wondering where the best place might be


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2004
hi everyone i have a little question..

where is the best place to solo farm on and what class should i be :)?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Would help if we had some details. Level? Do you plan on using a buffbot? (its amazing how many people refer to duoing w/ a buffbot as soloing :D )

At 40+ you can go to the ToA zones, i've been doing that with my runie and getting a few scrolls for my trouble. Don't expect anything uber rare, but its still a nice little cash boost. (and you might get lucky with a nice RoG item)

you can go to DF at any level above 20 really, Seals are the best way of making money. Though everyone knows this so pretty much every square inch of the place is camped.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 14, 2004
anyone know of any good places to farm with a bb EXCEPT df?
like archeon said, that place is camped beyond belief and i hate it when u finally get a decent spot then albs take df and u get zerged :p
can solo red/purps with no probs if that makes my question easier to answer.. :)


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Archeon said:
Would help if we had some details. Level? Do you plan on using a buffbot? (its amazing how many people refer to duoing w/ a buffbot as soloing :D )

At 40+ you can go to the ToA zones, i've been doing that with my runie and getting a few scrolls for my trouble. Don't expect anything uber rare, but its still a nice little cash boost. (and you might get lucky with a nice RoG item)

you can go to DF at any level above 20 really, Seals are the best way of making money. Though everyone knows this so pretty much every square inch of the place is camped.

if ur a kobbie u can squish urself between all the fat trolls and they wont notice :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Disagree on the DF part, there's ample of places to xp at - it just requires some effort to get to either alb or hib side of it, instead of taking the easy route and standing tightly packed together with the rest of the mid zerg :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 16, 2004
Depends what you wish to farm, really. If you are lvl 50 and need cash, go to df, venture to hib / alb side and have a ball. Or if you are a warrior and have a buffbot and your gf has a supp rm, you can go anywhere in df :)

If you are looking for xp places that are not uber camped, go Trollheim, Raumarik (my favorite), northern parts of Malmo, or some camps near Blendrake and Nottmoor are nice too. And then there's Iarnwood + dungeon, and many nice SI places.

TOA I don't know much about when it comes to xp-ing, never tried myself. Probably best for 40-45+ as indicated above.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 14, 2004
So no other suggestions EXCEPT Df for $$$ ? :wub:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Try trollheim, lots of spots inside with orange/red con mobs to 50. Lvling our thid alts there with my brother :) (tank+alt in group, bb out of group).

Tanks in mid pve ~ necros in alb.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Farahiem and Delling crater, both very underutilised zones and I've now leveled 2 chars to 50 there with ease.

3 skogsra camps (2 east of Hagall and the best one which is reached by hugging the waterline north of the iarnwood dwarf encampment.)

Delling crater:

2 camps of Caldera stinger
several camps of lower level mobs, nevermind tons of XP in the crater as long as you stay away from the middle.


Wild redcaps - drop chain and weapons that salvage for arcanium and some extremely nice gems and necklaces. Best camp spot is the area north of the Iarnwood dwarf town (killing redcaps pleases the dwarves so you can sell locally)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Lothandar said:
Tanks in mid pve ~ necros in alb.

Ohh? Mid tanks can chain 2-3 orange con's at a time and walking away with 100% health and close to full power(if they use power that is :) )?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Aybabtu said:
Ohh? Mid tanks can chain 2-3 orange con's at a time and walking away with 100% health and close to full power(if they use power that is :) )?
orange con mobs cant even hit a warrior ^^
i powerlvled my sb with my warrior to lvl 43, 1d 20h or something so it isnt that slow ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Aybabtu said:
Ohh? Mid tanks can chain 2-3 orange con's at a time and walking away with 100% health and close to full power(if they use power that is :) )?

with buffs for thier level yes, they hard, they can just hold aggro and not get hit very much. As ive said before warriors are not there to do the damage they are there to hold aggro with taunt and blocking/guard/intercept/protect and shield slam. Makes me laugh when i see a warroir using 2h in normal pve.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Fully buffed kobbie warrior ( mine has 360 str buffed lol ) there are very little red/low purp mobs that can spoil your day, and we wont even mention kobbie warrior duo , both with guard. Was helping some friends lvl at modernagrav Hefferlazy and i were doing pulls that would shame some of the sms pulling there.

Also said above, trollheim is an EXCELLENT place to lvl alts. There is a room there that instapops about 6 - 10 red snakes, very weak to slash, they are easy prey for a warrior. They drop random metal giving items too..

Hefferlazy + Ekyps + Ericsson = LOL pulls and we hardly ever got touched.

anyway less of my babbling.

Most of the SI areas drop lvl 10 tier salvagable items ( some of the camps near hagall drop items that salvage for 29 arcanium and they are yellow/orange con mobs for a lvl 50). Same with the dungeons. Dodens is also a nice place.The sell loot gives half decent money plus the drops also salvage for arcanium that you can either a) hinge if you got 950+ MW b) Use if you are a crafter or c) sell to a crafter.

The thing is to run around and try, find a nice place and stay their, with lots of ppl in TOA or DF farming, you will probably have your nice camp to yourself for a good bit.



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Aybabtu said:
Ohh? Mid tanks can chain 2-3 orange con's at a time and walking away with 100% health and close to full power(if they use power that is :) )?

I see you didn't notice the ~ mark. It means they are SIMILAR to necros in pve, you can find similarities between the 2 things.

Btw I can chain 2-3 orange con mobs with my warrior and walk away with only an ickle amount of hp lost, like on 80% , but that's 1 heal for buffy ;)

Edit: As some said above, orange con mobs don't really bother warriors, we miss the lifetap thingie (lol @ necros tbh) but there are the bbs.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Iarnwood is nice for cash
All that loot sells for ok return in terms of sell loot which fetches roughly 1-3g per drop, and pleanty to salvage.
You need a shammy/healer/bb with you tho, most mobs disease and has something stupid like a 30 min timer on it.
Idea to park an alt in cave as it is quite hike to get there, saves return trips for while longer when ur inventory fills up


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Chronictank said:
Iarnwood is nice for cash
All that loot sells for ok return in terms of sell loot which fetches roughly 1-3g per drop, and pleanty to salvage.
You need a shammy/healer/bb with you tho, most mobs disease and has something stupid like a 30 min timer on it.
Idea to park an alt in cave as it is quite hike to get there, saves return trips for while longer when ur inventory fills up

Nah just sell to the dwarves, and in terms of trip it's only about 5 minutes with permasprint from hagall even after they increased the scrag camp near the border. I did a lot of pling of my bb in iarn, although if you don't have cure disease then it's not worth it ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
You havent played a warr i guess Buffer ?

or is 50 seals in an hour oki with you ?

Cause i rather want the 100+ i get .. and wow i used twohanded .. sorry that ill make u laugh everytime u bump in to me in DF ..

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