World’s first GTA IV review “removed at the advice of legal counsel”


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
videogaming247 said:
Rockstar’s lawyers really don’t waste time. Following the posting of what claimed to be the world’s first GTA IV review yesterday, all that’s now left of the piece is a smoking hole and the rather curt message, “This site has been removed at the advice of legal council.”

The exclusive for this has to be locked up tighter than Alyona Ivanovna pawn chest, so it’s hardly surprising. We’re going to add something to the great list of certainties in life, actually:

* Death
* Taxes
* You can’t beat the internet
* You will get a call from Rockstar’s lawyers

Quoted - videogaming247 Blog Archive World’s first GTA IV review “removed at the advice of legal counsel”

Seems to be of posted else where tho - CGReviews - Cam Garish Reviews - One Review at a Time!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
Apparently it was completely made up, also.. :touch:



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
was so obvious it was made up, they dont send out review copies , and previews and shit up until last month were done by the jornos going to rock star north studio. they also dont hand out review copies, think its its about 5 mags/sites that have the review code and all of them would slit thier throats than piss on a nda, only exeption was table tennis which needed all the PR it could get

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