wiPLL atlantic telecom is it good



just had a bloke up
trying to sell me it
"wiPLL" or something like that it's 2
radio boxes on your roof.
he say's it better/faster then adsl and other stuff, well he would.
anybody know anything about it .
costs more then an ntl cable modem per month.

[This message has been edited by venturer01 (edited 14 July 2000).]


out of the mouth of a search engine....

Marconi Unveils Wireless IP Local Loop System
Marconi Communications' new Wireless Internet Protocol Local Loop
(WipLL) system uses the language of the Internet to provide advanced single-platform integration of voice, data and multimedia transmissions.
WipLL was developed by engineers at Marconi's division in Israel, which was known as RDC Communications before its July 1, 1999, acquisition by Marconi. Marconi has designed WipLL for both established network operators needing to enhance legacy systems and new operators wanting to deliver voice, high-speed data and multimedia services in deregulated markets.
At the heart of the WipLL system are frequency-hopping CDMA (FH-CDMA) spread spectrum radios, as well as an air protocol supporting bandwidth-on-demand (BoD) and time- bounded services (TBS). Many radios can co-exist at the same radio base station, allowing cost-effective installation and maintenance. WipLL supports various networking topologies and functionalities, and features high spectrum utilization, efficient frequency re-use in a multi-cell environment,
toll-quality telephony, and comprehensive network management and site

For more information, visit this company's Web site at

[This message has been edited by Grimes (edited 14 July 2000).]


able to provide customers with data speeds of up to 2.4mb / s.
this high speed data transfer is bi - directional so customers can benefit from this high speed service when they are both sending and receiving files.

This is the P.R. but has anybody got it, is it up for playing games. i think you must use them as an isp.
so is their network up to sustained through put with no hole, ie ping at x very low then x very large , x low ......

think i will get a cable modem.


from a quick read of the speel, I wouldn't have though it would be your average home user service, as in ISDN/modem/cable

telco's in this country have enuff probs sorting out dsl connects for "home use" :D


Bandwidth is all very well and good, but latency is the big issue for gaming - and this is where many "alternative" broadband technologies fall over. Just ask them what the average latency of a connection is. If they squirm, or try and fob you off, forget it.

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