Wierd Effect After Q3 ......



right folks i have noticed something strange, that only happens when i have been on Q3, so lets c if u can help (please)

my internet connection seams to still be in use AFTER i have left the server that i was palying on

if i bring up the connection status icon, there is still quite a bit on data going both ways (all apps closed btw) ?

is there a way to find what this is and has anyone else noticed it ?



I've noticed this, and it occasionally happened with QW as well (usually when i disconnected because of a bad connect)


Open a MSDOS prompt and type netstat -a
This should give you some idea what or who you are connected with.


Is that all?

I've noticed all sorts of things after playing Q3A. The net code seems seriously screwed at the moment, with my machine trying to open pop3 connections to itself (I'm using a firewall now, so I know) after almost every game of Q3A, as well as intermittent bursts of data to the auth server up to 5-10 minutes after the game is over.

It also in my opinion is an LPBs dream. Most of my deaths I never even know what hit me without pulling down the console to have a look. With Q2, I at least stood a bit of a chance when my ping went up to 200-250, on Q3A, I'm finding that any busy server gives me similar pings and impossible gameplay while giving me the illusion that I have a better connection through OTT prediction. Yes I have applied all the tweaks known to man at this point in time to improve things, but to no avail.

We've all had at one point or another the times when you can SEE you're hitting somebody dead on, but they don't die. This is easily at least twice as bad in Q3A as Q2. Continuous hits with rockets, plasma, lightning, achieve no hit sounds, while a rocket 30-45 degrees in either direction away from the target results in a 50-50 chance of a hit.

That is not enjoyable for me, as skill then has little to do with the result. Roll on cable and a once again reasonable game...


I have security software running and it always reports a probe from monster.idsoftware.com directly after I exit Q3A online.

Fortunately my software also closes off this probe so it goes no further, but I would guess that id are interrogating your machine

Paranoid ? You should be :0



it only happens when u type
while u are connected to a server
changed me bind from
"say bye; quit"
"say bye; dissconnect; wait 75; wait 75; quit"

and i havent had the problem since, i guess they are not closing the sock properly before exiting q3


Well it is a known fact that ID Do obtain information about your system, i.e what graphics card u have, CPU, memory etc.

they say that as far as it goes and not as someone claimed looked for porn and other stuff.

Maybe its doing this at the end of game playing on the Inet. Which in a way is good, because id hate it if it decided to send it half way thru a map/match!

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