Windows XP.... oh Lord...



HAve just been "revising for a computing exam" (read: using the aforementioned as an excuse to browes web for geeky computer realted stuff) and have come across muchos praise for Windows XP.
Assuming it is all true, it does look very nice. Microsoft have clamped down on the 3rd parties causing crashes, as well as themselves and they've made it look nicer too. It claims to have Win9x support and better multi user shit too.

I liking this. However, I have also heard about some quite bizarre piracy protection. Please could someone tell me whether this is accurate.

*During installation Windows XP will scan your hardware and develop a unique code.
* You phone up MS with this code and your product ID and they give you a 3rd code which you enter into your system which allows you to run Windows. They force you to register at the same time.

Now, this seems sensible and I have no problem - I really dont like piracy, especially with software development being a field I'd like to get into. However, one large issue has emerged from the above method.
The code, generated from hardware: what happens when you find yourself having to upgrade your hardware? If you happen to be a user who swaps his graphics card regularly then what hope is there for you if you have to re register every time you stick a new card in? what if you add more RAM? or another hard drive?
Does this only kick in if you reinstall WindowsXP? or is it checked during startup?

maybe its just a clever way of avoiding plug and play support...


The way I understand it is that even changing your mobo won't cause any problems....however should you change the mobo, gfx etc all at once it'll go back into its 30 day activation period. So you have to get it reactivated.


I heard about this but only in the context that it would be a real bitch of a hassle, something I'm not too sure about, and that it would be cracked within a week.

As for the changing of minor components e.g. graphics cards AFAIK to limit previously mentioned phone exchanges the OS would only need to have a code resubmitted after a major system modification like changing the motherboard which would probably require a reinstall anyway.

On a similar note I think M$ was trying to do away with copies of the CDs wanting them preinstalled on users machines with all the necessary drivers etc. built in.

Minimal OS, thin client systems here we come. Or not.


Part of it is selling direct to customers in the future through the retal scheme planned.


What's the bet it'll be a premium rate number to call too with a shed load of adverts preceding the actually opportunity to register your number? "Don't forget, the latest version of Microsoft Office is out and blah blah blah."


No its a free phone number and the ativation code has been cracked already.


To be honest, as long as the registration is sensible (eg - upgrades can be done) then I'll have no problem with it. It does look quite nice and I've not problem with registering it (hell, there's a first for everything). The fact is, they probably have satilites watching our houses anyway... lol. (*Waves to Bill*)


Well some are questioning whether this type of activation system will reduce prices due to it being harder to pirate.


Personally I can't see MS reducing the price of their operating systems by much if at all. People who want to pirate their software will continue do so regardless of the copy protection and with Win 9x/NT being pretty much a monopoly in the home market it would seem that they have no reason to do so.

Having said that I heard that Microsoft were releasing their own version of Linux around August complete with the Direct X API and other various bits and bobs. Assuming this is released under similar conditions to the other flavours of linux there could be some shift in the market along the lines of giving away the OS and charging for support.


Yes it is harder to pirate it but not impossible, although it will be made even harder in the future.

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