Women Gamers Website



Have you been Here !!!??? http://www.womengamers.com

Have a look and see why I sent them an Email with my comments below........

I sent this to QandA@womengamers.com
Here I go....

Some of the comments on your site are ridiculous.

You say that women are portrayed badly in computer games. Hello ? so please tell me what you have against Lara Croft, one of the strongest compterised characters ever ?? She has been designed to be a beutiful, heroic, strong adventurer type and I'm sure a role model to those in need of such a thing.

I notice that in most computer games, especially action and FPS games the characters are portrayed as the most desirable from all angles, in Q3, the women characters are just as strong - on an equal par to the blokes, they have a great range, from fat biffers, to slim, cool sunglass wearers, just as diverse and different as the male characters.

The male characters are generally pictured as strong "kick ass" "don't mess with me" types becasue the kinds of games in which they are in usually involve combat scenarios.

Strength is unarguably the most commonly desirable feature of a man. In the same way beauty is the most commonly desirable characteristic of a woman - by both men and women but they are still portrayed according to the scenario in which they have been placed.

Your site comments regularly that 50% of the gaming population are women. I'm sorry I can not beleive that for a second. if this were true then games WOULD be marketed more for women. In the same way, the majority of people interested in cars are blokes - this is a fact - so most car mags are designed for men.

In the exact same way, most people are right handed so the majority of devices / appliances are designed with the right handed in mind. I'm talking about majorities here, percentages - if you can show me any statistics that prove 50% of gamers are women, I will glady still not believe you - it simply is NOT the case.

No men complained when "My Little Pony" dolls were marketed towards girls - so what's your problem ?

We all love computer games but males like them more than females do - we are different. Will you ever concede this fact ?

Please don't be chicken and ignore this Email because I think it is important ! you say things on your web site that are nonsense. Maybe you should stop and think before you produce this kind of feminist material which ultimately is disparraging to males (its anti - male) You can't talk about equality when all you do is slag of the male population.




Inv. It's, as you say, the people who post to the site who seem to have that view primarilly.

Unfortunately, being a site such as it is makes it difficult NOT to attract such people.

Our only hope is that WE don't become like they are, sad, lonely people who can't get along with/understand the opposite sex and its differences.

I've found a number of items on the site which are actually quite interesting and informative. Did you follow the link to the stats about women gamers? Coo...


old.[GA] Shovel

Possibly true bcomments, however.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>tell me what you have against Lara Croft, one of the strongest compterised characters ever ?? She has been designed to be a beutiful, heroic, strong adventurer type and I'm sure a role model to those in need of such a thing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Erm, wakey wakey. Lets look at this, yes, what you say is tru-ish. However, in each installment of Tomb Raider he tits have got gradulally bigger, and the advertising for the game has got more pr0n based ... coinsidence? I think not. what I belive you will find, however much you try to deny that Eidos/Core are abusing the character, is that sex sells a lot of stuff, and that Core/Eidos have simply transfered that to computer games.

If they really cared about making her "attractive etc", they would make her normal. Something that is, how shall I say, unobtrusive, and accepted by Men and Women alike. If they really cared about anything other than the pumped up features, surely they would have put more effort into her face? (and possibly into the games too).


You fail to realise a couple of things...

1. Women are admirers of large breasts too, most women say their tits are too small.They say things like "I wish I had breasts like that Lara Croft"

2. Sex may sell, but I don't see anything to do with sex in Lara croft - do you ? if so you have a strange mind, I don't remember her getting naked or shagging anyone.

She's just a fit young lass !! I can't imagine any computer game of the same genre with a "normal" person (as you put it) as the main character - Like I have said, she is as attractive to men as most male characters would be to women. The bloke characters in games have - big shoulders, pecs biceps etc. That isn't "normal" but why would you have an adventurer who is "Joe public" - sitting in front of the TV / computer eating microwave food.

These are the characters we get away from that stuff with. It's called Escapeism !!

Games are like the movies in some ways - people complain that the characters are unreal and show a bad image for the "normal people" But we are talking about a world of fantasy - in both movies and games where we can play or imagine ourselves as the people we might like to be.

Games are not supposed to mimic real life - if they did, we wouldn't feckin buy em would we ?

Most normal people don't want to see other normal people in movies and games because they would get bored very quickly. They want to see exciting - different things to keep their minds occupied.

[This message has been edited by invisible (edited 07 February 2000).]

old.[GA] Shovel

Fair points, however, you cannot deny that, even if some of my post was a little OTT, the Lara Croft is still exaggerated in certain places. And that is no error either.

Turning to another POV, it is true to say that Women may get worked up due to jealousy?


I think the fact that some sad individuals take the Game and then try to mix it in with real life- Like the people behind that 'Nude Raider' Site (which I believe Eidos shut down a while ago).

you CANNOT deny that a game has invaded people's lives when it goes that far...

I agree with you Invis, however, there are too many people who do take games too seriously, and because of these few, the rest of us have to suffer their ignorance and general cretinous behaviour. This goes for sexist people (male AND female) as well as any other person who believes themselves above another for ANY reason at all.

All we can do is attempt to educate them away from such behaviour, but it is very hard to do. Unfortunately.

Let's just try...



I hear you brother

!! Power to the blokes !!!

We will be oppressed by women no more !!!

just kidding - I'm not fanatical I assure you. It's nice to see intelligent thoughtful comments on here for a change though - instead of "I have a bass box in my car" or "fuck you lamer - I have a lower ping" etc etc etc....

Invis out.


comment on the jealousy factor:

Yes, it is possible that this is the case. in the same way my sister would get jealous when me and my Dad did stuff together (which wasn't very often).

then, everyone is jealous of something that ignores them - or provides others with enjoyment that they are not supposed to have.

I hate the bastard next door because he has an M3 and I don't.

Women are exluded from lots of stuff and I bet that makes them furious !! We only get excluded from shopping for clothes or girls nights in - or trips to the salon for hairdoos and nail treatment - so we have the best of it cos who gives a fuck about their eyebrows or toenails ???

Quite frankly, I haven't shaved for a week and I'm unsure as to whether I've ever cut my toenails and I couldn't give a rats *ss !!

invis out.

[This message has been edited by invisible (edited 14 February 2000).]


Oi invis m8, I have a bass box in my car!



Well TUG, fuck you lamer ! I have a lower ping than thou !!


lol lads...

But yeah inv., plus women get let into clubs and stuff for cheaper and if they're under age more often...

My sister went somewhere in Wimbledon, it was over 25's, she was 20, she was with a group of girlfriends.

A group of blokes were in front of them in the queue, went up to the bouncers, were told it was over 25's and that couldn't get in wearing their trainers (they were wearing black shoes) and also if they 'really' wanted in it would cost £10.

My sister was listening to this and was worried, what with the astonishing ability women have for going out with just 10p and still getting hammered (a mixture of being ridiculous lightweights and leeching drinks off blokes).

So the blokes bog off and my sister's group ambles up... 'It's not over 25's is it?' 'Nooo ladeeeeeez, over 21's, which you are... obviously'. oh, ok then. 'How much is it?' 'Jest £2 for you gerrrrrrls' (bouncer is clearly a muppet).

HOW UNFAIR IS THIS? Grrrrrrrrrrrr...

So I fail to see what women complain about when this kind of unfair treatment is occuring



If you were stuck in a burning building - would you want some five foot girlie trying to carry you down a ladder ?

I don't think so.


I've never liked WomenGamers.com, to me it smacks of the "We have a right to be taken of notice of cos we are women" brigade.

Before, if any women actually read this, i get shouted at for being sexist my closest friend is in fact a female gamer and she agrees whole heartadly.

WomenGamers for me just seeks to be a forum for disgruntled women who otherwise wouldnt get a chance to say what they think cos its just so dull to actually blurt out their witterings.

Any individual should be treated the same, regardless of if they are female/male/black/white/christian/muslim/4K and so on. Sites such as WomenGamers do absolutely no good other than to create divide rather than heal it.


I hear you. And I agree with you.

The funny thing is, women can easily go to a shop, buy a game and play it - the same way I do.

I'm sure women who play games enjoy them as much too, after all we are just human beings with the similar recreation requirements.

So.... The question is, why complain ? They should just buy the games they like and play them !! Without going on and on and on about how the game has some minor flaw that is specifically designed to detriment them.

FFS - who really cares how big Lara's tits are? It's still a decent game.

It has been mentioned in this topic that the women gamers website is just a "complainers" web site - I beleive this is definately the case. I also think it is detrimental to those women who just enjoy gaming.

I would like to ask a question - Does anyone think that the women gamers web site is actually a site for those who don't really understand about games at all , and just a forum for them the let of steam becasue they don't know how the fuck to play em ????? Or even how to get them out of the box ?

What do you reckon ?

Invis out.


&gt;after all we are just human beings with the &gt;similar recreation requirements.

Not so, men are obsessed with sex a lot more the women supposedly are, although we know what they're like, gagging for it as much as us, they just like to be quaint!!!

&gt;FFS - who really cares how big Lara's tits &gt;are?

About the tits, obviously some sad japanese person does, look at all their mago/anime poo.

&gt;It's still a decent game.

Have you ever played Tomb Raider, from this comment I would say you haven't, it is *(*($%£%£"$^&*&*(&*(&*(*%£"£$£"$%^%^&&*&*(*()%^&^%&^%&


Can't say I recall a swearword which has over Fifty letters to it.

Must have been lost in the archives of the British language...



Nah, I just invented, sounds cool though if you know what it is!!


Actually, you are right, I only ever played the demo of the first one but I thought it was quite good.

So how do you pronounce that swear word then ? I'm sure we would all love to know !!

Although I doubt I'll be typing it in while waiting for the next map in UT - I would run out of time.

It seems this topic has run out of steam, any more genuine comments / suggestions to keep it going ? Anyone interested in starting up a gamers website where the blokes can moan about women ?

I was thinking of setting up a "blokey" website where fellas can talk about beer and porn and stuff - with special offers on gadgety things and booze etc.... Could make some big bucks cos I don't think there is one like it. I'm serious so any comments / suggestions are greatly appreciated.

The only ones like it are the mens mags like FHM or Maxim etc. Sounds like a great idea !!!

[This message has been edited by invisible (edited 14 February 2000).]


What, 'Blokeygamers.com'?

sounds funny, but I bet you'd get loads of whingy women on it spamming it with their sexist rubbish.

However, being the site owner and Administrator, you could delete ALL OF THEIR MESSAGES, MWA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR...

ahem. I think a sort of techy/gamey type site would be cool, with lots of articles by lots of people and stuff.

Dunno, lots of sites do bits of it, but none really capitalise on the Magasine aspect of web sites.

One thing I do like about the womengamers site is that EVERY article posted allows for discussion below it. Which is nice.


ps. Who exactly goes online to play 'games' like 'Backgammon', 'Poker' and 'Snakes and Ladders' anyway?


oh, and, it being a blokey site, you too could do a bit with 'digital women' thus making a mockery of their effort, which, if you ask me, is just sad.




Reading that article actually produced an agressive reaction from me, I swore a bit and banged my fist on the table (typical male behaviour).

I couldn't believe that a woman would choose the most basic (male) character because all the female characters were too raunchy !! and obviousley detrimental to all females the world over ???!!!

Hang on, the missus is calling me.... oh she wants the chain connecting her to the sink extending again so she can watch Eastenders !!

Lets make her sweat for a bit shall we...



I hope you didn't forget to say 'DAMMIT' in a loud authoritive fashion as well...

Hmm, family havbe gone to bed now, I believe it is time to turn up all the radios in the house now =]




LOL 4 hours a REAL GAMER ?!


i play for 4 hours as warm up.

iv played for 15 hours b4.. SOLID

tis possible too, believe me..


And most of the time she was probably cooking some soup, or trying to have a conversation with her cat or something...




"I popped in the CD to find that yes, it is a unique game, but not quite what I expected. All the cops (except Darci of course) seem to have a thuggish appearance and either a New York or Italian accent. "

A recent reveiw of "Urban Chaos" on Women Gamers.com.

Actually , the rest of the review aint too bad (I just picked out the bit that annoyed me the most.

They just can't resist it can they ???



Female gaming teams also act as a resource and support group for women gamers. Depending on the game genre, female gamers can be in the minority, leading to a sense of isolation and discouragement. Jessica "Solarys" Heavrin (QGirlz) describes her experience of belonging to a clan made up of males as akin to being "a tiny island of estrogen amongst a sea of testosterone…quite a lonely existence at times." Gaming teams can offer an important sense of female solidarity and company. Allison "Trillian" Suttles (QGirlz) comments, "I wanted a sense of sisterhood that comes from playing with a bunch of girls."

WTF ??????

I'm getting upset again.

old.[GA] Shovel

Havig now looked about the WomenGamers site a bit more, I can see what people mean about it being a WI Gamers page, however, what is more intresting, and I think what makes the site worthwhile, is the comments (ignoring the "you sexism obsessed women" posts) many of them actually reinforce or provide new scope on reviews. Even if a review is pants, you can be sure that the commentsfollowing it will set the record straight.

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