Wiring RJ45 Sockets



Bought these from Maplin, didn't come with any instructions.

I looked up a guide on the web and tried to follow it, but the damned wires don't want to get into the slots. Damn them.

Here's pictures:


I believe I have it right that the connections in the slots will cut through the insulation, so I don't need to strip them. However, they just bend round it. I tried pressure on both sides at once and it just bent around it.

Probably a little tip needed... :)



Looks like the BT sockets, you need a handy little tool to cut them in, although I've always used a thin screwdriver to do it.


Those look similar to the ones in my house Shov - I used a flat-ended screw driver to push the wires home. May sound drastic, but the gripper mechanism is well sturdy enough to take it.


The tool is called a "Krone tool" (its historically made by a company called Krone funnily enough).
Some info here.
Thats for doing it properly. A small screwdriver should suffice. The advantage of the 2 "Insertion tools" are that they apply the right pressure (they're spring loaded) and then trim the wire properly, all with a single punch. Handy if you'er doing thousands of them like I used to, but overkill for a single socket.

Just be careful you dont spread the jaws of the metal with a screwdriver, as they're supposed to make an electrical contact with the wire you punch down into it.


Oooh, thanks for that TTD :)

Well, I found a flat headed jobby that was the right size the first double socket is done now. I just have two more to do now, and a bit more cable to lay. With a bit of luck I'll be back online with my own computer by the end of the week... It's impressive how it can take so much longer than you expect - especially with "real life" going on around you....

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