By Oaklief Scout TL
Everyone has been extremely patient with their archer, and waiting for fixes. I just wanted to let everyone interested know that the gears are starting to turn. At this point the dev coordinating this isn't looking for help beyond Branin, Taco, and I, but that may change soon, or I may very well ask for other logs to be made of the same tests to get extra data points for her.
So this is a formal request that anyone who would like to be available to participate in these tests: please character copy one or more of your archers over to Pendragon. Any level archer will be welcome I expect, as we will want to look at more than just level 50s.
This is a preliminary request, as character copy may take a day or two to actually copy your character over. You can find specific directions for how to do this by doing a seach for "character copy" on the Herald.
:eek2: :eek2: :kissit: :spin: :hat: :bazbeer:
Or should I sit down again? <scratches nerfbat embedded in neck>