Wizard Respec




Ok atm my wizard is currently 50 fire, 19 earth, 7 ice, been thinking over a respec to ice or earth since the patch but cant bring myself to do it, feel i need to change something to bring some life back into this char as i now hardly ever play him, would like your opinions on what would be best fun but also most use to the realm, thx in advance.


well more Ice wiz are sorely needed on the right occaisons (read relic def, keep def, keep retakes) and an ice wiz using the aoe dd with heat debuff combined with a fire wiz using the std aoe dd is potentially an evul combo that should be used more imo.

ppl tend to think of ice wizards as purely pbaoe but they have some other neat tricks too. need comments from current ice and earth wizzies i guess.

tricky really, your char your decison :)


I need an Ice wizard in my life !:clap:

My Fire Damage needs the support :p


Ice is cool ;)

Was wondering how youve got so many spec points 50 19 7 did you in some way receive more than spec points that i did or am is missing something in your post.

To answer your question, i cant, speccing a wizzie is like specing anything else, it depends on how you play, one person might find ice wizzies uber fun and uber good whereas someone else might find them boring and gimped.

If youre used to playing fire you will find ice much harder, like i probaly would spend the first 2 weeks dead if i changed to fire.

Note: edited my spelling as usual.


ok i havent reached 50 yet but my earth wiz (39e 7i 4f) is a lot more fun than my whack a mole cleric.

I'm currently doing that tangler thing and have been acting sorc in most groups with my AoE root. ok maybe im not as flexible as a sorc with their debuffs but i can sure controll a large tangler group long enough for the tanks to do their stuff.

Dot is quite nice but only ticks every 4 secs which is quite a long time in RvR :( don't know what use it will be really except as a nice keep defence tool to piss the enemy off.

GTAoE is ok but tricky to get used to, i've not found much of a use for it in PvE but keep defence / taking will be much more interesting.

like i said i'm only 40 so i cant speak for a fully tooled up wiz. Fingoniel (sp?) has been playing with respecs on test servers so he should be able to help more.

My final spec is gonna be 48E 7I rest in fire cause no DD on earth line so i need to try to sort variance on the fire one..

hope this helps a bit, good luck with your final choice :)

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