Will i be popular?



making a ful rejuv cleric..possibly spec a bit in Enhance towards early 40's... problem is..im starting from lvl 1..eek!! are there any guilds that would look to recruit a future full Rejuvination cleric? i play a hell of a lot so anticipate being 40 by x-mas!! and i RvR VERY regularly..or rather did when i had mi skald!! sniff...

Would any guild take me on? or do you have guilds like snobby midgard who only take you if your 45+....Danish....swedish..etc..etc.. i'd like to be in one guild my entire career for mainly friendship and a bit of witty banter to ease the levelling boredom... any takers are welcome to PM Elewyth in game Albion / Excal as ill be bashing skeletons for the next 1hr to ding 5!!! or leave a note here and ill contact YOU!




full rejuve isnt worth it. go 41 rej rest enh or smite (smite is good for interupts on pb groups)


jus cos u have a rejuv cleric doesnt mean u know how to play one

Hit ^_^

my brother just respeced me 40reju 35enha 9smite >_<


Originally posted by Hit ^_^
my brother just respeced me 40reju 35enha 9smite >_<
But, regardless of your spec, you'll always be gimped! Won't you, Mr IPutPointsInQuicknessAndIntatCreation? :uhoh:



Originally posted by alithiel50
But, regardless of your spec, you'll always be gimped! Won't you, Mr IPutPointsInQuicknessAndIntatCreation? :uhoh:

hehehe ;)


imo for the proper rvr guild gank squads a cleric is better suited to having smite as his secondary line than enhanze, i mean with a few buffbots the grp clerics r only there for base buffs. and smite,although shit, can have its uses in the hands of a experienced cleric.
my cleric will prolly have like 41 rejuv or whatever and rest smite.



Hi elewyth

As you are lvl 1 its clearly lvling spec you are talking about and not final spec.

I would higly recommend going full smite til 20 as there is wery few ppl around up til lvl 20. Whit full smite, or close and rest in enhance you will be a good solo char, and can get to 20 fast, and then respec to a more group friendly cleric.

As for guild I cant help you as I am in a RvR only (mostly) guild (HB).

Have fun and smite some skeletons


Originally posted by samildanachh
imo for the proper rvr guild gank squads a cleric is better suited to having smite as his secondary line than enhanze, i mean with a few buffbots the grp clerics r only there for base buffs. and smite,although shit, can have its uses in the hands of a experienced cleric.
my cleric will prolly have like 41 rejuv or whatever and rest smite.

totally disagree.
alot of clerics are going this way and it makes it damn impossible to do things often.

first - you're not just there for bases. If your group has only one bot - which is often the case - you cannot get close to properly buffing with 3 enhance.
second - resists are still important ! this means you need at least one rejuv/enhan cleric in your group. Unless you have a very very set group where there is already such a cleric, then you shouldn't spec for smite. BF has never managed to have a group that is that set in stone, maybe some others do.
third - smite line offers very little rewards - a good cleric uses smite and stun for inturupting and v minor cc ( you get both in baseline smite), you're not going to hurt anything with 35 smite.

Enhance Line >>>> Smite Line for serious RvR

To answer your original question, most of the "serious" RvR guilds won't take you w/o knowing you better and/or w/o you being at lvl 50.

We don't take people we don't know very well, nothing to do with levels :)

Have fun :)


I agree with Asha tbh

Enhance >>> smite UNLESS u have a SET grp that plays offen, cuz 2 smite clerics in same grp sucks tbh

I play in a set grp ... funney set up tbh but we roxx :)

1 Rej/smite cleric - Heal, stun, AE smite interupting
1 Rej/enhance cleric - Heal ^^
2 * Pbaoe(1 atm since the last gimps isn´t lvl 50 yet with his wiz) - pbaoe/nuke
1 Arms(untill he get his wiz up) - gimp
1 Theugist - Pet em all
1 Cabalist - Disease, Nearsight, DoT :)
1 Mincer - Speed, demezz, interupt, stun near the pbaoe etc
1 Sorc - debuff, mezz, demezz etc

it is a funney grp and we all know each other irl :)


Well i still believe that 9 in smite is great for interuption, u will get your first pbaoe smite. Dont really think u need anymore in smite.

40 in rej 4 the win i think (battlerezz), I dont think u need to go 41 in rej .. due to u will "only" get a Big heal, BUT it cost to much power. (Greater Refection | 549 h | 109 power).

I also believe that other Great spec is 43 rej, 9 smite and the rest in Enh. U will get full single line instant Heal and a Major Refocillation | 396 h | 58 power.

Just imo... :)



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