Archeon said:Would help if we had some details. Level? Do you plan on using a buffbot? (its amazing how many people refer to duoing w/ a buffbot as soloing)
At 40+ you can go to the ToA zones, i've been doing that with my runie and getting a few scrolls for my trouble. Don't expect anything uber rare, but its still a nice little cash boost. (and you might get lucky with a nice RoG item)
you can go to DF at any level above 20 really, Seals are the best way of making money. Though everyone knows this so pretty much every square inch of the place is camped.
Lothandar said:Tanks in mid pve ~ necros in alb.
orange con mobs cant even hit a warrior ^^Aybabtu said:Ohh? Mid tanks can chain 2-3 orange con's at a time and walking away with 100% health and close to full power(if they use power that is)?
Aybabtu said:Ohh? Mid tanks can chain 2-3 orange con's at a time and walking away with 100% health and close to full power(if they use power that is)?
Aybabtu said:Ohh? Mid tanks can chain 2-3 orange con's at a time and walking away with 100% health and close to full power(if they use power that is)?
Chronictank said:Iarnwood is nice for cash
All that loot sells for ok return in terms of sell loot which fetches roughly 1-3g per drop, and pleanty to salvage.
You need a shammy/healer/bb with you tho, most mobs disease and has something stupid like a 30 min timer on it.
Idea to park an alt in cave as it is quite hike to get there, saves return trips for while longer when ur inventory fills up