Wild Arcana (duration effect crit maker RA)...SPECIFICALLY, what are the effects?



i've read the official description etc.. so dont just link that, i'm looking for people who've actually used it, because mythics official descritpion and what soemthing actually does are usuall seperate entities :p, now i know already that it makes debuffs, dots etc... ie "duration" effects, critable at 5% per level of the ability, but more to the point WHAT do the crits do? each debuff seems to have different effects on it's crit due to the nature of what they are, DD crits are just more damage regardless of the spell, since all DD's are damage spells, yet debuffs do all sorts of different things, eg:

SNARE DD: on this spell (my primary DD) there is a 40% snare effect for 30 seconds each time you cast it (as well as the DD of course), now when i get a wild arcana crit on this it says "your snare is doubly effective", i can see the difference when the mob/player gets an 80% snare effect straight away :), it CRAWLS when a wild arcana crits this one (does the same damage of course, it's not critting the actual DD), however, does it now last for 60 seconds aswell??????

RANGED AOE DISEASE: got a wild arcana crit with this on a keep raid last night, on one person that got caught by it, it printed "you critical hit for an extra 28 points!" now i'm curious, what exactly IS an extra 28 points of aoe disease? an extra 28 seconds duration? 28% more effective snare and str reduction? eh? what exaclty?!

same with aoe str/con debuff, what effect would it have? more duration? more debuff? both?

i just wish mythic would actually document their patch additions properly :p, would be nice to actually know the effects of what your actually purchasing with ability/skill points.

origonally i wasn't gonna bother with wild arcana, but seeing how much i crit with debuffs even with WA1 i think i'll take it to level 2, after getting wild power 2 and MoM 2 afterall :p (wasnt gonna get MoM either, but i think casters are soon gonna need all the damage they can get once the magic resistances rocket through the roof with spell crafting etc...).


For debuffs, I am sure it debuffs for more.

So if you crit with a -46str debuff for an additional 14 points you have debuffed someone else for -60 str.


you forgot DoTs, I like WA2 :)

what I really like is when it tells you that you critted BEFORE telling you the target resisted the effect :twak:


didnt forget them :p, just didnt mention them since i have none :D

was more interested in debuffs, but yes, for those who dont know, dots register as "duration based effects" and are effected by wild arcana :)


The duration on the spells is not affected by WA, only the effect itself.
Debuffs = debuffs more
Snares = snares more(not longer duration)
Disease= str debuffs more, snares more etc.

The 28 points I don't know what is, perhaps 28 more str debuffed and 28% more snare? Would probably be capped when it gets to the borderline value at 100(%).

Try to send an email to sanya@mythicentertainment.com and ask.


dot... hits for more damage... lots more sometimes. :D


Originally posted by Tranquil-
Try to send an email to sanya@mythicentertainment.com and ask.


I'll say no more than that :), because the second i trust sanya is the second i believe that they removed the 10th of a second read out on archery drawtimes because it was a dev tool only and wasnt removed because they radically increased drawtimes and didnt like it when people could see this and got narced :p


Originally posted by Danyan
dot... hits for more damage... lots more sometimes. :D

god knows it needs too :), poncy little things, only hit for a total basedamage of a mere 522, bloody gimps :p


Well a decent crit on my level 41 dot gives 250/tick... that's pretty good damage for 26 power. :D


ouch, 1500 damage is enough to mess up quite a few classes :p


Most people have resists. I have never managed more than 185/tick on a player. :p
That's still 1100 damage if not purged / cured though.

Roo Stercogburn

Before I got wild arcana for my shammy, I'd crit once in a blue moon with DoT and Disease but since getting it I crit quite a lot.

The effectiveness of the crit (damage/debuff/whatever) doesn't seem to change from prior to having the ability, but the frequency of the crits appearing noticably increases.

Unless someone knows different.


Originally posted by PJS
you forgot DoTs, I like WA2 :)

what I really like is when it tells you that you critted BEFORE telling you the target resisted the effect :twak:

Even better than that must be when you have a DoT on a mob and it dies, and you get the message:

Mob XXXX looks healthy again :)


hehe :)

double dots from my matter sorc in the BG are amusing :)

dot, dot

Bloke runs away.

Casu yells, "You're already dead!"
(can't resist it ... Fist of the North star was such a terrible cheesy bit of manga I have to quote)

Bloke keels over dead.


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Before I got wild arcana for my shammy, I'd crit once in a blue moon with DoT and Disease but since getting it I crit quite a lot.

The effectiveness of the crit (damage/debuff/whatever) doesn't seem to change from prior to having the ability, but the frequency of the crits appearing noticably increases.

Unless someone knows different.
I know different...
Without WA you don't crit dots. Unlike DDs which have a 10% chance to crit (for robed casters, 0% for everyone else), dots and other duration effects have a 0% chance to crit. So without WA you cannot crit at all. I certainly never ever critted a dot till I got WA.


well i got WA II,

crits, seems to come in groups, I'll get 5 crits in 10 spells then 2 hours none.

Debufs : verry nice get over +20 on my debuff getting the total close to -70 ~ -80

DoT's : dmg gets to 120~150 per tick, my base is about 97
, dunno what exactly that does
Disease : you just get the message, the disease is extra effective

Snarse : dont have any, so i couldnt tell ya

Overall i realy think its good value to get it at lvl II


I'm going for WA4, I save points by not needing serenity though. :)


before i bothered checking out the ra's we got in the patch i never even considered debuffs being crittable, never heared of it, or dots for that matter.

after respec my snare DD never critted once, nor any of my aoe debuffs, after wild arcana if i hit plenty of people with an aoe debuffi can expect usualy 2 or 3 crits per cast (hitting about 10 people here)

snare DD critted the same night i got WA1, it's pretty useless generally though because the next DD you use just resnare's them anyway with a non crit snare, but is nice to see :D, and you could have fun in rvr crit snaring tanks and laughing as they crawl to you only get aoe str/con debuffed on top of it and enjoy the fun of an unbreakable permaroot :D


Btw does Mastery of the Arcane increase dot and debuff effectiveness aswell ?
I know it says increase the effectiveness of your "buff" spells
But was just wondering that since there is the Mastery of the Art/Mastery of Magery combo if there was the same thing for dot's ect (damn that would rock )


No, it's just for buffs. :p

Also charonel, you'd have to have a tank carrying a lot of surplus gear to get encumbered by a str/con debuff, maybe if they had a ram on them or something. :p


Originally posted by old.Charonel


I'll say no more than that :), because the second i trust sanya is the second i believe that they removed the 10th of a second read out on archery drawtimes because it was a dev tool only and wasnt removed because they radically increased drawtimes and didnt like it when people could see this and got narced :p

Weeell.. To ask about a nerf is different from asking what an ability does. It's different things, what would the reason be to not trust her what an ability does? Oh well... I'm not going to force you, was just trying to help.


Does a theurgist pet count as "a duration based attack"?


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Before I got wild arcana for my shammy, I'd crit once in a blue moon with DoT and Disease but since getting it I crit quite a lot.

The effectiveness of the crit (damage/debuff/whatever) doesn't seem to change from prior to having the ability, but the frequency of the crits appearing noticably increases.

Unless someone knows different.

DoTs, debuffs etc. have no base chance to crit. Only bolts / DDs do.


Originally posted by deffy
Does a theurgist pet count as "a duration based attack"?

No it doesn't, since their damage type is not duration based :)

Roo Stercogburn

Have had RA for quite a while, but thought I had got crits before.

Maybe its my faulty memory then. No, not the PC.

I'll bow to the more experienced :)


what about the snare on the Ice pets nuke? will that have a chance to doubly snare like my dd? (I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel here aren't I? :/)


at a guess i'd say no, i'm just taking this from the enchanter ra's, who have seperate ra's for making damage spell crit on the chanter than they do for making pet nukes crit.

if you theurgists get any seperate one for pet's then i'd say buy it, since if you could get crits on the stun pet's (double duration stuns) then sending five pet's out would be SCARY :D

but if you dont get those ra's i'd say your stuck with the normal one's, since THEY'RE casting and not you, could be wrong however :)


Basically, critical just means it does more than it normally does. Theuregest pets cant critical. Wild Arcana only works for DOTs, Snares, Disease, and Debuffs. I have tested all these out with my friends:
DOT: Does more damage per tick. Sometimes it says it criticals, then right after that says it was resisted. Its a bug.
Disease: Diseased player is healed for a smaller amount. Moves slower. Stat is decreased more.
Snare: Moves slower.
Debuffs: Stat is decreased more.
I havent tried the RA with any of the SI chars, however.


that's kinda what i thought would happen...still want to know how it works out the effect of 28points of aoe disease though, because i fancy some way of knowing just how much less they get healed etc... is 28 a % increase????

if i was using a str/con debuff then sure i'd expect it to be an extra 28str knocked off etc... but without knowing what the 28 points actually mean in real terms there'd be no way of knowing what i actually had happen with the crit.

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