WinME v2525.6 RC1,....................



lo ;)

got myself a copy of winme rc1 ready to burn and play with :)
was wondering if this release would be a good replacement for my win98se installation till the retail release ships?
if it be at least as functional and stable as 98se then its chocks away :D

ur thoughts be much appreciated,

rockhard ;)


Yeah, really really buggy, but then so is win98SE, so no change really. Get yourself a copy of linux, a man's operating system. ;)


heh, linux and gaming, not for me fraid :p
i just wanna install and go ;)
ive got linux on one of my mc's and i HATE IT!
so what u saying is that winMe gonna be just the same as 98se yeah?
aint nowt to loose then, plus summit new to play with :D

everyone says that 98se is buggy as hell, but my system never gives me any problems :D
if winMe just the same then i might give it a go.

<rockhard needs his hand holding through this difficult transition, with lots of reassurance :p>

rockhard ;)


hey Emb, you're good at holding hands, feel free to help him. ;)


tch tch meddle ;)

im NOT that way inclined thank u very much :p

if he has a nice 17-21 year old cutie (no older or they begin to sag! ;) ) girlfriend be more than happy for her to hold my hand while my mouse hand is occupied :D

come on guys, someone must be using this beta as their os at the mo?

just a small amount of encouragement and i'll do the dirty deed (bye bye 98 :) )

rockhard :D


hehe :)

old farts IMO just need handing a roll of sellotape to tape up them sagging boobs :p

heh trek, cheeky sod :p, 28 year old guys are what young cuties like! :) IMO (ROFLMAO!) ;)

<now i wonder what will happen when i go format c: from a dos window?> heh, me gettin impatient to fiddle - if only it envolved my little blue screwdriver eh trek :p

rockhard ;)


MeddlE is insecure, thats why he comments on others :p.


hehehehehe :) old farts innit :)
however, you can pass em my way lads :)


heh, meddle just enjoy poking ya in the ribs bud ;)

anyways as i type winMe is installing on my gaming rig :)

hope it turns out ok :/

will let u all know how i get on (as if u really want to know :p )

rockhard :D


How could I not reply.

Emb, buddy, chum, was that meant to be an impression of *Exor*? If so, a few pointers on how you could improve it.

1) Swear words, you have to use swear words

2) You didn't actually call me gay

3) The response was, overall, far too intelligent and well mannered

Anyway, it's only fun, isn't it?

Will be interested to hear how the (allegedly) last incarnation of the win9x kernel performs. Personally, there is nothing that I want to play that doesn't run on the oh-so-stable win2k.

Cheers all.


hi meddle u cheeky monkey :p

got me winMe up and running and so far so good :)
had to do the upgrade from dos tho' as the winMe installer reckoned there not enough memory to install in 98! :/
memory management seems to be sorted and reources dont seem to trickle away like they did with 98se :)
seems faster in the GUI department but games just the same performance as 98.
networkings a lot better than 98, can launch network neighbourhood and see my win2000 puter the instant winme has finished loading even tho' its gettin its IP via DHCP! :)
only prob ive had is the 98 syndrome of shuttin down probs :(
no big deal but reckon might have summit to do with them damn via drivers (P3V4X).
hopefully this'll be sorted in the release candidate, but seein as it aint offering much more than 98 (yet as far as i can tell) i aint gonna go out and buy it :p
heh thats what w4res are 4 ;)
like the win2000 feel to it tho' :D
did notice tho' that when it installed it informed me how it would be very protective of critical system files and be self maintaining, heh, i'll beleive that when i see this sucker run for days on end without a hiccup. If this can be as stable as win2000 then i'd use it all the time. win2000 just too much of a system hog for my liking and is slow compared to 98/Me :(
now its time to fiddle with it and see what else is new :)
if only it envolved the use of my beloved blue screwdriver, id be in heaven :D hehe ;)

rockhard :D


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MeddlE:
How could I not reply.

Emb, buddy, chum, was that meant to be an impression of *Exor*? If so, a few pointers on how you could improve it.

1) Swear words, you have to use swear words

2) You didn't actually call me gay

3) The response was, overall, far too intelligent and well mannered

Anyway, it's only fun, isn't it?

Will be interested to hear how the (allegedly) last incarnation of the win9x kernel performs. Personally, there is nothing that I want to play that doesn't run on the oh-so-stable win2k.

Cheers all.

See what I mean :D.


lo again ;)

righty, heres my views for ya meddle on the worthiness of upgrading to winMe :/


heh, its no faster for gaming
all other points i made above are so negligable that there is absolutely NO REASON to upgrade :)
Media Player is buggy as hell :(
Via 4in1's havin probs with Me :(

I cant understand why everyone rants about 98se bein a nightmare for stability/reliability :/

Ive had 98se on this puter for ages now and dont get any BSOD's etc :)

I definately wont be upgrading :), just gonna be patient and wait for "Whistler" instead :)
Only gonna be another year till whistler anyways, and i can live with 98se till then :D

i sure am glad the winme uninstaller worked dandy :)

&lt;now let me see, where did i put my blue puter screwdriver ;) &gt;

rockhard :D


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Embattle:
Actually its buggy as hell :).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

^Ahem :D


cheers embattle ;)

u were right in some respects, like the media player and via 4in1 compatibility :)
everything else about the os is just dandy tho', without a single glitch ;)
if they sort the media player before it ships (they may have in RC0?) and via gets its act together with the 4in1 prob then reckon not at all buggy like people keep tellin me :/
heh, NO OS can be 100% bug free, that just aint possible :(
considering the beta i tried was a few months old it surpised me how good it really was :)

as for upgrading to it? hmmm? seem to remember seeing somewhere that MS arent gonna release DX8 for 98! i could be wrong :D but that would be the only reason why i would upgrade.

rockhard :D


Well ME is just a face lift. Its much like the upgrade from 98 to 98SE, its been questioned if they should charge a new OS price since its not really.


Well, to be quite honest, I never had any inclination towards trying winME. I run win2k an my main machine (cel465A 256MB) with no noticeable performance drop, probably the RAM helps, and win95c on my slave machine (K6-2 300 128MB VIA m/b) as you don't get the shutdown problem with win95. I liked 98 when it came out, but the more I used it, the less I liked it.

As far as my next machine, the motherboard will be the Asus CUBX, trusty old BX chipset with full support for coppermine CPU's and eminently overclockable. Heard of too many problems with the Apollo Pro chipsets, and while they may be driver related, I want my system to work now, not in six months time.

Did I just get through a whole post without mentioning Embattle?



I currently have an Abit BE6-II and once I get my new modem I will try W2K again. The 256RAM does help since it seems to eat so much of it. On Toms Hardware he found that the BX chipset was still the fastest :D.


Yeah, I currently run an Abit BX6, such a stable board. I'm wiating till the coppermine 700's can all hit 931 before I upgrade though.

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