Wondering about current plans of everyone here....


Azhrei Triakin

I was wondering what everyone is planning, especially the RPers here. As all of you might or might not know, Shadowbane is also close to going gold. I've been playing DaoC alot, and it's a great game, but I intend to try Shadowbane as well, and perhaps abandon daoc. This is due to the RPing and Guild vs Guild (through citybuilding, sieging and PvP), which offers a truly great experience. However, word from beta is that the graphics are not as great as daoc, nor is the server very stable. (daoc server is actually quite good for my DSL connection).

Fact is, I first knew about Shadowbane...almost 2 years ago, and became some sort of Fan. I used to be in a big Wheel of Time clan at the time, and started a "branch" of this guild for Shadowbane. It was international, but soon Wolfpack crushed our hopes for playing with our friends there due to a serversplit. People in europe cannot play on the USA servers. (they intend to use billing/creditcard info to block you) Therefore I was forced, being a european, to split my guild into 2. The Aethan Dor was the new one here, and I'm still meaning for it to play SB, we all are.

What are the views on this here? SB will not have the "level threadmill" daoc has, and SB will focus heavily on RP, while this game has nothing that forces you into it, nor is it of much use to be in a guild aside from the social aspects. All this game has is freedom in servers, stability, frequent patches (can't say that of SB since it's not gone gold yet), and good graphics.

Anyways, I invite you all to come visit my guild if you feel like having some fun in SB, or just having fun on our forum [smile]
We're in need of people with skills in management and leadership, diplomacy and economics, and of course the general cannon fodder :p hehehe. Ow, and someone good at....covert things [smile]

The Aethan Dor Website


Been following the game for more than 3 years....
Havnen't actually seen the game yet, until then , I won't buy it

Can't wait for open beta.... that will be the real test

Uncle Sick(tm)

I agree with Silverhood...waiting for open beta.

SB offers the same rping possibilities as DAoC does - it just depends on the gamers...
SB release - powergamers, griefers, 1337 kids, yada-yada will all flock to the SB servers.

If there will be a rp-only server - count me in, if the beta convinces me.


Nah, sounds like a hassle.
I'll stick with DAOC for the forseeable future...

(Which means until something a lot better comes along).

Generic Poster

I have experienced the beta for Shadowbane.

As you've probably seen, the graphics are far from impressive, but that doesn't concern me. The server was very unstable and laggy, this stopped me from getting very far before I got bored.

I don't want to say anything to break the NDA, but lets just say I'll be surprised it the game's a success. It does have some nice features... but as they say, too little too late.


Like every other MMOG out there, SB will have starting problems. Unstable server, patcher crashing under load etc etc.

DAoC is over a year old (EU 6 months or so) and all these problems are long gone now. I've been in couple of betas and they're always a lot like initial release. Crashing, buggy, lack content and 'promised features' and so on. I wouldn't recommend canceling your subscription yet for DAoC. However, try out SB and if it actually works (gasp!) and is good, let me know ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Hmm... downloaded a couple of SB movies. Animations look neat...
But heck, if you think the DAoC elves are ugly, you will just hate the SB ones.

Look like half-baked last mohicans....

Molten Lava

bit off topic but anyway

I'll quit my account for 1 or 2 months as soon as the PvP servers get here. Numbers on Excal and Prydw will drop 50-75% I think...so in that time I will try to find another game...if I cant find one, and the PvP-people start to go back to the normal servers...I'll try to activate my account again..

Im I the only one here thinking that the PvP server will fuck up the normal servers for at least 2 months?


I think most of the people who were really looking forward to PvP server have already got some experience from the US Dreds, but i may be mistaken. I dont see the pop going down by 1/2 but there will be a fall in the numbers :/
Although i do not see too many soloers <as in entering the server without the guildmates> sticking with the game. So give it about 2-3 weeks max, then most will be back for RvR <not just PvP> action :) Or at least i sure hope so :)


Im I the only one here thinking that the PvP server will fuck up the normal servers for at least 2 months?

Not for so long, but yes it will


inevitably it will cause problems for the english serverrs, we just don't have the population to lose high numbers to PvP
on the other hand, i'll be moving myself, so.. =)

Azhrei Triakin

PVP looks like great fun, who knows, haven't tested it on USA servers yet, so I certainly will here if it comes in time. As for beta..yeah, indeed it should be very crappy now...hehe, remember daoc beta? Man that was ugly :)


Yes but what you forget is that obviously not only english people will have access to the server, the french and germans will want a go too, and considering they outnumber us 7 to 2 (server wise), we might find that only a small percentage of english people will be able to get on a any one time.


Alot of our guild came from the US version and have spoken to them about PvP. There response was its not alot of fun. Gank after Gank and xping is meant to be hard as well. Travelling is a pain too as all stables are usually camped by assasins etc

I'll wait and see on this...


Haven't decided what i gonna do in the near future. definitly gonna try the pvp server but dont think i will move permanently to it. THink that it will be (as has been said already) a place full of wankers.

Still looking at Asheron's call 2, World of Warcraft and Dragon Empires but dunno how long its gonna take before they are released, so i will be playing daoc for some time. Still like it alot and its getting better and better so maybe i will stick to daoc when those new (and supposedly "better" games) are released. I just wait and see how they turn out to be.


Shadowbane looks great.. but, yes, Open Beta will be the real test.. I signed up for the closed beta too.

I also signed up for Asherons Call 2 Beta and Dragon Empires Beta which both look good.. "playing the field" as it were before I decide where I go... but DAoC could improve to the point where I stay long after these are all released <shrugs> I'm just keeping my options open currently


Numbers on Excal and Prydw will drop 50-75% I think...

For a starter they didn't drop that much by far on the usa servers.

Moreover one PvP server will be initially to less, so on peak hour you won't log in easely (I remember the first week of Andred you needed to log in SEVERAL hours before peek hour or otherwise it was a pain gettin on the server). Many ppl who had planned on playing Andred simply didn't play because they couldn't get on the server. In the long term one server will probably enough, we don't want low-population servers.

Thirdly not that much ppl are interested in PvP. Yes, quite a lot of the dedicated RvR ppl will move for a while at the least, but those in fact make up for only a relatively limited part of the population. So it will have a significant impact on RvR on normal servers, but not that big of an impact on general population levels.

Fourthly and lastly as has been noted before, quite a few euro players tried out PvP on USA servers. I did, and I'm not going to try it again :p

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