Work hell, yet again.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
ok, some of you may remember last time i said i was being hounded for taking too many calls.

well today i went for my break. i checked the breaks time table and i was certain it said 7pm. i come back and the manager is screaming "where the hell have you been, break is 7.30". i explained to her i was positive it was 7.00 plus why would i go for break early when it makes fuck all difference to me?! well she blatantly called me a liar and told me i did it because i think i can get away with it and that no one would notice.

apparently when i left too early, the service level dropped below the acceptable limit for wanadoo, all because i went too early. now i have had 24 hour notice for a disciplinary(sp?) which i am told means i could be fired (with 24 hours notice).

as strange as it is, all i can do is laugh at the whole fucking thing :eek6:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Sorry to say it, but a sacking sounds most likely. Then again, you don't seem to care.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
tris- said:
as strange as it is, all i can do is laugh at the whole fucking thing :eek6:

Well, you're obviously not happy working there.

Being fired is actually quite an amusing exprience. You get to tell them exactly what you think of them and it forces you out of whatever depressing rut you've managed to dig yourself into.

I don't think you'll get fired though. You'll just get lectured to by some utter toss-arse who is totally into 'their career'. Here's what to do if you want to keep your job:

- Cite personal problems. For example, my girlfriend got pregnant by another man and it's cut me up. Or, if you have the bare-faced nerve to pull it off, my [insert family member here] has [insert incurable disease here] and has done for [insert amount of time you've been getting shit here]. They will then file you under 'Personal problems' and pretty much leave you alone.

- Fake a nervous breakdown. A friend of mine did this for a bet at a well known insurance company I used to work for. Jumped on the managers desk with a can of Special Brew in each hand and spouted a load of unintelligible nonsense - Signed off for 3 months compassionate leave.

Or, if it really has gone beyond the point of no return, just enjoy telling them what you think of them and move on. It's only a job. Plenty more of them out there.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Sir Frizz said:
Sorry to say it, but a sacking sounds most likely. Then again, you don't seem to care.

oh i do care, fist job ive had, and 2K pay rise comes in the next few months.

Gurnox -
Tech support for wanadoo call centre
i have good GCSE and a B at A-level in ICT, lot of experience from an apprenticeship (1 year)

but my main point is - they complain i do too many calls, but if i am not there to take them then the service level drops below standard. if you dont see the funny side to that then :eek2: even if your on the recieving end.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
tris- said:
oh i do care, fist job ive had, and 2K pay rise comes in the next few months.

Gurnox -
Tech support for wanadoo call centre
i have good GCSE and a B at A-level in ICT, lot of experience from an apprenticeship (1 year)

but my main point is - they complain i do too many calls, but if i am not there to take them then the service level drops below standard. if you dont see the funny side to that then :eek2: even if your on the recieving end.

Fuck, sorry. Edited the post after reading yours more fully.

Don't take it too seriously. You're 18 dude, go back to Uni and leave these little shits behind. The more you care about a job like this, the more they'll shit on you.

Remeber - It's only a job.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
mate, to goto uni i need real qualifcations ;) also i do like working there, good people, pretty fun sometimes aswell. also i said all i can do is laugh, well because i am like that. if shit is gonna happen then so be it, they will have decided already anyway so no point crying.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Of course there is a point to crying :)

If your in a union now would be the time to use them, seems very harsh for an honest mistake.

Alternatively you could try and find out your bosses login and download porn on her account then email it to one of her contacts but *accidently* end up sending it to everyone in the building, it won't solve your problem but it would be very satisfying and she would probably get a formal warning to so you'd be even.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
why stimpy? its already decided what will happen so no point. i dont wanna lose my job but if it happens, well, shit happens right? dont have a union :| hopefully ALL the managers will be there, rather than that stinking fatty. at least then i can explain it to more than one person and then they can see how un-reasonable she is.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
tris- said:
mate, to goto uni i need real qualifcations ;) also i do like working there, good people, pretty fun sometimes aswell.

I dropped out of A-Levels twice. Took crap job after crap job until I was 25. Ended up doing something called and access course at a local college. It's kinda like the equivalent of A-Level but without the pressure. You can work part time while you do it so the money thing isn't such a drag.

Basically, it gets you into Uni to do something that you want to do. Rather than get dicked around doing something you don't.

There is hope :)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
but this access course - has to be paid for by me? my life ambition is to work in a bar so if i end in uni i couldnt care less :D


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Tris you sound like one of those guys who will hit 30 and give it all up, trading everything for a remote cottage on the Scottish coast, and a fishing boat :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
tris- said:
but this access course - has to be paid for by me? my life ambition is to work in a bar so if i end in uni i couldnt care less :D

No, it's free. You just have to earn enough to live while you do it. Work in a student bar while you are at Uni. Bar work is fun, but doing it for the rest of your life? Only so many times you can listen to 'And my wife.......'. Trust me, education is where it is at.


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Tbh I don't reckon they can sack you for that - they have to follow their disciplinary procedures which, being a large company, generally means that there has to be a verbal warning then a written warning before they can fire you (unless it's for gross misconduct which this clearly isn't). If not then you would probably have a case for unfair dismissal.

Also I presume you only had the standard length for a break so that you were clearly not trying to "get away" with anything and it should be treated as a mistake. If you feel the manager is treating you unfairly then you should take it above their head to human resources and claim you are being victimised by the aforementioned manager who has a personal grudge against you for some reason (like being better at your job than she could ever be...).


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
well i actually got 5 minutes less because i was dragged from my break and wasnt 'allowed' to get the 5 minutes back. they break so many health and safety laws its unreal, so if they try pull any shit i have something to give back ;). for a start, the building has fleas. i get bitten all the time as does my mate. i am yet to goto the doctors.. i am told if the doctor reckons its a flea bite then the building needs to be shut down for fumigation (assuming other people goto the docs aswell)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Tris- they can not fire you on this alone. Worse you will get is a verbal or maybe a written warning.

A lot of managers sadly work for their careers and don't like employees doing anything out of the norm. Hence you working better than anyone else is showing the manager up and making others question what is going on in your team. Other managers should be thinking "this guy is good!", but instead are worried that if you are doing the job so well at such a high rate, why are the rest of the employees not doing it to the same high standard? This leads onto higher management, so they are trying to stop you, instead of tackling the overall issue of employees not achieving what they can achieve.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
It might be worth pointing out that since their service levels dropped so dramatically while you were having your break, how do they plan to rectify this after they've fired you.

I guess we've all had soul-destroying jobs... best thing to do is not take it too seriously. From your description of your workplace, moving on is probably the wisest thing though.

Failing that, intimidation is the current favourite of Industrial Tribunals. Our HR department has instructed anyone who even feels intimidated to pack up and go home until the matter is sorted! So it might be worth mentioning that you feel intimidated also.

Whatever you do, make sure you write notes in preparation of your disciplinary meeting (and take them with you).


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
oh SoWat, thanks for the idea. never thought of making notes :)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
go directly to higher management. tell them everything, names, dates, times, places. do not embelish anything, and try to keep it short. be utterly serious. tell them what you think of your direct manager and his/her peers. explain the problem exactly and what to do about it. take your bosses place and sack him/her for being utterly incompetant. turn the callcenter into a thing of beauty, accept large bonus, go on holiday.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
tris- said:
but my main point is - they complain i do too many calls, but if i am not there to take them then the service level drops below standard.

That's a bit strange, complaining about you doing work. :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tom said:
Tris you sound like one of those guys who will hit 30 and give it all up, trading everything for a remote cottage on the Scottish coast, and a fishing boat :D

Nothing wrong with that :eek:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
swap scottish coast for carribean and i dont think i would mind that option.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
work just sucks lol :(

Any dole heads who have been on the dole for 2 years + gimme so tips on how i stay alive in £80 a fortnight? plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Seriously doubt you'd get fired for that. As mentioned already, a company will have a procedure/policy to go through (considering it's only over a pissing tea break). This could be something like a verbal warning, a final verbal warning, then a written warning before the talk of "firing".

Where I used to work, if you have had more than a certain amount of sick days a year you have a "diciplinary hearing", but it doesn't mean being sacked, it's basically a consultation between you and your line manager to make sure everything is ok outside of work.

Be cool.


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