Windowed mode for DAOC



As posted on -

"This time however we might be willing to take a chance where we weren’t before. With a fully trained CSR staff and anti-cheating methods that have been expanded and refined over the year, we are willing to listen very carefully to the DAoC community on this issue."

Well.. that would be all good for the fact that here in the European side of the pond there is no visable presence of CSR staff (least none that ive seen).
No doubt the methods that the US side uses are the same here, however will that be enough to insure that the cheaters are weeded out?

Not a flame, just a talking point.


What's the point in a 'Windowed Mode DAoC?' wow... u can run DAoC in a window and minimize it... just log out and do what u want logged out :):p


once more all the people that use DAOx... well I guess it saves them a few k of hard disk space :cool:


Playing in a window has nothing to do with cheating. DAOx is a handy way to multi-task, that's all. Mythic's standpoint on this (like a lot of things) is decidedly amateurish.


For a game that uses up so much time, I think it's ridiculous not to be able to alt+tab. Atm, you either have to forfeit some very important functions of your computer, which is basically fast communication, for upwards of eight hours or more at a time (That is the case if you go to malmo anyway. God knows you log out for 10 minutes and there is a list of 30 people before you already).

Or how about taking horse rides? Some can stretch on for 20 minutes or more, and you can basically do nothing except chat to other players. What do you do late at night? Go afk.

I think windowed mode would increase the amount daoc is played even more, as the ones who are now hesitant to try DAoX will now legitimately be able to play in a window. And it would help ward off boredom and the confining feeling--I get anyway--when playing daoc in full screen.


there's really no reason to be hesitant about using daox, it's entirely undetectable unless goa do some entirely illegal things (ie illegally snooping around your pc's hard disk) and if they did that they'd get sue'd for more than their company's worth in seconds.

basically if your comfortable using daox do so, if not then dont use it, but the people who DO use it will find great benefits in general, the reason why it's not bad is that those benefits dont take place IN game, they're added benefits that have little or nothing to do with daoc itself, and simply allow your pc to be more usable during your game time, you have NO added ingame advantage from running daox, it's not a hack, it's not a cheat, and your not getting one up on your opponents.

at the end it just comes down to a matter of preference, if you dont feel comfortable with it then dont use it, but dont flame others, because their use of it affects your daoc experiance in exactly ZERO ways.

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