Wondering how you all feel about this.....



Ok had an incident and would like to know how albion feels about this. I wont mention any names though.

Scenario - a group of alts from a guild is pulling grove nymphs. Along comes a low guy whos had the game a week, sees the nymphs, and also starts pulling from there 1 mob every few mins. The grp of alts shout at him, tell him to go away that its their spot, and then a level 47 who was there from this other guild proceeds to kill all his pulls.

The GM of these uber alts (one was the GM) then messages me the GM of the low guy and threatens me to stop him pulling from there as its THEIR spot, or he will make sure our guild gets a bad name. I feel in favour of the lone guy, as grove nymphs are not a 1 grp spot with plenty there and fast spawns, have always had more than 1 party on them, and theyre the only safe exp for his level (other nymphs are too high, too low, or had too much aggro around). The GM of this other guild then goes on to call my guild a lot of names etc, and talk abusive to the new guy and i basically tell him to go away that ive lost all respect for them after this.

Was just wondering if you think i was in the right here, or what you would have done in the same scenario.



It annoys me sometimes when someone pulls from where I'm already pulling but I'd normally just move to another spot if it happens or ask them to move on as I was there 1st. I certainly wouldn't ever consider contacting GM's or getting a higher char to kill their pulls though.

No one has any more right to a mob than anyone else until it's pulled but it's common courtesy to ask if the people there mind if you pull but if they do mind or u chose not to ask them and you chose to stay thats up to u.

Was never keen on killing nymphs though cause it was nice to have at least one neutral mob on Salis when I was xping there.

Who was the Guild btw ?


Well he should have asked initially if it was ok to pull from the tree thats the etiquette in these scenarios usually, but I see no real problem with pulling from them seeing that Grove Nymphs are quite easy to pull with 1 group and 1-2 single people pulling

Just forget about it, some people need to chill and take life less seriously!

Those guys sound like they have cucumbers up their asses! WOOHOO


Not gonna name the guild congo, just not my style to name guilds publicly unless its necessary sorry mate :(

upto their gm if he wants to say its them, but theyre a pretty big guild, new but built up fast. If he was stealing their pulls, sure i would have kicked his arse, but he wasnt...he was pulling his own.


imo those guys were acting like tossers :p .

if its a full grp.and ONE solo person pulling ONE nymph at a time then i wouldnt be bothered at all . if it was 2 full grps then maybe iwould try sort summin out "politely" . cos imo some nymph trees dont have enough nymphs for 2 full grps . but there is always enough nymphs for 1 fg and 1 solo person .

as for them saying tell him to stop or they will drag your guilds name through the mud . if i was u i woulda told em to fuck off :) . end of the day if your guild has a good name it aint gonna lose that name cos a cple of elite uber tossers tried spread rumours or what ever , and cosu posted this here no fugga is gonna belieave em anyway also imo u shoulda said who they was so we could all laugh at them "hope it wasnt the guild im in :p " people who act elite and think they better than everybody else imo = Uber tosser not uber gamer.

Cow for the leetist's :m00: :m00: :m00:


if its a full grp.and ONE solo person pulling ONE nymph at a time then i wouldnt be bothered at all . if it was 2 full grps then maybe iwould try sort summin out "politely" . cos imo some nymph trees dont have enough nymphs for 2 full grps . but there is always enough nymphs for 1 fg and 1 solo person .

Exactly what i said to the GM, but he wouldnt have it :\

as for them saying tell him to stop or they will drag your guilds name through the mud . if i was u i woulda told em to fuck off

I did, just more politely :D


Sharpschutze pm me the details then if u don't want it public. There are some guilds I avoid grping with atm, would be interested to see if this is one of them.

Hit ^_^

be nice to the new ones aslong as they dont steal pulls.


Sounds like the group in question had an attitude problem :(

Sadly it happens too often now, guess thats just the way its going to be.

Most people (I hope) dont act like this. Most people have at least a little courtesy to the others in the game.

Or am I just kidding myself and we've a realm full of idiots with just a few decent people left .... :rolleyes:


Sorry its had to come to this, but your telling the story through a L15 m8. You wasnt there and this has turned into chinese whispers.

Here is what REALLY happened.

4 lowbies all with high level alts needed help leveling. They went to the nymphs and it was uncamped so they got a high level wizard to pull for them. He was there mainly for pulling and security, most of the group were casters so EB did squat.

The group was 3 lvl 11s and one lvl 12. All the nymphs were red and purple con to them. They had been pulling for over 30 minutes and then a level 15 (4 levels above most of the guys) comes along and without asking if he can pull starts pulling half the spawn (as he can kill them just as quick as the lowbie group). So the group politely moves over to the sorc and states that they had been there for sometime and the area was camped and that there was a nymph tree to the west with exactly the same level nymphs. The sorc keeps pulling and says that we should move to the trees why should he move. So the group waited for more nymph to spawn and he took them, even the ones that the wiz had rooted specifically for the lowbie group to deal with. So as you can guess the group is getting pretty annoyed and one of the group starts leeching his kills (yes that was uncalled for and he was told off for it) but after that the sorc starts leeching the groups kills many times. So the wizard clears the trees for one spawn hoping that the sorc will move on and grow up. This doesnt happen so the wizard gives up. Eventually after more leeching by the sorc half the lowbie group give up and log, yes he won because he leeched. Now the lowbie group got bullied by a high peep.

And btw sharp, only one of the group insulted your guild, and he was told off immediatly and it wasn't an all guild group.


I don't think anyone can defend the actions of this guild.

I can understand why you don't want to name them m8, maybe they should own up themselves. Without naming though they will just carry on acting like this and spoiling the game for new players, I am sure GOA don't want that and if I had seen it I would have reported it to GOA.

Don't these people realise it is just a game and no reason to try to make it less fun for others. I found with nymphs if I was camping them there were more than just I could take. If 3 groups ended up there it wasn't a problem as without fail 1 would lose patience very quivkly and leave.


anonmeister your version of events may be nearer the truth for all we know - but the fact that you choose to be anon says alot.

Fact is (regardless of this) the number of idiots is growing by the day ... :(

Hit ^_^

anonmeister if i happened as you say it did.
i think your right.


Hmmmm i always respect taken spots and if somebody else comes i almost always move away, funny thing is the group taking my spot usually gets wiped out shortly after(there most be a god somewhere).
Theres only in one case where i am tempted to take other peps spot and that is when they have high lvl aid. I have nothing against powerleveling friends or guildmates but i cant really see why the poor peps that dont want to or cant do that kind of stuff should suffer from high lvl dudes camping the good spots with there low lvl alts.
I know all the good players out there follow some of the unwritten morals in the game, and you quickly learn that they are the ones worth grouping with. So actually the reason with this post is adding yet a little unwritten(okay i know its writtien now) rule and that is that if you powerlvl somebody, other people have first dips on the spot


M8 id rather be making friends than enemies and im sure the rest of our guild feels the same.

TBH Excalibur is a very high population server and some level ranges have very few camping spots. I can understand why the sorc wanted to push in and get kills at the nymphs but at his level he should be grouping and killing higher level mobs.

It reminds me of a time i was in keltoi at L32 drophunting, i was taking only one mob in the ant room but i got many people saying that they needed all the kills there. They were being very greedy but they were camped there first and so i moved out of keltoi and went to barrows.

IMO both sides of party were wrong. So please lets drop this and get on with daoc :)


As I said earlier the group didnt even have a tank, EB was useless. The wizard was only there for root pulling and for qc nuking if the group was likely to die so saying the group were being powerleveled is wrong.


Originally posted by anonmeister
IMO both sides of party were wrong. So please lets drop this and get on with daoc :)

Good plan :)


Don't think the forum is the place to discuss this.
We hear 2 different stories, both of them colored by personal perspective on the situation. You cannot ask any right/wrong support in these cases.

Whatever happened there should have been solved between those people. If it is was a new player, explain him the rules ... if it was a case of bad attitude, ignore it.

Yes there are many situations out there where I think 'djeez, where is this realm going' but I also met a lot of good and great people, both high and low level. Get over it and return to having fun with this game as that is what it is here for.


I've noticed a big problem with Albion lately and this seems as good a place as any to address it.

A grp is camping beach at tangler...another grp comes and camps next to them...that's 2 grps at tanglers...and 5-7 at trees.

In a situation where there are simply to many grps we need to get along and share. Just because a grp has been campin beach for 5 hours or whatever doesn't give them the right to tell another grp to leave when there are NO other camp sights. Same goes for DF, when all the spots are camped, get along and help your fellow alb out by sharing and taking tunrs on pulls.

We can either share and cut our own xp down some (less mobs) or we can take the alternative: tell a grp to get the heck out of dodge and spent 30 min argueing about camping rights ect.

I swaer, everyday in albion I hear something that makes me think of kindergarten and makes me want to break out the paste and crayons.

A grp isn't going to simply say. Oh my my bad, this is your spot, I was unaware of that...no way, they're going to say what is true (to be perfectly honest) No alb has more right to one mob than any other Alb.

For christmas sake people, stop acting like 5year olds and get along. (Me included)


Well he swears to me he was pulling his own until the grp started abusing him, pulling as much as they could, and killing his pulls.....so he hit back in anger which is understandable. And from the pms i got from that group, i certainly believe the abuse which he was upset about , and a lvl 43 from my guild also went there and heard all the abuse and name calling of my guild, so as far as their guild goes, i lost all respect for them due to that immature behaviour. Telling a new guy to the game, level 15, to piss off (and thats politely put) to another grove surrounded by giants, basilisks etc is just not on in my eyes. hes a sorcerer, he can mezz them all the aggro they said :\

btw this wasnt a flame, i just wanted to see peoples views for my own peace of mind which is why i didnt name any names.


I can understand why you don't want to name them m8, maybe they should own up themselves. Without naming though they will just carry on acting like this and spoiling the game for new players

Actually your right and i will name them because they really made me angry treating a guy like that, and treating me like that. It was keepers of the light. theyve a lot of great guys, but id sure love to know who the main chars of the alts were.

Sharp Thing

y'know, those nymphs can be chained



Lonewolf "Just forget about it, some people need to chill and take life less seriously!"

u mean take the game less seriously! :)

I hope u aint so addicted, that ur calling daoc 'life' :p


I dont know who these chars were or the full story apart from what Ive read but I dont think you should "colour" a whole
guild based on a few people who do something ............

The Keepers of the light have been trying to represent themselves in a good image as we are like said " A new and upcoming guild " . We try to help all people in albion and be
courteous to everyone . I try to walk away from fights amoung
people fighting over spawn spots ., drops etc , because to me
its quite simply not worth it.

I mean seriouly its a game that means an AWFULL lot to me and that is my main pastime but its still just a game < NOT REAL LIFE>

We might not have the tried and tested respect that some
of the other guilds have such as LoD or Bf , But for a new
guild , I think we as a whole do very well , we have a good GM
and a alot of good players high and low and we try to help
out in all things albion , from taking keeps to defending them ,
to helping with our alliance . We have made a lot a friends in
a lot of guilds and I would hate this to tarnish that or put an awfull lot of hard work of earning respect to waste.

Again you should not tarnish a whole guild by a few people you
should take the guild as a whole , because that is what it is basically a large grp of people who fight and help each other out,
but that is still made up of individual people.

I will look futher into this and since you have named us , would you mind naming the other guild involved , not to bring disrepute
to them , just so I know who were talking about and so we can contact them.

Keepers of the Light

Btw > I do not speak for my guild , I am only one member who came across this and had an opinion.


Originally posted by old.Akirai

Along comes a low guy whos had the game a week


I don´t reallly know what happened but sometimes i think we are really professionals :)().

New people in game needs a chance to learn.


Keepers of the Light are good guys , just hoping the people concerned were either new to the guild or having an off day. They were out of order for what they did as i was on and got a running commentary of what was happening guild chat, all people just need to treat the whole camping thing with common sense.


Ok, I really didn't think you would take this so far sharp.

This is how it was, for those of you who know me you know i am a good guy I help out where I can, I respect the other players that play this game.

Also note I am one of the people who was there. I am not here to complain about what other people have said so far in this thread I am just here to say what happened.

I was playing one of my alts, and i was teamed up with 3 other people, 1 of them being another alt of a member who has been in the guild a while, 1 member who was new that day and 1 other person who was in a different guild. There was also another high lvl wizard guild member who was there helping us out.

The high lvl wizard was rooting the nymphs and bring them to him we (the group) would pull the nypmhs from him one at a time. We had been doing this for about 30+ minutes when a member of The Nemesis (sharps guild) came along. I saw him pull a mob that was in the trees we had not rooted or anything after he killed that mob, I went up to him and asked him if he could possibly move to another spot since we was there and we was killing all of the nymphs there and at times had to wait for a respawn. He declined, and said we should move. We told him that there was another spot with the same lvl numphs as here just W of our location, but he would not go. Now there is a little agro around that spot but he was lvl 15 they would be low lvl cons to him. Where as in our group we had 3 lvl 11s and me who just turned lvl 12. Now with our group only having one healer and 3 casters moving to that spot would just be stupid we would die too quickly. Also note that this lvl 15 from The Nemesis was a cabalist or sorc cant remember which but he had a pet.
I am sure he would have had no problem at that spot.

Anway he wouldn't move by that time the wizard had rooted some more numphs now this lvl 15 pull one of those mobs which was rooted, i dont know if he leeching or if it was an accident. A member of guild did start say a few abusive words to the guy and I told that member of straight away for that. That is something else I will not tolerate within my guild as most other guilds will agree with me. After this I started to speak to Sharp asking him to have a word with his member, this got us no where.

Also to clear up some things,

"uber alts"

What do you mean by this, the fact that we had eb ?

"threatens me to stop him pulling"

this is not true I just informed him of what was going on and to try and ask his member to move to another spot.

"THEIR spot"

At no point did I say that, and I would never say that since no spot belongs to anyone.

"call my guild a lot of names"

Hmm... I dont remember this part of the conversation, can you please list the names that I called your guild. Also if you got a log of this I would like to see it, because at no time did I call your guild any names.

Also another mistake you made on your second post

"theyre a pretty big guild, new but built up fast",

keepers of the Light has been around for about 4 - 5 months I wouldn't call this a new guild.

I am gonna end this with one last thing,

I as a player have learnt some ingame rules these are basic things like not to steal other peoples mobs, ressing anyone who you see is dead, helping out people if they need it, and also some other things which have a lot to do with respecting other players.

If a spot is camped I will ask if its ok for me to pull from here, if they say no for any reason I will respect that and move on.
Just because this is a game doesn't mean you dont have to respect anyone or have any human compasions. This is a game which brings people from all over the world together, its a chance to make new friends not enemies. The whole reason I enjoy games so much is because I get to see things which I very rarely see in the real world. That is people helping each other our and having respect.

Sharp I hope that this post has done some good for you, because in my opinion all it has done is brought people to make agruements, forced others to have to defend themselves, and have given my guild a bad look. I hope that this passes soon and that we can get back to how things where. If anyone is feeling a little upset with my guild I am sorry. Keepers of the Light is a guild for all, to make this game more fun for others and to make friends.

Sharp so you know if I or someone in my guild upset you and/or your members I am sorry. I am not after making enemies. I am also forgiving person because of this I will not hold anything against you or your guild. I will make sure that others also act the same.

I am also sorry to rest of you for having to read this thread.

Centuri (GM) Keepers of the Light


I glad it was just an off day , Thanks for the explanation Centuri. If Sharp wants to comment im sure he wil pm you as i think this should be put to bed....... Goodnght

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