Windows XP acting up



Have any of you ever experienced the following with Windows XP: the OS suddenly informs me with a popup dialog that "The system is going down in 60 seconds, please save all open files" etc. etc? Notice that the system didn't hang, it just wanted to reboot.

I got this when I had a few downloads (approx. 10 of them) open, including the 1+GB seven day trial of Planetside. Kind of bugs me when this happens.

So the actual question is, how do i prevent this from happening again, and is this an common thing to occur with XP? I've had XP for a very long time and this was the first time that anything like this has happened and I sure wouldn't want it to happen again :\


Hi Frakt

At a guess I'd say it was actually a third party piece of software causing the reboot warning. Do you use a download manager or other third party program to help you with your downloads? If so, try checking the options for a reboot setting (or just post the name of the program and I'll have a gander for you).

If you don't use a third party utility, what exactly do you use for your downloads? And, furthermore, what is the actual message displayed when it's about to reboot (take a screenshot and post that if it's easier)? Finally, is the message actually an error, or merely a normal popup message?

Kind Regards


Thank you for the swift responce

But the strangest thing is that I don't use any third party software like download managers and such. The message was a straight up system message of the kind which I have never seen before.

The software I was running at that time was the same software that's been running since I installed XP, and as I said, that's been a while.

I didn't get a screenshot of the message though and I hope it was the last time I see this kind of popup. Would be interesting enough to know what the reason was and that's why I'm interested in finding out if someone else has had the same kind of popup slammed in their face.

TBH the only thing that truly annoys me is the fact that I had around 70+% of the Planetside trial downloaded :\


Could be, allthough i doubt it, since the computer booted and works fine now.


Did the error message mention any DLL files at all?


May sound like a stupid question, but has your PC booted again since?


Did the error message mention any DLL files at all?
No DLL files were mentioned in the message.

May sound like a stupid question, but has your PC booted again since?
There are no stupid questions, only poor answers and the answer this time is no, my PC hasn't booted on it's own neither have I booted it since.

The system has been running just fine after the boot.


Maybe it could have been something about the RAM/ROM. It could have been that Windows found some errors in the RAM/ROM and wanted to clear the memory by re-booting the computer. It's just a suggestion though, don't know really. You should maybe scan your computer with Ad-Aware v6.0 and Norton Anti-Virus ( or whatever program you use).

Good luck


did you check the event logs, if it was windows itself causeing the shutdown there should be some info there


You know what that sounds like?

The latest version of SubSeven. A common trojan, that gives you access to infected computers.

Certainly a virus scan is worth it.


I think i may have had this, but it was when i accidentally closed a system file in Task manger

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