Ahahahahahaha, I worked Xmas Eve, New years Eve, New years Day. Well basically I only had Xmas Day and Boxing Day off. But the jokes on you all now, I don't feel down because I have to go back to work today, I've been back for ages. MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Hold on a fucking minute............I'm such an idiot
Start the same I had Xmas Eve/Day, Boxing Day, Bank hols. New Years and etc, worked 28th/29th but that was it.
Altho today i start work as an actual o2 employee, this is very interesting, gnna be like first day on the job, and plus, i finally get to use my Audi again after about a month and half!
Like Trem, I've not had the luxury of 'time off' over Christmas. The only days I've had off in the last 2 weeks were Christmas Day and the Tuesday after it. Bunch of arse tbh.
Thank fuck today's nearly over. I've turned up today to find I'll be working for another company by the end of the month and there's gonna be a complete admin shuffle of who runs what.
Funnily enough I'll still be in the same office, working with the same people and earning the same amount and doing the same job. Confused? I certainly am.
Back to uni today :<
Didn't need to go in - first lecture was cancelled, second lecture I appear to be ahead of everyone else and know exactly what I'm doing...
Still, gave me time to settle back in, unpack, food shop and relax. No chance to yesterday as I got back just a few hours before I should be waking again. Uber work commences from tomorrow this month :<
There was nobody in our office yesterday, just me and the network admin, so he decides to rebuild all our development servers while its quiet. I played Anarchy Online all day, still would rather have been home in bed..
I beleive i'm staying as a jobless bum today the same as over the xmas holidays...however application deadlines for several jobs are this month so I expect lots of interview letters soon Hahaha
Been off from the 17th and getting up at 8:00am yesterday was the worst. I'd forgotten that time of the morning even existed anymore. One good thing about being back though is that I have more than 4 channels to watch and access to the Internet again. Yay!!!
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