WINME + Q3 = 25fps less



Anyway, I recently upgraded my Win98SE to ME and everything was fine bar Explorer crashing. So I decided to re-install ME from fresh and everything was going fine. Once I had installed latest drivers for my Gfx and all that did a timedemo to find 25fps less!! *ouch* Also, the first time I load Quake3 it takes about 5 seconds to fire up. Anyone else had this problem?

Athlon 1Ghz
Herc GTS2 64Mb
128Mb RAM
S-Blaster Live
Eicon Diva
Adaptec 2940.

Used the 3.68 drivers for GTS and fps was poor so went to 6.18 with no change :[ Directx that comes with ME is 7.1 so that seems to be fine.

Help meh and i'll be ever so grateful :eek:


Well, I am running WinME on Athlon 800 with Geforce 1 and get more than I did before. It's at about 120 with eye candy turned on. A friend of mine runs P3 900 with Geforce 2 and WinMe and gets 200+. The only difference that is obvious, is that im running with 256 megs of ram. I've been told by some, that ME is ram intensive. I dunno to what extent or if this is even true, but maybe more ram would improve the all around preformance? I certainly noticed a system wide improvement when I upgraded, not just Q3, but generally.
You said that you had installed from stratch, presumably then you had to setup your q3 again as close as you could get it to how it was before. There are a lot of little tweaks that you can do to improve the fps. Maybe you are just having a bit more eye candy than you had before? There's a q3 guide somewhere on barrysworld, but I can't remember the link. There's also the UC guide, which is linked from the savageuk main page on the left. I'd give that a bash mate.

Nice system btw :D



Nah re-installed Q3 and using exactly the same config and I get the feeling the system specs dont deliver on performace. Mibbie I should just get another motherboard and junk the KA7 since it has more compatibility issues than a Cyrix!!

As for FPS i get the feeling that my FPS really does suck badly. Would be interesting to get a config from someone that gets really high fps and then try it on mine.


Originally posted by Cenobite
Directx that comes with ME is 7.1 so that seems to be fine.

Wouldn't be that any way since Q3 is Opengl.

Atm the leap from 128MB Ram to 256MB ram would have very little effect unless you deal with large files. Also it would have no effect on fps, it might take a little longer to load games though since it has more room to fit stuff in :)

I currently get about 90fps on the highest detail level and my system spec is:

Abit BE6-II
GF DDR (Det 6.27)
Fasttrak 66 controller(RAID)
30GB Seagate ATA II
SB Live
Asus ISDN card
Oh W2K Pro


Well it seems as though I sorted it installing the VIA drivers boosted it.

Then I rejigged my config and managed to get another 30fps out of it in a timedemo :) 155fps timedemo will suit me sir!

Thanks for suggestions peeps

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