Wii hacked it! running un signed code which means thigs like xbmc are possible :clap:
Yaka Part of the furniture Joined Dec 22, 2003 Messages 4,421 Jan 30, 2008 #1 Wii hacked it! running un signed code which means thigs like xbmc are possible
cHodAX I am a FH squatter Joined Jan 7, 2004 Messages 19,742 Jan 30, 2008 #2 Quality peice of hacking that.
Yaka Part of the furniture Joined Dec 22, 2003 Messages 4,421 Jan 31, 2008 Thread starter #3 the guys a reputation for it, he did the GC stuff and released it t the public he also did the X360 but didt know release it and talked/made a deal with ms
the guys a reputation for it, he did the GC stuff and released it t the public he also did the X360 but didt know release it and talked/made a deal with ms