Originally posted by gremlin Tried it once, stuffed my system. Doesn't work with a lot of weird apps like ICQ either. Yet another waste of valuable memory IMHO
WIndowblinds was cute the first time i used it, and it made litestep and geoshell lots of fun.
I've since switchd back from litestep to pretty much the standard Win interface, mostly because I'm lazy and can't be bothered to re set up Litestep on my new system since the later 'stable' builds have a tendency to cause a hard reset followed by a regestry recovery - go figure.
Window Blinds made the interface pretty, but sure a shite chewed up not memory but system resources, and my old system (WinNT4, 2xP2-450, 384Mb RAM) became unusable fairly quickly using Litestep & WindowBlinds, but was rock solid using just LiteStep.
I may pull litestep out again, but in my current posititon I'm changing stuff around so much that litestep's lack of a convenient desktop and step.rc requirements for funky popup menues mean that i spend more time editing and recycling than working
and litestep is a little unstable with some of the preview code I run (not that Explorer is any more stabel - but the code i use is designed to work with Explorer)
Speaking of which - did they fix the random crashbug in explorer (using it as Windows Explorer not the shell) when using Litespet, along with the inability to run mutliple instances on Windows Explorer?
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