surfing the BBC site (one of the few that isn't blocked out by the company firewall) and daydream. This is all in an attempt to get fired because quitting would be too easy and the money ain't too bad. The funny thing is that everyone else in the office is getting into trouble for not doing enough work and making a crappy effort but I am getting praised for my hard work!! WTF?! o_O The boss actually came up to me today and asked me for a quick chat and I was all, like, "Woh yea! Gonna get fired now! Ungh! Oh yea! Hunh! Come oooon! </James Brown victory dance>".

"Sissyfoo, has anyone discussed how long we were planning to keep you on?"

(I am a contract employee btw)

"Nope." ~Sooo gonna get fired now! Ohhh yea...can feel it! Feels goooood!~

"Okay, that's fine...Myself and Anne were just talking and we were wondering if you would be interested in a permanent contract with the company?"

"I...er, thanks...but no thanks!"

FUUUUUCK!! Worst...day...ever!! :mad:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
today was my worst day in a long while, it's almost too bad to talk about. Suffice to say i've now drowned my sorrows so it's a bit less painful.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004

Worst day:

Woke up, had to dash into college late, realising I didn't have my coursework. Get through that, then have to endure an hour talk on depleted uranium with somebody who obvious had her pitch metre broken at birth because it-was-all-on-the-same-note. Had a rehersal all lunch time, puking shortly beforehand, I managed to forget to eat lunch, feeling even more shitty on an empty sickly stomach. I knocked off to remember I have a shift from 3:45-11:30 working at the leisure centre I work at. I arrive, on time, get changed, only to decide I have the shits, so spend the first 30 seconds of each "dry(off pool)" shift emptying 6 litres of water from my anus. To add to it, I had 8 chavs in the pool, doing flips, nicking balls, snogging and giving me the finger, generally being fucks. I had 4 tramps(the bouncy not homeless kind) to set up and a spring track for the gym club. At 11pm I found myself on my hands and kness srubbing the ladies changing room floors, occasionally dashing to the shitter to evacuate my bowls once again.

All in all, I guess it could have been worse.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
You had one bad day and you don't think anyone can beat it!! :eek7:

My worst day:

Passenger in high speed car accident. Trapped in van, left arm jammed between back seat and van wall. Fractures to - Scapula, ribs & shattered head of humerus. Flesh torn from underarm. Bikini top torn exposing nips to double decker tourist coach that had pulled up to 'observe' the crash site. New puppie in van during crash, shaken not stirred :/ Given crap drugs in Ambulance that did nothing for the excruciating pain. Taken to shittest local public hospital. Left overnight completly unwashed, unfed and basically ignored except for a few measly doses of pethadine. Left that hospital with infection setting in nicely to underarm gash. Flew home and spewed on plane. Treated by local Dr and given Methadone as a fucking painkiller.. couldn't see, wee or move :s Oh and my Dad had a tantrum 'cos I was getting more attention than him :eek:

I've had a few others that were as horrifc as that but either involved drugs or boyfriends. So I won't go there. Don't want to damage the kiddies :p

So.... your day sounds a bit shitty but *shrug* at least you're alive :cheers:


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
think today is even worse than yesterday. i pulled some muscles in my back so i cant lift anything. i had to get put on other work. manager asks for a doctors note to prove it, i told him no it costs £20 for a doctors note i cant afford that. so one of the other managers makes up lies about me, that he seen me carrying monitors around. i ask someone else who says yeh he said that. so i speak to the boss who speaks to the manager and the other guy, both say they never said anything. so i said fine and walked out. also found out i dont even need a doctors note unless they wanna sue me or i sue them for injury. they are trying to make out that im lazy, i dont even fucking like the work they put me on so im not gonna lie to get put on shitty work.

btw they dont even employee me, im an apprentice.


Dec 22, 2003
My sister being told she had cancer on her birthday.

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