LOKI Build Report
Default Configuration:
Build Utility: 812.3
Useable Utility: 787.7
TOA Utility: 289.0
STR:105/100 CON:100/98 DEX:27/80
QUI:58/75 INT:0/75 PIE:0/75
CHA:0/75 EMP:0/75
Body: 21
Cold: 18
Heat: 22+5
Energy: 7
Matter: 11
Spirit: 15
Crush: 30
Slash: 32+2
Thrust: 24+3
Stealth: 11
Critical Strike: 11
Slash: 11
Thrust: 4
Dual Wield: 8
Staff: 4
Style Damage: 8
Melee Damage: 8
Melee Combat Speed: 7
Fatigue: 9
Chest (Guard of Valor ):
Imbue: 17.0
18 Strength
5 Strength Cap Increase
15 Dexterity
5 Dexterity Cap Increase
4 Melee Damage
4 Style Damage
Utility: 22.0
TOA Utility: 60.0
Arms (Inf Epic Sleeves):
Imbue: 27.0
15 Constitution
15 Quickness
3 Critical Strike
7% Slash
5 Constitution Cap Increase
40 Hits Cap Increase
Utility: 49.0
TOA Utility: 20.0
Imbue: 37.5/32 (Quality: 100)
3 Critical Strike
5 Slash
36 Hits
9% Heat
Utility: 67.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
Imbue: 36.5/32 (Quality: 100)
5% Cold
2 Slash
5 Critical Strike
5 Stealth
Utility: 70.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
Imbue: 38.5/32 (Quality: 100)
16 Constitution
5 Dual Wield
16 Quickness
60 Hits
Utility: 61.3
TOA Utility: 0.0
Feet (SoM Boots):
Imbue: 23.0
40 Hits
18 Strength
18 Constitution
7 Strength Cap Increase
7 Constitution Cap Increase
Utility: 34.0
TOA Utility: 28.0
Right Hand (Infiltrator Belial Blade):
Imbue: 23.0
8 Strength Cap Increase
4 ALL melee weapon skills
12 Strength
12 Quickness
4 Style Damage
4 Melee Damage
Utility: 36.0
TOA Utility: 56.0
Left Hand (Malice Axe):
Imbue: 20.0
15 Strength
15 Constitution
40 Hits
5 Strength Cap Increase
5 Constitution Cap Increase
40 Hits Cap Increase
0 Style Damage
5 Fatigue
Utility: 30.0
TOA Utility: 40.0
Neck (Ancient Copper Necklace):
Imbue: 45.0
10% Body
10% Spirit
10% Thrust
10% Crush
Utility: 80.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
Cloak (Shade of Mist):
Imbue: 20.0
3 Stealth
15 Strength
15 Quickness
4 Fatigue
5 Melee Combat Speed
10 AF
Utility: 35.0
TOA Utility: 43.0
Jewel (Eerie Darkness Lightning Stone):
Imbue: 37.0
5% Body
5% Cold
5% Heat
5% Energy
5% Matter
5% Spirit
4% Crush
4% Slash
4% Thrust
Utility: 84.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
Imbue: 25.0
40 Hits
15 Constitution
15 Strength
3 Dual Wield
Utility: 45.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
Left Ring (Ring of Dances):
Imbue: 26.0
3 Stealth
12 Strength
12 Dexterity
5% Crush
5% Slash
10 AF
Utility: 51.0
TOA Utility: 10.0
Right Ring (Krojer's Ring of Constitution):
Imbue: 17.0
21 Constitution
6 Constitution Cap Increase
10 AF
2% Heat
2% Cold
2% Energy
Utility: 26.0
TOA Utility: 22.0
Left Wrist (Bracer of the Torrent):
Imbue: 38.0
11% Crush
10% Slash
10% Thrust
2 Melee Combat Speed
Utility: 62.0
TOA Utility: 10.0
Right Wrist (Ebon Hide Bracer):
Imbue: 30.0
6% Cold
6% Heat
6% Matter
6% Slash
6% Body
Utility: 60.0
TOA Utility: 0.0
This is it, i want to know if i will be able to rvr in it, i don't want to spend too much as i don't have alot of time to farm and i might not like the class or spec.
It looks ok to me, and i like it because it's all pretty easy to get.