wizard TL Report 1.70 - With Feedback !!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Wow thats a lot of feedback there!! Mythic did actually spend 2 minutes on that feedback, that 2 mins they could spend on eating another banana!! GG mythic :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
May 25, 2004
People forget that wizzies are the only bolt class with a spec DD in the same line - but ice and earth specs do need help, I agree.

Most pathetic feedback from Mythic ever I think!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
yay 4 words and a cut n paste line from the patch notes, gooo Mythic :bazbeer:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
FAO: Mythic, this is feedback not the crap you gave the wizard TL

Specline Issues

-Damage / Utility - This is still the number one concern of wizards. Past feedbacks have suggested utility as an answer as well as being able to do damage in more situations. As it is now, wizards are only able to train for damage, and redundant damage isn't useful. Wizards gain almost nothing from secondary specs, unlike every other caster.

tough one but the class is all about damage, aoe and long range damage and you knew that when you signed up, you want utility and damage go level a sorceror instead

Path of Earth / Calefaction
-Damage Shield - This spell is considered largely useless. Using it breaks the only form of CC that wizards have (root/snare) and the damage on it is extremely low.

use this on tanks that are taking damage as a reverse damage add not yourself

-Root/Snare issue - You cannot root a target that's been snared because the snare is setting an immunity timer. Since snare doesn't check the immunity timer, it shouldn't be setting one.

(hint to mythic: a root is a 99% snare it doesnt need to be INVESTIGATED)

-DoT having a much higher resist rate than dds.

dots do more damage than a dd to high con targets and to balance are harder to land

Path of Ice / Liquification
-The baseline root power costs are very high compared to the other rooters (sorc, runie, etc).

needs adjusting

-The dd/debuff and ae dd/debuff spells only debuff for 20 seconds, which is low compared to the other dd/debuffs spells (runie, animist) at 1 minute duration.

hmm if you cant kill it in 20 seconds youve got bigger problems than the debuff running out

-The combo dds (dd/snare and dd/debuffs) have a higher resist rate than a regular dd.

risk vs reward again

Path of Fire / Pyromancy
-No spec specific issues at this time

Realm Ability Issues

Wall of Flames - This is supposed to be a defensive ability, but it's only real use is PBAE bombing. It is vastly inferior to some of the other RR5 abilities.

well if they are all unique some will be 'better' than others, its a free bonus not a W.O.M.D.

Volcanic Pillar - The damage on VP is extremely low for the cost, especially considering it's no longer an instant cast spell.

it stacks with other VPs, use it wisely

Mastery of Concentration - If a wizard spends 30 points on a realm ability merely to combat interrupts, they shouldn't have to sacrifice damage. Sacrificing damage is fine for levels 1 and 2, but for level 3 it's excessive.

it lasts longer with a shorter reuse timer than old MoC so the damage reduction is only fair

Master Level Ability Issues

-All storms being on the same timer, means that you can only have one storm down at a time. This is restrictive.

I agree

-Storms are far to easy to counter by using the Stormlord 2 Ability (Vacuum Vortex). One enemy stormlord can us VV and disable multiple storms at once.

use the counter ability to hold storms in place, and a random movement ML that requires casting is not an easy counter in a combat situation

-The caster stays in combat while the storm is up if it's affecting anyone. This greatly slows down power regen, etc because the caster is often in combat even after they are nowhere near the storm anymore.

dont cast unattended storms if you are low on power

-Convoker 1 Ability (Summon Wood) - it'd be nice if the wood summoned was less random, based on your ML level perhaps. Too much oaken wood.

dont want to make it too easy to have lvl 10 doors everywhere

-Convoker 8 Ability (Brittle Guard) - the guard is unaffected by speed chants and often gets left behind leaving the caster unprotected. It also can be used as a guide right to the caster.

already fixed

-Convoker 9 Ability (Summoning Mastery) - is a PBAE pet buff. Wizards don't have the ability to use pets, and feel this ability is rather useless to them.

find some pets to cast it on, many convokers do not have pets

New Issues

With New Frontiers, range has become crucial, as the only bolt class without nearsight, it puts wizards at a huge disadvantage in the long range fights against other bolters.

all realms are different, a void spec eld only has acces to weak nearsight, stand next to a cabalist

Artifact decay rate. Many players are complaining that artifacts wear out far too fast.


Item Problems

Power Regen potions - The highest level of power regeneration potions restore 90 power. That's around 20% for most casters. There are endurance potions that restore a far greater amount. The top level power potions should return more on the order of 75%.

agreed, but end doesnt translate into damage in the same way power does

Epic Armor - The epic armor is vastly inferior to almost anything else in the game.

dont get it then if you can get better armour

With ToA items being so much superior to crafted, it would be nice to see some new SC gems, such as "all focus", "all magic skill", etc.

WTB: duskwood staff ..... NOT!

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